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"Okay, collect as much firewood as you can. Team up into 4's, the group with the most gets dinner in the local restaurant! The rest get barbecue around the campfire tonight!" One of the trip organizers yelled, stood upon the stub of an oak tree as we all gathered around. I grabbed a bag from the pile in the middle and scanned around the circle to see who we could team with, who is good at this type of shit?

Chandler and Cameron? No.
Kevin and Haknyeon? No.

Juyeon and Eric. Perfect. I dragged Y/N by her arm over to the pair, Juyeon was a jock back in high school - quarterback on the football team, he once threw someone into a locker even with a broken arm. Eric on the other hand, boy scout in elementary, he knew exactly where to find anything in the woods - the insect nerd.
"You're pairing with us." I announced to them as they just looked at each other and shrugged simultaneously.
"Okay you all seem to be paired up. If you're ready, in 3,2,1-" The organizer blew the whistle slung around his neck, everyone scattering on the blow.

"Nerd, use your brain, where are we gonna find the most firewood?" I turned to Eric as he held his hand over his chest in offense.
"You know, I'm not going to tell you." He sulked, stamping his foot childishly in protest.
"Tell us, or I'll beat you to a pulp. I want food." Juyeon butted in, cracking his knuckles as I smirked back at Eric.

"Okay okay, so you're looking for conifers, oak and hard maple. They split the easiest and there will be the most loose wood around them. Usually they're beside rivers, or the outskirts of woodland because they're more appealing on the eye." He explained lowly in depth so the other groups nearby couldn't hear.
"Go that way. There's tons of trees over there, there's a river stream nearby and it's close to where the woodland ends" Y/N pointed behind us looking at the team map, we all ran simultaneously - Juyeon and Y/N racing ahead. Damn she could run fast. I gotta cut down on the cigarettes.

They led us to an area with a bunch of fallen wood, it was perfect - the best thing was, no one else was around. I dumped the bag in the middle and began gathering pieces that could be burnt. Everyone was searching the leaves, dumping the spare twigs into the bag and picking up more.

I strolled up beside Y/N, watching her struggle with large branch. I picked it up, the heavy weight causing me to grunt slightly as I slung it over my shoulder.
"I didn't know you could run that fast." I chuckled as she returned the giggle, collecting a few more twigs in between her fingers.
"Yeah, I ran track for the school team in high school." She replied, smiling softly and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Oh that's cool, I ran from police in high school." I returned sarcastically as she cackled in reply - her hair flipping back as her smile dazzled in the light.
"I appreciate you're getting close to a girl Sunwoo, but I'm serious about my food." Juyeon came up from behind me, patting me on the shoulder in annoyance.

I huffed, dumping the oak in to the bag and shuffling  it.
"We've definitely got the most wood, there's no way anyone found more." Eric smiled proudly as the bag was full to the brim, loose twigs poking out the sides of the frayed hemming.
"How are we gonna carry all of this back?" Juyeon asked, his hands on his sides, looking down at the bag in wonder.
"That's why we brought you big guy." I gripped his shoulder, patting his back sarcastically as his eyes widened.

"What do you think I am? The trojan horse?" He burst out with a laugh, his gaze flashing between me and the bag.
"I was looking more along the lines of a failed football star with the stamina of a mountain lion?" I smiled cunningly, as his gaze became aggravated - his tongue poking out the side of his cheek in annoyance.

"You know, the football comment is always out of line." Eric whispered lowly as Juyeon picked up the bag in anger - wincing at the shear mass of it but carrying it anyway.
"The guy's like incredible hulk - you gotta make him angry for it to work my friend." I elbowed him as he stood there in shock, trailing after him as we made our way back through the woods.

Arriving back in the center, the organizer blew the whistle again - all the groups gathering back around exhaustedly with their bags of firewood. Juyeon dumped our bag down, dusting his hands off and grunting in tiredness. I patted him on the back with a sly smirk as he glared at me - knowing it was all apart of my plan.

Inspecting all of the bags, it didn't take long for the organizers to choose out the winner of the firewood collection. Talking amongst themselves and glancing towards our bag which was far more full than the rest of the half empty and weak stick collections the other groups had gathered.

"Okay campers, we have a winner." One of the college professors stood upon the oak platform as all the groups stepped towards - anticipating the announcement. "The winner is Sunwoo Kim's group, you guys get dinner at the restaurant tonight. The rest, Professor Smith's corn on the cob special is up for grabs for you lucky people." He announced as the remainder of the groups groaned in annoyance - sending us obvious glares and kicking their wood bags harshly.

Smiling as Y/N wrapped her arms around me, across the crowd - Jacob and Ashley looked at us suspiciously. Jacob shot a look between us two, I knew that gaze - it was more of a are you two together? than anything malicious. I shook my head as he just nodded, telling Ashley what I'd said before they turned away. Ashley was quick to turn back around, walking over to us quickly - slipping out of her group with Jacob, Kevin and Haknyeon.

"Y/N! Congratulations." She smiled, as Y/N turned around hesitantly to greet her. I once used to judge Y/N for being so tolerant with Ashley, however it was clear to see why she was so hard to be angry with. Y/N softened up and hugged Ashley, I left the two alone as they spoke, allowing them to make peace amongst each other.

I lit a cigarette between my lips, lending Juyeon the lighter as we stood out of the group. Y/N smiled as she reconciled with Ashley - that familiar warm and genuine smile. Peach blush dusting her cheeks where a few freckles dotted her complexion neatly. I smiled to myself, exhaling the smoke from my lips and leaning against the low fence behind me.
"You're making yourself obvious." Juyeon looked between Y/N and I shaking his head. I elbowed him jokingly, as he smirked to himself in small amusement.



don't ask about my knowledge on trees.. this is based on an actual field trip i was taken on a few years back.. ♡︎

anyways sunwoo sexc brain <\3 that's the note thank u

hope you're doing well always and that your week hasn't been too difficult on you..♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

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