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"Okay class! Huddle, we've got a careers day today and I need you to be on your best behavior for our visitors today!" A blow of a whistle from their gym coach, sent all the kids running to their seats. I anxiously entered the classroom, my heels clicking loudly across the granite flooring.

"Yes Coach." All of them replied in unison their teenage faces lighting up with glee as I approached the front of the classroom with a shy smile.

"Hi class so today I'm here to tell you a little about my job.." I began telling the classroom about my line of work, from my college degree to how I got to where I am now. The kids giggled amongst each other in boyish chuckles, a low mutter erupted as I began speaking.

"Everyone shutup, my Mom's talking." A booming yet familiar voice echoed from the back of the classroom. Giggling as the class quickly silenced themselves at the boy sat at the back. Almost exactly like his Father, the same attitude, the same posture and intimidating as ever.

Drawing my presentation to a close, a small applause  responded from the class before they were dismissed.
"Thanks kiddo." I ruffled my sons hair as he walked past with his little clique.
"Don't embarrass me Mom." He threw my arm off him in a teen-like strop as I laughed evilly.
"Stay out of trouble." I warned him whilst he was approaching the door frame.
"I will, I'm not dad." He rolled his eyes before swinging himself on to the corridor to meet his friends.

"He'll grow out of it." My son's football coach helped me with my things, folding my documents into my work bag.
"You never did, Juyeon Lee." I flicked his forehead lightly, as he laughed in a gleeful chuckle. Picking up all of my things and clearing the desk in front and swinging by the door frame.
"I'll see you soon Mrs Kim." He chuckled a last time from the classroom as I made my way out.
"Likewise, Coach Lee." I smiled, making my way through the now cleared hallways.

Exiting the high school, I bumped shoulders with someone accidentally. Glancing up, it was a county sheriff on his way inside the school with his notepad out and radio blaring a crippling static from its speaker.
"What ya investigating now?" I laughed at the man beside me, looking up from his notes with a smile.
"Seems to be a kid just like the one you married." He laughed sarcastically, ruffling my hair with a joking sarcasm.
"I'm done with your jokes Hyunjae Lee." I rolled my eyes with a scoff, continuing to make my way off the premises.
"You love me really Y/N Kim!" He yelled, I shook my head in annoyance, yanking open my car door with a exaggerated pull.

"Took you long enough, I'm gonna be so late." A male voice complained from the passenger seat, my husband sat beside me rolling his eyes.
"Carry on complaining and I'll purposefully drive under the speed limit." I retorted as he chuckled endearingly - that's how all of our arguments went down really, there was no hostility that could last between us both, without it ending with a joke.
"How's our lovely child?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm draining from his voice, tapping my knee as I drove out the school lot.
"As similar to you as ever." I rolled my eyes, keeping them on the road ahead as the man beside me smiled.
"He has your smile." He commented, thinking off into the distance contently.
"Yeah and your attitude." I scoffed, watching him snicker to himself in the reflection of the window beside him.

Driving off the highway, I pulled up outside his work building, the black tinted glass reaching the top of the skyscraper magnificently.
"Have a good day at work Sunwoo." I pecked his lips before he began speaking again.
"Your lovely, devoted, handsome-" He began listing his egotistical names for himself, like he did when he was young - yes he never dropped the ego with age.
"Get to work, your poor employees are probably wandering around like lost chickens." I shooed him out of the car, as he stole another sweet kiss from my lips and uttered a final goodbye before leaving the vehicle.

There he was CEO Kim. Running his own company and bringing in millions for the family. Clingy as ever, waving to me once again before disappearing into the building childishly.

"Thank god you're here." A sigh alarmed me as the car door opened beside me. I soon settled when I saw who slid into the car, his features as jovial as ever as he fell beside me.
"Don't you have patients to be looking after?" I asked the man beside me as I pushed the wind mirror back up with a snap.
"You got here just in time for my shift to finish." He smirked, clipping his seatbelt in as my eyes rolled. Slipping off his nurses tunic, he leant back in the car seat with a sigh.
"Eric Sohn, you're so annoying." I huffed in annoyance and began driving him home.
"You're gonna love me, dinner at JuHak's for free on me." He smirked cockily as I almost died from laughter.
"I also get free food at Hak's, I'm not your female colleagues." I sneered as he chuckled along with a gasp of realization.
"Whatever we're all meeting there at 7 sharp anyway." Eric chuckled as we reached his driveway, he opened the car door with a swift click.
"Like we do every week." I replied as we both giggled, getting out so I could pull off the driveway and go home myself.

Some friends, you really do keep for life.


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