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Shit. Shit. Shit. Hurtling back to the cabin site, Y/N and I made it back - heavily out of breath but pushing through until we arrived at cabin 24. Swinging open the door, the entire group was already in the cabin gathered around one of the beds.

Eric laid there, seemingly asleep to the naked eye, however the argument across the bed told me something far worse had just occurred.

"I don't believe you haven't give him some sus shit you drug pusher, you're a fucking liar." Juyeon yelled at the loudest volume I'd ever heard leave his lips - shouting across the bed at Hyunjae who retorted rather quickly.
"I haven't given him anything he's taken something on his own accord." He replied, spitting the words past his lips in animosity.
"Oh yeah? Then why has he ended up like this after being with you?!" Juyeon was growing increasingly agitated, diffusing his anger in an exaggerated chuckle.

"What the fuck happened? The truth." I snapped aggressively, causing everyone to whip their heads around to where I was stood. "I don't want to hear it from any of you two." I added pointing between Hyunjae and Juyeon.
"We were eating at the campfire with everyone else, Juyeon's right in the fact Eric and Hyunjae went to the bathroom together during it. They came back and we walked back to our cabins because it was pretty dead. Juyeon called me straight away, saying Eric collapsed and he thinks he's having a seizure. I came over straight away, laid him on his side in hopes he would stop. He did eventually, by then everyone was here. That's all any of us know." Jacob explained as I panicked slightly at the obscurity of the situation.

"You swear you haven't give him any suspicious shit you have?" I threatened Hyunjae first before heading over Eric in concern.
"I swear." He looked at me with a genuine cluelessness, I'd known Hyunjae for long enough to know it wasn't a lie.

Rummaging Eric's pockets, I yanked out his cigarettes, a lighter, his phone, anything I could find. Finally, slipping into the back pocket of his jeans I pulled out a clear plastic zip bag - white residue dusting the insides. The others questions were clueless, where'd he get it from? why's he taken it on his one?
"Shit." I cursed myself out, he'd taken the one recreational the doctor told him under all circumstances not to mix on his medication.
"He did a line and had a seizure?" Hyunjae grabbed that bag from me in confusion, his brows knitting together in confusion - the others just as confused as him.

Quickly digging out Eric's bag for his meds, they weren't in there - he hadn't packed them.
"Do we need to call an ambulance?" Ashley asked as we all looked between each other.
"No." I answered trying to find them in any side pockets.
"Why?" A question projected around the room, as I groaned in defeat - he really can't of packed them.
Looking up at the others awaiting my answer, I glanced at Y/N, I can't tell them - I can't tell her, she'll hate me forever.

Exhaling with a quiver,  I stood up straight from where I was crouched beside the bed.
"Because it's my bag, I can't afford to get arrested again." I answered, watching silence fall upon the room afterwards. Y/N was shocked, her eyes falling into saddened doe orbs as we locked gazes.
"I thought you quit." Juyeon had calmed down, looking towards me with disappointment.
"I swear I haven't taken it since the night I got detained." I replied as he nodded almost as if he didn't believe me.
"Then how'd he get his hands on it? You sick fuck, you haven't changed. I bet there was more in that than coke." Hyunjae spat out at me, no one saying a word as if they were silently agreeing with everything he said.

"Oh lay off Hyunjae, not everyone's minds work like yours does." Y/N chimed in, walking towards the night stand and tearing open the draw.
"Are you just gonna let your girlfriend defend you?" Hyunjae chuckled, pointing towards her in spite.
"I'm not his girlfriend and even if I was, he'd always be better than your low-life drug use and attitudinal issues. So quit trying to play moral compass and but out." She whipped her head around, everyone was shocked to hear something like that leave Y/N's lips. Hyunjae shut his mouth after that, folding his arms in a slight embarrassment as the rest remained silent .

"Found them." Y/N yanked out a white box of meds, throwing them to me with a sigh.
"What are they?" Kevin asked with his brows furrowed, wondering what everyone else was. Y/N glanced up at me, nodding to tell them.
"Antidepressants, he's not meant to mix anything with them - cocaine especially." I huffed out coming clean to the boys around me.
"You're telling us this now?" Changmin asked from back of the group, the rest all still having the same questions.
"He's never let me tell you. You know what he's like, he said he won't do anything stupid, I just had to trust him." I replied trying to wake him up, unfortunately the kid slept like a fucking power sloth.
"He has a point guys, he wouldn't let any of us tell anyone if something happened." Juyeon defended my argument, everyone nodding along before his eyes began to open.

Holding his head he sat up, confused to why everyone was standing around the bed in worry.
"My head hurts." Was all he said before laying his head back against the headboard.
"I know." I sighed before handing him his meds and a glass of water beside his bed.

"Everyone leave apart from Juyeon." I announced, watching everyone hesitate before leaving the cabin knowing he'd be overwhelmed.
Y/N went to follow Ashley out, but I grabbed her hand pulling her back. Giving Ashley a quick nod, she left with a small smile as the door closed behind her.

"What happened?" Eric groaned downing his meds and the glass of water in one large unruly gulp.
I held up the empty bag, meeting his eyes in judgement.
"I'm sorry." He croaked, his voice as small as ever - his eyes glistening in remorse.
"It's fine. Just stop doing this, I'm gonna have to do something one day and you know that." I sighed closing the conversation, my hands were shaking still - that didn't go unnoticed by Y/N who held the right one in both of her hands by my side.

Talking with Eric for a while, we'd put the world to right overnight. The 4 of us talking about completely nothing at one point and most importantly knowing Eric was safe.



there's a lot of moral questions i could bring up in this chapter.. is hyunjae right in some ways? is sunwoo selfish? is eric the one we should be worrying about?..

aside from that.. i hope your week closes with happiness and that you're content as of now.. ♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

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