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4 a.m blew a chilling breeze through the dark night as it was soon to become daylight in a matter of hours. Juyeon saw Sunwoo and I out from the cabin - Eric already sound asleep in his bed contently.
"Okay give him those in the morning. Make sure he drinks the entire glass, if he doesn't, I give you rights to beat him up." Sunwoo instructed Juyeon about the medication, handing him the silver packet hastily.
"Noted. I'm sorry again, I didn't realize how I'd been acting I-." Juyeon began, running his hand threw his hair in a stressed swipe before I cut him off.
"It's okay Juyeon, you've already explained. You don't need to worry, we understand." I smiled at him as he stifled a small nod and leant back against the doorway.

Smoking a cigarette out on the porch, I turned back to him one last time - another small nod and genuine smile coming from the boy as he blew the smoke past his lips. I smiled back, gripping Sunwoo's arm. He walked back to our cabin across the site. My legs couldn't get used to wearing heels - the aching pain was almost unbearable by the time we made it back.

A singular porch light was the only light in the area - the silhouette of Juyeon disappearing back inside as it blackened. I collapsed on to my bed, my back springing upwards as neither of us bothered to turn the main light on. Sunwoo locked the front door, the latch turning with a muted click and the keys jingling chaotically.

"Are you sleeping in that?" He asked, meaning the restraining dress I wore - glued to my body beneath the large hoodie.
"It hurts to get up." I groaned, curling up in to my pillow and restlessly trying to fall asleep.
In the darkness, I saw him pass a small nod embellishing it with a low hum as my eyes fluttered shut.

Just as slumber was about to completely submerge me, the nightstand lamp flickered on causing my eyes to fix open again.
"You're not sleeping in that." Sunwoo announced bluntly, causing me to turn to him in annoyance.
Holy Crap my christian eyeballs, his shirtless attire exposed the tattoos on his toned chest. Apart of me wanted to look away to avoid fueling the boys ego, however I was glued - admiring the contrast between his caramel skin and the cotton of the bed sheets around him.

"Can I?" He got up and asked lifting the bed covers slightly. I nodded as he began to unzip the hoodie around me - a strange tension falling upon us, ignoring it until he pulled the material from my arms, gently trailing his hands across my skin. My breath quivered as he brought his head over my shoulder to catch the material.
"Get me a shirt, I'll do the rest." I quickly diffused the situation, seeing where it was going as it heightened.

Nodding with a small smile, he picked a sweater from my case and passed me it over - climbing back into the sheets of his bed and faced away. I slipped off my dress and threw the sweater over my head. Swiftly switching off the nightstand lamp, falling asleep after that interaction proved difficult for the both of us.

There was no sign of deep sleep breathing or small snores in the room - instead a crippling tension that ate away at the both of us in a yearning aura that simmered for longer than it should've.
"Sunwoo." I whispered as he hummed almost immediately, "I can't sleep."
"I can't either." He replied shifting slightly as the covers screeched in a vast slide.

With a new found burst of energy, I got up from my bed, tiptoeing across the wooden floorboards that hit my feet cooly. Standing beside his bed, he shuffled over and lifted the covers for me to get inside. I slid beside him as he wrapped his arms around me immediately. Close up, I could see him clearly despite it being dark, the barely noticeable glint of moonlight outside providing just enough luminance to see his features. Glistening doe eyes, full cherry lips, dark and pigmented eyebrows that furrowed in concentration as he studied my features.

"I'm proud of you, you know?"He broke the silence first, bringing his hand to my own and lacing them together prettily.
"What for?" I chuckled faintly at the randomness of the comment.
"Defending yourself earlier, you completely humiliated Hyunjae." He shared the chuckle, his teeth showing heartily.
"That doesn't sound like a good thing." I shook my head shyly.
"When it comes to him it is, he has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met. He needs putting in his place sometimes, he was out of line." He replied, tilting my head back towards him and tracing my jawline sweetly. A tranquil moment of silence fell upon us again, this time I was the one who closed the gap between us and filled the tension.

Moving his lips into my own, he took over completely - fluctuating between gentle and harsh levels of pressure and holding me like I was the most delicate piece of glass. He flipped over so that he hovered over my frame. I smiled slightly as his hands traced over every feature with fragile shadows. Landing on my waist, gripping them tightly and deepening the kiss between us. Afterwards, things only escalated - there wasn't much point in wearing a sweater to begin with - not according to Sunwoo's plan anyway.

As strong as ever the familiarity of old spice, cigarette smoke, coffee grounds and the homely scent that never really goes away returned. Intoxicating everything in my system, there was something exhilarating about Sunwoo Kim - the adrenaline rush of his reputation being the total opposite of his soft and fragile persona. The way he poured out his entire soul into everything he did - the way his lips moved over my frame as if he was admiring artwork. Things never felt rushed with him, he relied on time to sculpt his experiences - letting things happen rather than forcing them too.

Tonight I realized: I was in love with Sunwoo Kim and I had no idea whether or not he felt the same. But with everything he showed me, gave to me, the way he poured out passion in cascades - I could only hope he did.



i love bringing back little symbols from last chapters in my writing.. i don't know if anyone's noticed that yet but it satisfies me at least tehe.. ♡︎

i really need to sleep and acc be a functional member of society tmrw.. so i hope you all have a lovely weekend to cut this one short.. ♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

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