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Hyunjae and I were busy picking grass and putting our worlds to right. It turns out he actually did feel sorry, for what he'd put me through when we first hung out. It was like talking to one of those life-long friends, you know the ones who you never really truly go away.

"Truce?" He raised a brow sticking up his pinky finger in front of me.
"Truce." I linked his pinky, shaking it in a childish promise that we'd never argue or pull anything again.

A low siren swept into the area, the officers approaching us presently were the same ones on duty last night - a thin and feeble sheriff with his shorter and older companion - making their way over to the campsite in a slow stroll.
Professor Smith dashed out frantically with a panicked expression glued to her face and her fluffy night gown tightly tied around her feeble frame.
"What's going on?" She gasped as the police officers narrowed in closer.
"Sunwoo's innocent." Hyunjae replied just before the officers began to address us, leaving her with no time to ask more.
"Are you Y/N L/N?" He asked stepping on to the grassland where Hyunjae and I had perched.
"Yes." I answered to them nodding and turning off their radios that were rattling an underlying static.
"Can you bring us to Ashley Harrison?" He then added, I took a deep breath with a nod. Across the cabin lot, people were yet to wake up and those who did were the ones Hyunjae had called. Eric running over with Juyeon across the site to meet us. Well I'm pretty sure Eric was racing Juyeon here.

In front of their cabin, the police officer dotted a heavy knock upon the mahogany wood, the splinter echoing loudly. Ashley opened the door, stepping outside as Jacob sat with his case all packed and his head in his hands on the bed.
"Miss Ashley Harrison, you're under arrest for possession of narcotics, defamation and disrupting the course of justice. You have the right to remain silent." The officer then told Ashley her rights, for some reason she wasn't cuffed, instead she obliged and walked with the officers.

Stepping inside I approached Jacob, kneeling down in front of where he sat on the bed to talk to him.
"Jacob." I tapped his knee gently, looking up at me he gave me a short smile, "Come on, let's go." I grabbed his hand and walked out of the cabin with him. He seemed completely torn apart. I had no idea what the both of them had talked about in the last hour but seeing Jacob so shaken up, that proved it couldn't of been good.

Our group followed them to the car lot, watching as she was escorted into the back of one of their cars. The slender built officer approached his own vehicle, unlocking the back door with a snap of his keys.
"You're free to go kid." He grumbled as all of us anticipated Sunwoo's appearance from the back of the tinted glass. Stepping out, his wavy hair fell over his forehead in thick locks, his tanned skin lighting up in the day light. Unlocking the cuffs from behind his back, the officer set Sunwoo free and back to the camp site. Walking back his lips curled into a small smile, the group hollering at him boyishly.

I locked eyes with him momentarily, he swept me up into his arms as I embraced him tightly. Ruffling his hair the other boys greeted him shortly.
"Ashley did it?" He asked in a surprised tone, looking over to where she sat in the back of the police car.
"Turns out, yeah. If it wasn't for Hyunjae, I would never of figured it out." I smiled bittersweetly, peering over at Hyunjae as he shook his head.
"No, no it was a joint effort. Y/N is really smart, I just like drugs." He chuckled denying the commendation and smiling shyly.
"Yeah we knew that one." Juyeon added with an ignorant grin, his eyes creased in a sarcastic gaze.
"You and him worked together on something?" Sunwoo laughed in genuine disbelief, the others also shocked to hear that it was a joint effort.
"Yeah, Hyunjae is a lot smarter than you all think he is. If only he used his brain more often instead of stuffing it with chemicals." I teased him as the other laughed along, Hyunjae giving me a joking glare and rolling his eyes with a giggle.

After catching up on what happened overnight, the group split up, Sunwoo and I returning to our cabin at last. Falling on to his bed tiredly, he stared up at the ceiling in deep thought.
"She did it because she was jealous of you and had a crush on me?" He asked to himself almost, his eyes squinting into a clearly confused daydream as he thought aloud.
"That's what she said anyways." I rolled my eyes, locking the cabin door to keep out all unwanted Haknyeon's in search of mountain dew.

Sunwoo sat up as I strolled over to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping my legs around his waist. He smirked, snaking his arms around my frame and keeling me upright.
"Are you okay though?" I booped his nose, causing him to giggle softly as his hands wandered from my sides to the back of my waist.
"It was tough, but now I'm back with you I couldn't be better." He smiled, titling my chin with his elongated fingers and placing a kiss on them. I cupped his face, one hand on the side of his neck, the other on his cheek. About to pull away, he only yanked me back, slowly pulling me on top of him as he laid back down on the bed with my legs either side of him.
"You know how I've never fully asked you to be mine?" He finally pulled his head away and rested his forehead against mine with a deep breath.
"Yeah.." I answered him quietly hopefully knowing where this was going.
"Will you?" He asked again, my heart fluttering at the question as he held on to one of my thighs, the other still on my face.

That familiar electric feeling returned in a warm surge, it was something about the faint scent of old spice, coffee grounds, cigarette smoke and his homely smell that always brought back the same awareness that I was alive and in his arms. Nervously anticipating my answer, he began curling strands of my hair around his finger, his hand tattoo getting lost in my hair momentarily.

"Of course I will, Sunwoo." I sealed our lips again with a giggle as he flipped me back over so that he was hovered above me again.
"I love you." I smiled up at him as he seemed slightly taken aback by it, that worried me. However it soon softened into a a grin that lit up his cheeks ear to ear, a diminutive shade of pale pink dusting his cheeks.
"I love you more." He beamed down, pecking my lips again cutely, "but I also need to shower." He got up from the bed, leaving me propped up on my elbows.
"Feel free to join me." He smirked again, leaving the bathroom door wide open per usual.



sunwoo returns n he's a happy boy awh..
also bye bye ashley !.. n goodbye fake friends for y/n.. ♡︎

i hope you're all well still ! sending you warm hugs and a spring cleanse ! ♡︎..

sending my love always...

clover <3

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