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I didn't bother to put out my cigarette, I entered the diner, approaching the table where the boys sat talking with Ashley. Hyunjae turned to me as I shook his shoulder harshly.
"Can I borrow you for a sec?" I asked sternly, the honey haired boy gazing back up at me unsurely.
"Sure I guess." He replied excusing himself, the rest of the table tensing at the tone I spoke in. I was usually quiet; they knew when something was wrong. I was tired of this shit to be completely honest. They never change, it's so constant and they knew I hated it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I laughed sarcastically knowing already, he chuckled slightly. His conniving expression was enough to boil my
blood, the familiar smirk resting on his lips.
"Nothing of your concern, Sunwoo." He sneered slyly leaning against the counter of the bar. The dimly lit restaurant and blaring of a lofi bass didn't help the anger burning from within me.
"Cut the shit. What do you have on you?" I questioned him further, to which he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue impatiently.
"I'm being serious, Hyunjae." I sighed adding to the point, "Unless you give me whatever you're stashing, I'll make sure you won't have the legs to walk out of this place with."
I got closer to the boy, shoving him slightly. Seeing the severity of my anger he let out a sigh.

Rummaging around his jean pockets, he tossed me a packet containing a powder. Nitroglycerin.
"Oh my fucking God." I laughed unbelievably swiping the packet from his grasp, "You make me sick. Hyunjae, you're perfectly capable of getting a girl. You don't need to fucking sedate one, you sick son of a bitch. This shit is dangerous stuff. I'm tired, I've had it with this. I said this to you before I left but I mean it now. If I catch you up to anything like this again, I won't be so nice about it."
"It was just a bit of fun, liven up Sunwoo." He snickered attempting to play it off, standing up straight against the bar.

"I'll fucking show you a bit of fun."I spat through gritted teeth, chuckling bitterly.
I swung my right hand into his jaw, hitting him with a loud smack that startled the table overlooking the conversation.
Jacob stood up immediately running over, pulling me away from hitting the boy again, who was now holding his busted lip nervously.

"Sunwoo, stop." He spoke softly, as I pulled away from his grip harshly. I sighed sitting down in front of him instead of going back to Hyunjae.
"What happened?" Eric, Haknyeon and Kevin ran over whilst the rest gathered around Hyunjae.
In reply, I held up the bag of nitroglycerin Hyunjae had given me.
"Again?" Kevin said, taking it and glancing back over to Hyunjae and the others that crowded around the boy.
"Why did you act up this time?" Eric laughed as if it was pathetic of me, this only enraged me more. I cracked my knuckles earning a nervous look from the blonde boy.
"I acted up last time, don't get it twisted." I laughed with a sour tongue, "It's embarrassing, he needs to learn before he gets caught. I'm not being friends with a man who is known for taking advantage of women. I'm sure you don't wanna be either."
"True but we could have talked about this." Jacob sighed holding the bridge of his nose that rested between his brow.
"Fuck your conversations, they never work. Just make sure Ashley gets to her dorm safely. You're the only one I can trust on that one." I shoved him out the way, leaving the restaurant with all eyes on me.


The scene was surreal, Hyunjae wasn't the type of guy for fights. I was unsure about Sunwoo considering his past. Sunwoo stormed back out of the diner having pushed past Jacob and the 3 boys surrounding him.
"Let's go." He huffed out, steaming ahead in anger, clearly far too worked up for conversation.
"Sunwoo. What about Ashley?" I asked concerned. I didn't want to leave her with those boys, especially after what I'd just seen.
"Don't worry about her. Jacob will make sure she gets back okay." He sighed, I was still cautious. I knew Jacob was a sweet guy but also Ashley would not do the same for me in a reversed scenario.

I was still shaken up, noticeable in the way my legs felt numb and my head slightly light from nerves. I tripped slightly on one of the roadside bumps, Sunwoo linked my arm to prevent me from losing balance. I felt weakened, it wasn't something I enjoyed, usually strong minded and bolder in approach. However tonight, I had been broken down by someone I thought was a nice guy.

It's always the nice guys. Always.

With that, I looked at Sunwoo. His arm still linked with my own, as I felt my legs had given out. He was the last person, who I thought would be volunteering  himself to take care of me.

The walk back was quiet, the dark night was lit up by the orange street lamps dotted around the city. The odd car and pedestrian would pass by every so often. Including one elderly couple, who looked at us endearingly.
"Awh look, a young couple.. we were like them when we were younger sweetheart." The old lady smiled to herself, before leaning against her withered husband who beamed back brightly. I smiled slightly at the scene, before realized what she had said. I then untangled my arm from Sunwoo's frantically, causing him to brush me off in a similar motion.

Strolling back on to college campus, the stairs proved difficult for my present heavy footsteps and weak leg strength. I made it up the apartment block regardless, reaching our floor whilst Sunwoo trailed slightly behind. Digging into my purse, I picked out my keys eagerly unlocking my door. Sunwoo was waiting to enter his own dorm to my left.
"Thank you Sunwoo." I smiled slightly as he looked at me blankly, leaning against the door frame.
"You're okay right?" He asked me, causing me look at him unsurely.
"I'm fine, just slightly shaken up." I kept the same half hearted expression as he nodded.
"I'm sorry about everything, Y/N." He sighed shaking his head, his brown hair sweeping itself into slight parts.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. Goodnight Sunwoo." I reassured him, pushing down the handle to my dorm door.
"Goodnight Y/N." He replied not showing too much expression. He waited for me to go inside before doing the same.

I got ready to sleep that night, climbing into the white sheets. As I laid awake, outside the sheer curtains, I watched the silhouette of him leaned over his balcony; cigarette burning a bright orange between his fingertips.

If this boy was so bad, why did he help me tonight?
I had too many questions, drifting off too sleep as he left his balcony.



good evening ! ''

i am back on a regular update schedule so it seems, i have to be careful though. it's still really unclear what's happening with my finals and if they're going ahead or not.. they're cancelled for now but they're pulling up random exams.. ? ugh | (• •)| it's dumb anyways..

hope your day has treated you well so far as always !

clover <3

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