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It was beyond freezing near the mountains, the bus stopped at a service station along the way - all of us spilling out in small groups to get refreshments and fresh air from being in the compact space breathing the same musty air everyone else was.

Scanning the drinks aisle in the convenience store, I was approached by Jacob. Not too jovial to see the boy, I turned on my heel pacing back down the
"Wait." He stepped in front of me, preventing me from leaving the row and blocking the entry.
"What?" I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my body impatiently - watching as he began hesitantly
"Can we switch sea-"
"No." I responded immediately, returning to pick up a bottled beverage from the aisle behind me.
"Please. I promise I won't mess it up." He pleaded with me, clearly unsuccessful as I swiped past him.
"Ask Ashley and then come back to me. I'm not doing anything she's uncomfortable with." I spoke with him sternly, watching his expression sadden - men can't psychologically grasp consequences until the age of 25 and it's showing.

Piling my items on to the self-service check out, I pulled out my wallet to pay. Fuck, I need another 20 cents. I scraped around the bottom of the cotton pouch, hopeful one may have just slipped down the side so I didn't have to pay with card. Swiftly, somebody slid their change into the machine slot and the receipt began printing.

I turned vaguely surprised to see Sunwoo stood behind me, engulfed in his hoodie and attempting to conserve warmth.
"Thanks, do you have a bank account I could transf-"
"Don't worry about it." He cut me off before I could list ways to pay back the 20 cents he'd slipped on to my bill. I shook my head, but he insisted - he just found it in his hoodie pocket and by chance I needed it. Finally caving in, I let him win as I took my items.

"Y/N, is it okay if Jacob sits with me? We're gonna talk." Ashley came bounding over as we stood waiting to get back on the bus, I sighed in annoyance with the girl.
"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes, "just switch back if he's bothering you."
"Okay, thank you though." She smiled wearingly, cautious, since it was overtly obvious I was angry.
If she takes him back, I stg I'm not cutting her anymore slack.

Jacob took my seat, handing me my purse and thanking me briefly. I sighed plonking myself into the crimson fabric of the window seat on the other side. Everyone else was piling on to the bus, Juyeon and Sunwoo were the last - busily being shooed by one of the professors to finish their cigarettes and get on.

Sunwoo looked at me in confusion, glancing over to Ashley and Jacob before sitting down mindlessly.
"Did she want him to sit there?" He asked his head titling slightly.
"Yeah, not that we should care anymore to be honest." I chuckled spitefully, peering to the two that were now deep in conversation.
"Just let her do what she wants, she'll end up doing it anyway." He smiled faintly his lips curving in a vague line as the bus started again.

"Kevin I know you bought snacks." Haknyeon shouted across to the boy sat behind us, his eyes settled in a psychotic gaze, "now where have you hid them?"
"Should have bought your own." Kevin replied snidely, crunching quite happily on his food.
"Wrong answer. BOYS ATTACK HIM." Haknyeon jumped over the seat, met with Kevin screaming as he was snatched of his chip packet. I sighed rubbing my temples in a headache-like pain.

This was going to be a long LONG journey.


It was late at night by now, the journey would be over by the morning hopefully. Many classmates just went to sleep - that's what everyone around us did anyway. A few hours in, I again glanced to Ashley who was rested against Jacob, both of them sleeping soundly. I sighed wishing she hadn't caved so easily, I curled up in a cozy ball with my blanket around me tightly - about to drift off to sleep facing the tinted window outside.

"Are you still awake?" Sunwoo whispered beside me.
"Yeah." I turned back around with a tired nod. He was shivering, the bus was incredibly cold, the temperature had dropped even more in the early hours of the morning.
"Do you wanna share?" I lifted my blanket slightly, as he thought about it for a moment.
"No I'm fine don't worry about me, keep yourself warm." He tucked the blanket back in to my side, to which I refused handing him the corner of the fleece in protest.
"There's enough room for two idiot." I laughed quietly as he brought some of it over him. I lifted the arm rest in between us and got closer since he barely took any material from me. I brought the corner I gave him over his shoulder, making sure he was completely covered. My back was exposed, yet I didn't care too much as I was already warm enough. However Sunwoo did, bringing me closer - resting my head into his chest and covering my back.

My heart spiked, my stomach churning in the same exhilarating warmth it did that night on the balcony. I nuzzled into his chest, hoping I could bring him some warmth - the blanket concealing his icy skin. I looked up as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist to keep me close. When I did, he met my gaze, staring back down at me since we were just centimeters apart.

Flickering between my eyes and lips - he brought his head down slightly. My eyes fluttered shut as he kissed my lips, tugging them with his own and wrapping his free arm around me to meet the other. This kiss was longer, trailing his hand up my frame to push the fallen hair strand out of my face. His tongue swiped the bottom of my lips, gaining access to the the gap between them.

I smiled as we pulled away for air, neither of us truly said anything - I'm not sure that either of us quite knew what to say. The silence was comforting, nuzzling into his chest again as he whispered a small "goodnight" and brushed through the hair on my head with his dainty fingers - the black ink of his hand tattoo getting lost in the strands as the night brought on a deep slumber for the both of us.



listen we may hate Ashley sometimes.. but i guess we can say her naivety brings goodness sometimes..♡︎

not haknyeon robbing kevin of his snacks .. i think we can agree he's the real criminal here .. ♡︎

anyways , i hope that whether you're beneath the sun or stars that your day has been filled with content & love.. ♡︎

sending my love always ..

clover <3

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