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We'd walked off campus to a night club zone downtown, the music obnoxiously boomed from the stereos inside.
"ID, all of you." One of the security guards grunted to the group. The boys let me and Ashley go first to keep us out of vulnerability. Each of us flashed our ID, getting let in with ease. Crowds of people swarmed, being completely sober the atmosphere seemed almost disgusting. The baseline blared across the club, people were partying and throwing their arms in the air chaotically to the lofi in the back.

To be honest, this was the first time I'd ever been in a club..

As Hyunjae and Juyeon walked ahead they began cutting through the swarms of people with ease. I looked back at the group behind me slightly wary, I locked eyes with Sunwoo. He seemed to catch on to the look in my eyes, walking towards me for reassurance as Ashley and Jacob had walked ahead. He lead me through the tight crowds of people, taking his hand away from where it hovered around me as we got out the other side.
"Thank you." I smiled awkwardly as he bluntly nodded in reply and wandered away to talk to Eric.

I caught up to Ashley, who had sat in one of the club booths. The boys were buying drinks at the bar across from us - lit with regular lights in comparison to the neon reds that flashed throughout the club.
"Isn't it fun?" She giggled, her shoulders raising in glee as her delightful smile spread from ear to ear.
"Sure." I smiled sarcastically, watching the drunk men nearby squabble and falter as they tried to impress a group of women beside us. Ashley was too naive and no matter how much I tried... I had no idea what to do about it.

Juyeon brought over a tray of shots, steady in his hand and set them on the table. On top of that, each of them had their own separate drinks - chugging them down at record speed.

Eagerly, each of them took a shot glass off the silver tray on the table - Ashley included. Younghoon then pushed the last one towards me, I didn't want to get drunk for the first time, in front of these people. They began a countdown "3.." I took a deep breath, becoming shallower with each count, "2.." My hand began to uncontrollably shake, shot glass now in hand and some excess liquor slightly billowing over the rim. "1!" They all threw the alcohol to the back of their throats, as they did I caught Sunwoo again. With his empty plastic cup, he signaled me to throw it behind - gesturing behind his head with the glass between his fingers. I copied his actions, throwing the substance over my shoulder, behind my chair and setting the shot glass back on the table afterwards.

Eric's face twisted slightly, noticing my glass was empty. His lips cocked into a sly smirk, one eyebrow raised arrogantly. He elbowed Hyunjae, gesturing over to me - he had merely the same reaction, a patronizing smirk taking a sip from the dark bottle in his hand.

As the group talked and drank at the booth, Sunwoo excused himself with Eric.
"I'm going for a smoke." He announced to the table, the blonde boy following closely behind.
"I didn't expect you to drink tonight Y/N." Sangyeon spoke up from across the table, leant against the chair behind.
"Neither, to be honest." Hyunjae chimed in, still taking small swigs from his bottle - damn he had the tolerance of a norse god.
"What makes you say that?" I asked scoffing vaguely and crossing my arms across my chest.
"Well aren't you a little too nice." Changmin chimed in, sitting next to me and tapping his fingers on the table in an irritating manner.

I just rolled my eyes and leant back in my seat as the conversation moved on. Feeling slightly secluded, I watched as Ashley talked to Jacob, laughing with the other boys. I had no idea what was happening in the conversation, I'd have an easier time trying to understand a group of feral chimpanzees.

I excused myself from the table, heading towards the fluorescent and lime green exit sign of the club. I was hoping to get some fresh air from the stuffy and crowded air of the restless building.

Stepping out into the crisp air, the atmosphere in the club almost made the humidity of LA seem like the polar arctic.

TW// sexual harassment. skip paragraph if necessary.

"A lady like you shouldn't be stood out here all alone." An older man, perhaps in his late 30s, swept himself beside me. Leaning against the charred bricks behind me condescendingly.
"Leave me alone." I chuckled pathetically, taking my right hand and slapping him across the face with all my strength.
Leaving him in a moment of shock, I ducked under his arm and went to run back into the club. However, the man whipped himself around, gripping my arm harshly. His chipped and worn finger nails digging into my arm viciously.
"You're gonna wish you never did that bitch." He spat, eyes becoming a twisted black as he laughed demonically.

"Get the fuck off her." A low voice boomed from nearby.

Sunwoo emerged from the alleyway, crushing his cigarette against the wall beside him and began striding over.
The man didn't let go, instead just tugged at my arm in a harsher, more desperate yank. My feet stuck the floor the best they could, however I began to stumble against the shear force I was being pulled at.
"Did you not fucking hear me?" Sunwoo stood beside the man, grabbing his arm and making him let go of my own.
"Who do you think you are kid?" The man chuckled in a conniving demeanor, broadening his shoulders in a pathetic arrogance.

Sunwoo unlatched his right hand from the mans forearm, throwing his fist at an unbelievable force straight into the mans jaw. The man faltered back slightly, however Sunwoo only took this opportunity to kick him in the stomach - knocking him to the floor completely. I stood back feebly, there's not really any way to describe witnessing a fight like this. There isn't anything you can do in the moment apart from watch, you're completely powerless in the moment.

Sunwoo didn't stop, relentlessly throwing merciless punches to the mans face - leaving him bloodied and bruised. He wouldn't of stopped, if it wasn't for the most unfortunate thing that could of happened that night.

Sunwoo had been pulled off the man, hands tucked behind his back. Showing no sign of struggle against the force that had restrained him.

"Sir, you're under arrest on suspicion of assault and battery. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say may be used against you in court." A county cop, stood behind Sunwoo, holding him in handcuffs. The security guards from out front stood behind him also, looking over to me as I stood statue-like, frozen in complete shock.

"Ma'am we're gonna have to ask you to come with us as a witness." The cop escorted me to the car, sitting me in the passenger seat, as Sunwoo was practically thrown into the back of the car.

I caught eyes with Sunwoo through the metal wire separating us, his dark hair slightly wet with sweat. His brown doe eyes saddened with a slight tinge of fear - being already a convicted felon, this couldn't end good.



uhoh.. :0

sunwoo's back in trouble.. but is he really a criminal ?.. or did he do the right thing?..

it's been a while since i've updated juvenile.. i mean as i always say, target: lover does get prioritized in the mean time since i'm getting towards the end of it <\3

i hope you've had a relaxed weekend, sending my best wishes for your next week..

sending love..

clover ♡︎

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