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Sunwoo was incredibly good at arcade games, he was smart - that's why he could win so easily. I watched as his dark eyes sharpened at the screen, his jaw clenched, the muscle popping out as he focused on winning against Eric - and he did. He was cool about it, not showing too much emotion when his screen lit up with victory banner.

I cheered, tapping his back excitedly after winning a bet on who would win against Ashley. I smiled as Ashley counted the tickets, her eyes lighting up as she realized she had enough for the stuffed toy bear at the prize counter. Squealing, she ran over to claim it, her feet skipping over the carpet in excitement.

"She seems happy." Sunwoo chuckled, endeared by the way she jumped up and down excitedly.
"Thanks to you, you destroyed that shooting game earlier, 100 tickets in one round? You're insane." I laughed, elbowing him as he chuckled in reply. We looked at each other, an unknowing moment passing over us as we stood in a moment of silence. Eric ran over interrupting it nevertheless, telling us he was going for a smoke before leaving.

Meanwhile, Ashley bounded over with her prize, hugging the bear and bringing it to us.
"Thank you for bringing me here Y/N." She smiled blissfully, "I'm gonna get some fresh air." She slipped out, following Eric and carrying the bear in a small waddle.

"Do you want a bear?" Sunwoo spoke up, I glanced at him confused until I realized his glance towards the claw machine next to him. I chuckled in response, folding my arms arrogantly.
"Bet you won't get it first try." I laughed, as he seemed challenged by my proposal - cracking his knuckles and poking his tongue into his cheek cockily.
"What do I get if I do?" He smirked, before walking over to the machine and slotting a coin into the machine.
I thought for a while, fabricating a laughable answer before replying.
"A kiss." I smiled, his eyes widening slightly at the bold comment on my behalf.
"You're gonna regret what you've put on the table." He sneered, his hand gripping the joystick confidently as his built frame lent over the machine.

Apart of me worried, but no one ever won anything from a claw machine - they were overwhelmingly rigged, they drop the item before it can reach the disposal area in every one. Well.. that was my logic anyway.

To my surprise, Sunwoo was able to grip the silver claw onto the pink carebear - picking it up securely, the awaiting silence rose as the claw traveled painfully slow across the machine.

Eventually, it dropped the bear.
Landing right where it needed to be, Sunwoo grabbed it from the drop off point, handing it to me obnoxiously.
"I won't press you for it, but I'll remember your offer." He smirked as I held the bear in my hand astonished. I was extremely happy with the bear, however not so much on losing a bet to Sunwoo Kim. I followed him, still taken back, as we met Ashley and Eric outside.

The plan was to get food before heading back to the dorms, that was equivalent to us driving by a Macdonald's and Eric ordering half the menu. We brought it back to the boys dorm, agreeing we'd watch a movie before Ashley and I got ready for classes tomorrow.

"Horror?" Ashley suggested flicking through the TV menu, I panicked internally. Taking a glance at Sunwoo, he tried to seem unfazed - however, meeting my gaze was enough to prove he didn't like the idea.
"No, I can't watch horror films." I said, putting on the best act I could to sway the other two off the idea.
"But Y/N, you used to love horror." Ashley looked at me perplexed in the sudden change of attitude on my behalf.
"Yeah, I used to. But now I just get nightmares." I looked down at my finger nails nervously.
"Oh okay, we'll just watch something else." She replied flicking through the catalogue again.

Finally picking a movie, she pressed play, the tv remote clicking as the rubber button sank under her eyes thumb. Both her and Eric were pretty much engrossed, that they never noticed Sunwoo slip on to the balcony for another smoke, or me following him out.

"Romance not your thing either?" I laughed leaning next to him on the pillared stone that gated the balcony ledge.
"How could you tell?" He gasped with a sarcastic ring, the smoke billowing out with his breath as he chuckled afterwards.

"Your AC is freezing by the way." I shivered slightly from the temperature inside, being stood on the balcony you realized how hot L.A actually was. The tiny hairs on my arms stood in minuscule goosebumps as the simmering faintly wind warmed me.
"Yeah, Eric won't let me mess with the AC. You can borrow one of my jackets if you want." He suggested tapping the lit stick against his index finger, ash floating off in fast particles.
"They'll think that's sus." I chuckled shrugging off the idea, attempting to warm myself up outside enough to withstand the arctic breeze in their dorm.

Sunwoo ignored me, unzipping his hoodie and throwing it over my shoulder. He gently grabbed my arm, sliding it through one of the fleece sleeves, doing the same with the other one. He then zipped it up from the bottom, my heart stopping unknowingly. The scent from his cigarette lingered as he held it between his fingers.

I had no idea how to respond as I froze completely where I was. I pulled the cuffs over my fingers and leant next him again.
"Thank you." I smiled slightly, the scent of the jacket overwhelming me as the cacophony of now familiar scents mixed.

I'd gotten used to the way the boy next to me smelled, it was like nothing I'd ever come across before - Old spice, cigarette smoke, coffee grounds and that homely scent that never really goes away.

"No problem." He answered with complete calmness, crushing the lit ash of his cigarette on the balcony ledge. We returned back inside, the other two not even batting an eyelid upon our entry.

It was still cold, I think Sunwoo knew that as I yanked the cuffs of his sweater down and nuzzled my head into the neck of the material. Shuffling over, I didn't expect him to put his arms around me but he did, bringing me into his peculiarly warm chest - the same warmth radiated the skin on his arms, it sent electric waves through me as he trailed across my arm accidentally.

If we weren't watching a romance film, I would of probably thought nothing of it. However a strange tension fell upon us - thankfully the other two had been so distracted. I was getting close to the boy, who was wrapped around me, apart of me was terrified of that.



sure thing sunwoo, you definitely hate romance _ the bear? the jacket? didn't see them.

he's so cute tho pls :,) the way he just ignored her .. that sounds bad.. but WITH CONTEXT OKAY?

anyways have a lovely weekend and take as much rest as you need ! ..

sending love always ..

clover <3

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