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"Are you sure you're not coming?" Eric asked leisurely slipping on his leather jacket and grabbing his keys from the night stand.
"Positive." I flopped onto the bed scrolling my phone screen that dimly lit up my face.
"What's with you and Y/N?" He paused in front of the door, turning around and leaning on the wall beside him in an arrogant demeanor.
"Nothing?" I looked at him in a strange glance, locking my phone and letting it fall to my chest.
"Oh yeah? Well it's pretty weird to me that she's cancelled and now suddenly you have too." He laughed raising an eyebrow and folding his arms confidently.
"Sorry I don't want to get arrested again I guess?" I laughed sarcastically sitting up against the headboard uncomfortably.
"What do you mean?" He shook his head ignorantly now slipping on his black doc marten boots lazily.
"You know what I mean." I sighed knowing the conversation would just go the same way it always did with Eric. "Stop acting clueless, it gets annoying after a while."

Seemingly upset, he left the dorm with a childish slam that shook the entire room. I groaned putting my head in my palms, feeling slightly bad for the harsh choice of words. Sometimes Eric didn't mean to be as immature as he came across. He always struggled with completely understanding the nature of his actions and God, it was annoying.

I resumed to mindlessly browsing my socials, becoming curious after a while. Y/N L/N, I unheedingly typed into the search bar, soon pulling up her profile.

Y/N_L/N - 715 followers
20+ mutual friends
follow message

I clicked follow, not thinking much of it considering the number of mutuals we shared. I hovered over the small square before clicking on her most recent post. It was uploaded yesterday.
"@/Ashley_Cx quit making me socialize xo"
The picture was pretty, she was stood on her balcony with the sunset radiating an iridescent pink behind her. She held the cuffs of her oversized jacket over her hands, covering her nose and mouth smiling brightly.
Abruptly snapping me out of my thoughts, my phone blasted it's piercing ringtone, mutely vibrating in small shudders.

Incoming Call...
Accept or Decline

"Hello?" I sighed down the line, as the other end rustled and battered against the wind.
"Why aren't you coming?" He asked straight to the point of conversation.
"Just not feeling it." I huffed, being returned with a short sigh from the other end.
"What's up with Eric then?" He seemed concerned, the low voices of the others faded into the softly in to  the background.
"It doesn't matter, everything is fine. He's just in one of those moods." I felt slightly guilty for covering it up, however there were things I couldn't tell the others when it came to Eric. Whether I'd reveal them or not was a decision I had to face every time Eric noticeably spiraled.
"Okay, well I guess I'll see you later." Hyunjae seemed to know something was wrong, but brushing it off he closed the conversation with a final exhale of disappointment.
"Bye." I replied rather bluntly, clicking the red button and letting my phone fall beside me inattentively.

I snatched the TV remote from the nightstand beside me with a quick rattle. Switching the TV on, I flicked through the Netflix catalogue in attempts to find something to watch.
Zoning out, Y/N was the only one alone, maybe she'd wanna watch a movie? Nah.
I shook my thoughts off curtly returning my attention back to the screen, eventually winding up back at the start of the action genre in no time.
Fuck it. I swung my feet of the bed and stood with a light bounce.
Slipping on my shoes, I made my way to the door next to mine and knocked with a keen tap. The door opened gently revealing Y/N, she looked up at me oddly.
"Are you not with the others?" She asked tilting her head curiously as I shook my head a firm knowing response
"No, not tonight anyway." I replied smiling slightly, "I was wondering whether you'd want to come watch a movie?"
"Now?" She checked her phone, "I mean sure, why not?" She then giggled lightly and grabbed her keys from the gape of her denim jacket pocket.

Hearing the door lock, she then followed me into the dorm and sat across from me on the sheets of cotton beneath. I threw her the remote gently, landing in front of her with a soft thump.
"You choose, I can't find anything to watch." I sighed heavily leaning my head against the headboard and crossing my legs blandly.
With a timid chuckle, she clicked the remote buttons deviously. Watching as the cursor found itself to one of the genre tabs. I noticeably gulped hoping she wouldn't choose a horror film.
Hovering over the selected film, she eagerly turned back to me for confirmation.
"This one?" She cocked an eyebrow up as I returned no expression, in order to maintain a cool demeanor.
"Sure." I lied through my teeth, watching as she held select and the tense movie intro began.

It's not that I was scared of horror movies, however my worst fear was unraveling in front of my very eyes. Hoping her eyes would stay glued to the screen, I anxiously moved out of the corner of her eye sight. I shuffled myself to the corner of the bed, discreetly slotting myself between the coldness of wall and the headboard.
During the film, I repressed reacting to the number of gory jump scares that announced themselves at the most unexpected moments. Y/N, seemingly had little to no reaction.
"Are you okay?" She turned around concerned, as I lifted my head, which I had tucked into my knees. A jittering tremor pulsed throughout my body, I felt as if my throat had completely closed up. Hiding my face my between my knees, I rocked back and forth trying to catch my breath frantically. She switched off the TV in a frantic switch, grabbing my hands she took them away from face. Lifting my head up between her palms, she sparsely swept away the few tears that had fell.
"Breathe. You're safe." She took one her palms away from my face and grabbed my hand stopping it from shaking in her stillness.
I soon calmed down, my breathing rising and falling at its normal pace. Looking up at her worried doe eyes, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into my embrace.



so.. we dive deeper into the characters and their battles with self- conflict in this chapter.. ♡︎

i hope you enjoyed like i say everytime ! i'm sorry this is overdue.. school is ruthless at the moment.. but you know me.. i'm getting there (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡

sending you my comfort and love through your screen always.. ♡︎

clover <3

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