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"Okay, we're here!" One of the college professors yelled from the top of the bus, my eyes adjusting to the brightness of the sunrise that leaked through the window beside me.

Cuddled up inside the warmth of the fleece blanket, Sunwoo's arms were still wrapped around me securely. His eyes glued shut sleeping contently as the others around us began to wake up.
"Sunwoo." I tapped him gently, watching him stir in annoyance as the ray of sunlight penetrated the glass behind him.  "We're here."
He woke up, stretching his arms up slightly as the bus came to park. Jacob and Ashley seemed serene - giggling with each other and linking their arms happily.

"Sunwoo?" I asked quietly as he hummed, "Can I partner with you instead?"
"What like bunk in the same cabin? Sure I don't mind, what about Ashley?" He furrowed his brows, glancing over seemingly unbothered.
"She can stay with him for all I care." I alluded to Jacob, sighing and picking up my things.
"Let's go." I huffed sadly, following the crowd of people that piled off the bus from the front. Sunwoo followed as the rest of the group ran off in front from behind us.

"Y/N!" Ashley shouted, smiling brightly and tugging away from Jacob's hand which held her own.
I looked up at Sunwoo, catching his eyes in an upset gaze as he looked between Ashley and I. He quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and shielded me away from the girl - bringing me over to where the professor awaited with his clip board. Ashley seemed solemn, Jacob beside her knew why - apart of me felt bad for being so cruel, yet I felt so used by her - it felt like Sunwoo was the only realness I could find amongst the plastic of Los Angeles. That was a bold statement from me, but who can blame me for being angry.

My breath smoked in the crisp air of Colorado, the frosty breeze of the mountains nipping at my rose stained cheeks. Sunwoo lit one up, much to the college professors disgust as he wafted away the smoke with his withered hand.
"Mr.Kim I appreciate you've been on a bus for 24 hours but could you perhaps wait until you're out of my vicinity to get your nicotine intake." He coughed out shaking his head with a tut and finding a cabin to assign us both. "You're not a couple are you?"
"No." I laughed slightly as Sunwoo choked on his cigarette at the question.
"Okay you two, Cabin 19, no funny business." He handed us a set of keys, I snatched them from his hands eagerly and dragged my suitcase from the curb.

Cabin 19, a wooden lodge with a newly glossed red patent door, a long string of hearty foliage winding around the porch way. Sunwoo followed me up the cobbled pathway, the pebbles scuttling together in tiny clicks as I unlocked the door buoyantly. It was pretty, well-decorated and neat. It was decked out in modern woodland furniture, it was so picturesque, it could of been the background in a sears catalog. Two singular beds sat on either side of the cabin separated by a night stand, a bathroom located on the other side. I dumped my case on one of the beds as Sunwoo took the other.

I unpacked my bag, getting out small essential travel bags for the bathroom. Sunwoo brought in a singular bottle in to the shower cubicle, placing it upon one of the silver racks.
"Is that all you brought?" I scoffed in disgust as he stepped out satisfied with himself.
"Hell yeah 3 in 1 baby." He boasted, leaving the room in a cocky stride. How does one product do everyt- I hate men. I shook my head, shaking off the interaction before walking back into the main room. Sunwoo laid back on to his bed, taking off his hoodie and resting his head against the headboard.

A loud knock thumped against the front door, unbothered by it Sunwoo continued to scroll his phone as the knock repeated itself. I swung open the door revealing one of the professors, this time it was Professor Smith, her hair tied back into a low ponytail and her beady eyes observing the both of us through her thick-rimmed glasses.

"Can I help you?" I asked suspiciously as she didn't say much initially and continued to look at us both.
"Here's a map of the area we're in. We'll meet in a few hours at point A for breakfast, for now get some more rest it's still incredibly early." She handed us a sheet off the pile of papers she held in her right hand, before looking back up to me. "If he bothers you, call the third mobile number down, that's mine. Stay safe." She whispered lowly, not low enough to go unnoticed by Sunwoo - dropping his phone onto his chest irritably.
"Thanks.". A fake smile painted my lips as I slammed the door shut behind her and laughed ridiculously.

"You're reputation is hilarious." I sat down on my own bed, the cotton sinking with a sigh beneath me.
"Shutup. They literally think I'm some complete psychopath." He shook his head laughing, running his hand through the strands of his dark brunette hair and tugging at the ends harshly.
"Are you though?" I gasped with a mischievous chuckle, as he cocked an eyebrow up audaciously.
"Do you wanna find out?" He cackled evilly before chasing after me, I swung myself across the bed and ran to the other side of the cabin where he trapped me between his arms - pinning me to the wall behind.
"No." I answered the question giggling to myself, as he tilted his head arrogantly.
"Well-" He began before I slipped under the gap beneath his arm and dashed back to the safety of my own bed - covering my entire body in small laughs.

I felt a weight fall on top of me, the covers from above being pulled down to reveal my messy hair and toothy smile. Sunwoo watched with a smile as he gripped the covers, preventing me from pulling them back over my head.

"You think you can just make fun of me and get away  with it?" He chuckled sarcastically, his forearms either side of me holding up his frame.
"Yes." I smiled confidently, not panicking until he brought his face closer.
"You still owe me something." He smirked arrogantly, his warm tobacco & mint scented breath lingering on the skin of my face and neck.
"20 cents? I mean if you really want that back-" I began as a joke yet he cut me off.
"You lost a bet to me. Now, I'm pressing you for my prize." He spoke softly with a cunning undertone, his hand ghosting over the side of my face as he tucked a loose strand behind my ear.
"You've had it, twice." I replied shocked at the brunette boys audacity, watching as his eyes rolled impatiently.
"That wasn't apart of our bet Y/N." He smiled evilly as he brought his face closer than it already was, his nose grazing over my own.
"Tough luc-" I was about to argue back, the weak whisper cut off by him smashing his lips against my own. He smiled into it, moving quickly as he laid me back into the bed and hovered above my frame- his hand titling my head upwards the other holding his body up.

"Uhh- if you're gonna be getting freaky your door has a lock?" A short cough behind us caused Sunwoo to whip his head around in shock. I sat up to see Haknyeon rummaging through our mini fridge - taking out all the mountain dews and carrying them in his hands skillfully.
"Get your shit and leave." Sunwoo shooed him out as he leisurely closed the fridge, snatching an oreo packet from the snacks bar before leaving.
"Don't worry, your little secret's safe with me." He winked before leaving causing me to scoff in disbelief and pull a pillow over my head in embarrassment. Ju Haknyeon, you always walk in at the wrong times.



lmao sunwoo be getting real bold <\3 love that for him tho

haknyeon always has the best side character pls actual loml ♡︎

i hope your evening or morning depending on your time zone has been well.. as always i hope you're enjoying the book ! ♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3

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