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As he took me in his arms, I wrapped my arms around him in reassuringly. The enormous silence around us filled the room, the whining of crickets could be faintly creaking outside. He pulled away from my grip, looking at me slightly before hanging his head low.

"I'm sorry." He whispered it so quietly, it was almost inaudible.
"Sorry for what? It's okay." I sighed, pulling myself up to sit beside him against the headboard.
"I just don't know what came over me." He rubbed his eyes tiredly, leaning his head back.
"Did something trigger you in the movie that you're unaware of?" I attempted to pry respectfully, just looking for a way that I could help the disheveled boy in front of me.
"Well, the murder scene. I just- It's dumb." He concluded his sentence, shrugging off whatever he had to say all of a sudden.
"It's not dumb, even if it was you could tell me." I laughed slightly trying to lighten up the weighted somber that fell upon the room.
"Well, when I was in juvie, they used to make us spend days in real county prisons with all the inmates. They were the scariest days of my life, there were convicted murderers, attackers and deprived drug addicts in there. When we'd get there, these huge guys would 'toughen us up' so to speak. I guess I just flashed back to that." He sighed not getting to in detail about things, I read in between the lines enough to know what he meant.
"Sunwoo that's not dumb at all. You shouldn't of had to go through that." I looked over to him as he shook his head in a small disagreement.
"If you knew me before, you'd know I brought it upon myself." He chuckled bittersweetly

I didn't know quite what to say in reply to the comment, I looked at my hands as I fiddled with them nervously.
"I need to apologize to Eric. I snapped at him before he went." Sunwoo exhaled groggily, ruffling his wavy brunette hair in a lazy sweep.
"Do you wanna go meet them?" I asked feeling slightly guilty, they were probably having a good time right now whilst we were here.
"Only if you want to. I'll call Hyunjae and tell them to meet us after the seminar." He proposed playing with the strings of his hoodie obnoxiously.
"I don't mind, I'll go get ready if so." I smiled as he nodded, getting up to get ready back at my dorm.

The truth was, I didn't want to go. However, if Sunwoo was there, for some reason I thought it couldn't possibly be that bad.
Raking my closet for anything I could possibly wear, I was interrupted by my phone rattling in the pocket of my jeans.

Incoming call... Ashley♡︎
accept or decline?

I slid across the screen and accepted the call.
"Are you coming out with us?" She asked brightly speaking down the line.
"Yeah, I think so."I chuckled at the eager tone.
"Wear the dress." She whispered down the line, as she did I knew immediately which one she meant.
I racked the hangers until I got to it, the short red slip dress that hung untouched.
"I cannot wear that, please." I laughed looking at it as it glinted mutely under the wardrobe lighting.
"Well you better wear it on the Colorado trip." She giggled as I furrowed my brows slightly on the other side of the line.
"What Colorado trip?"I laughed outrageously, what the fucks in colorado?
"Oh at the seminar, they were talking about the out of state trip next month. We're going lodging in the mountains. There's a bar there, restaurants, a golf course that we won't be using, it sounds fun."She rambled all the information she'd gathered down the phone line.
"Sounds good I guess." I chuckled nervously at the idea of a campus trip with Ashley, her new boyfriend and his incredibly excessive friend group.
"It's will be fun Y/N. Now hurry up." She laughed before hanging up the line and leaving me to get ready.

I got ready as quickly as possible, styling my hair where necessary, swiping eyeshadow over my eyelids - touching up today's makeup. I didn't wear the red dress, I settled on a black one - a similar mini style, pairing it with a pair of black heels I stored at the bottom of my closet. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, huh not bad for a 10 minute makeover. I grabbed my purse, slipping in my phone and essentials. My keys clicked with a symphonic chime, as I picked them up and left the dorm in a swift maneuvering of my heels - clicking against the floor in small trots. With hearing my door, Sunwoo opened his own leaning against the frame slightly.
"Ready to go?" He asked, he'd now changed into a distressed pair of black jeans that cuffed at his ankles. He swapped out his hoodie for a thick leather jacket, a black t-shirt nonchalantly tucked into into the hem of his belt.
"I guess I am." I laughed slightly, muttering it under my breath slightly.
He looked at me vaguely, before leading the way beside me out of the apartment complex. The open stairwell, blew the warm breeze inwards, sweeping my hair to the side as we strolled down towards the bottom floor.

Out on the main campus, there were various groups walking back to their dorms out of the seminar hall. Apparently extra credit was actually important to some students, as they hung their heads low and chattered amongst their groups. That's when I began overhearing the gossip of the heads that turned upon our arrival:

"Who's that? Why she with Sunwoo Kim?"
"Lmao did that prick get a girlfriend?"
"Is that Y/N?"
"it's always the attractive ones."
"She's so pretty. But Sunwoo could do better."
"More like she could."

I sighed ignoring the comments and snickers of the groups that passed us on our way back.
The pavement below was patterned in red bricks, the heels of my shoe fell into the cemented lines every so often. Keeping my balance, I walked more steady as we approached the smoother pathing stones. The group was stood towards the centre of campus, you could tell from the cloud of smoke that gathered in an abundance above them.
"Finally." Hyunjae walked out of the circle to great us, "are we going to the night club strip or a bar?"
"Night club strip, we did a bar last night" Juyeon added, the rest agreed in a cacophony of nods and grumbles. Ashley ran over and latched on to my arm, leaving Jacob's side.
"You look so pretty Y/N."She smiled sweetly, as we moved towards the middle of the group to avoid trailing at the back.

"You guys shouldn't be leaving campus." A boy in our year stopped us as he passed. It was Cameron from my chemistry class, he hated this group that's all I knew - as did a few fellow classmates of mine.
"Okay? What about it?" Eric replied stopping in his tracks as the rest of us gradually came to a pause.
"I'll just get you kicked off campus by a mentor." Cameron retorted like he had made a point that would at all scare the boys in front of him.
"Unless you don't want physically kicking, I'd piss off and pretend you didn't see anything." Sunwoo suddenly piped up, walking closer to the boy next to where Eric was stood.
"The cops are right outside Campus Kim. Wouldn't want to add to your record would you?" Cameron snickered condescendingly.
"Like you'd have the guts to file anything." Sunwoo growled through gritted teeth.
"Cameron don't. You'd have no chance." Another girl from my class came up from behind him, pulling him away from the scene the best she could.
"Sunwoo let's go." I chimed in, Sunwoo looked towards me before walking away from him and catching up with us.



hey !.. so finally a juvenile update tehe..

i love how complex i've made the characters.. good luck understanding them you earn a virtual medal for reading without confusion.. ♡︎

there's so many sketchy characters.. but who can y/n trust is the question?..

hope your weekend is going well so far ! sending all my love..

clover <3

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