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Wednesday rolled around in the blink of an eye, it felt as if college had completely submerged me for the past two days - assignments upon more assignments - not even having time to speak to Ashley outside of lunch hour.

Sunwoo on the other hand, I hadn't spoke to him since we kissed on Sunday evening. The both of us sharing a brief glance across the lunch hall, he knew I was busy - I hoped. Every time we looked at each other, we both seemed to just trail off into thought or get distracted by someone talking.

I was currently piling the last few things into my suitcase, Ashley nagging me to hurry up - swinging her legs over the bed in a childish strop.
"Okay I'm done." I sighed, yanking the zipper around its frame and standing up right.
"Are you sure you don't wanna bring at least one T-shirt? It might get hot." Ashley said, pinning her hands to her hips in second thoughts.
"It's the mountains Ashley, I have my dresses at least but I have a bunch of sweaters I'll never wear because of the heat." I rolled my suitcase to the door, ready to go as she followed - wheeling her own in a joyful skip.

The bus was waiting on the main campus complex, we strolled past the other apartment blocks. Juyeon and Hyunjae walked out of their block just at the right time, meaning Ashley and I shared a singular glance between and began to speed up.
"Ayo wait up." One of them shouted, I sighed heavily to myself wishing they hadn't seen us.
"You go ahead. I'll meet you at the bus." I said to Ashley trying to avoid as much confrontation for her as possible.

She nodded hesitantly before I pushed her ahead and turned around to the boy that shouted to me.
"Where she going?" Hyunjae asked pointing to Ashley who had walked far ahead by now, her suitcase trailing behind her.
"Luckily away from you." I commented snidely, earning a scoff on his behalf.
"Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foo-" He began once again with a huff before I interrupted his imbecilic rant.
"I don't wanna hear it. Just leave Ashley alone, for this trip. Sure, you can annoy me all you want, but just leave her be, for my own sanity." I pleaded with the boy, leaning against the metal bar of my suitcase behind me.
"You see when you put it like that, it just sounds all the more tempting." He smirked, the corner of his lip turning upwards and eyebrow cocking up in an arrogant peak.

"Listen, you'll leave them both alone. Otherwise senior year won't be the last time I fracture your cheekbone." Sunwoo butted in, tugging his suitcase behind him. He wasn't too threatening, he just more or less put his foot down. Hyunjae scoffed rolling his eyes, pulling his own suitcase slightly.
"You know we'd invite you out more, if everything didn't come with a threat." He replied cunningly titling his head as Sunwoo laughed.
"That would be no fun now would it." Sunwoo grabbed his dimple, tugging it like a grandma does to a small child's cheeks.
"You're asking for it Kim." Hyunjae chuckled, grabbing his suitcase and chasing after Sunwoo who just giggled menacingly.

I was left stood with Juyeon, we both shared an awkward glance before he pointed to over to them suggesting we followed. I just nodded, my lips pressed together shyly.

Ashley stood waiting outside the burnished metal shuttle, the engine chugging in small growls. Its thin compartment wings risen to store luggage inside of. Juyeon caught up with his group, I separated off to see Ashley who seemed rather anxious by the large group of boys who merged with all the college jocks and other social-hierarchy thrivers of their kind.

The driver snatched our luggage off us, sliding it into the compartment beneath. We were towards the back of the line to board the coach, meaning we would be near the front - not that any of us minded too much. Finally reaching the steps, we were being yelled for towards the back of the coach.

2 vacant spots at the front of the bus caught my eye,
"Hey fuck off, occupied." I heard Eric's voice threaten someone towards the back, I turned my head when I was tapped on the shoulder lightly.
"Can we sit here? I think they want you to sit with them." It was Chandler from my old physics class, stood with Cameron.
"Can you just ignore them?" I stropped slightly irritated by the boys that were hollering at the back.
"Listen Y/N, I'm not looking for any trouble-" He tried to negotiate to the point I just felt bad.
"Fine." I huffed in annoyance, as he just apologized, thanking me feebly before taking out seats.

"I'm sorry Ash." I spoke softly before she mumbled an "It's fine.". Dragging myself down the aisle, with Ashley stood behind me. There was usually no way I'd let her take the window seat from me. However, today she got a pass - anything to create a thin barrier between her and the rest of the boys around her.

"Why don't you wanna sit with us?" Haknyeon who was sat in the middle of the back row appeared next to me causing me to jolt in shock.
"Who would?" I scoffed sarcastically, pushing the boys face away from beside my seat.

Sunwoo was sat across the aisle from me next to Jacob, who was staring at Ashley apologetically as she pulled her sweater cuffs over her hands uncomfortably. He noticed my glare, immediately turning his gaze to out the window. As for Sunwoo, there was still tension amongst us and if we did catch eyes it would be a quick glance away from the both of us.

"What's wrong with you two?" Kevin poked his head through the aisle from next to Haknyeon, I thought he was referring to Ashley and I - however he glanced between me and Sunwoo.
"Sunwoo just became unsociable, she's just being a moody bit-" Eric began from the far corner, meeting his eyes with Sunwoo who snapped his head around in annoyance.
"Shut it." He warned him before the blonde sank back into his seat, an underlying "Oooo"  erupted from the rest of the boys. I rolled my eyes and waited for the bus to start - praying the journey would just be over soon.



the double update is back.. i think i got in everything i wanted to say in the last authors note ♥︎

oh well.. hope you're well anyways ! stream the boyz' kingdom performance if you can !

sending the rest of my love...

clover <3

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