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Spending my Saturday night in a county sheriff's department wasn't exactly my idea of a good time. I watched as the dangling lightbulb above me flickered , a mosquito buzzing around it busily. The sherif walked in, he was an older man with a silver mustache that twisted at its ends. He slammed some files down onto the metal table, his chair making an unbearable screech as he dragged it across the floor to sit down. Sighing as he plopped down across from me, he opened the file, pulling a sheet of paper out of its plastic wallet.

"I need you to write down everything that happened, your relationship with the perpetrators and sign your full name in block capitals ma'am." He pushed the sheet across the table, formally attaching it to a leather clipboard.

I began scribbling the pencil against the paper, making small scraping noises as I wrote down everything from exiting to the club until Sunwoo's arrest.

I'd come out to get some fresh air from the night club, I was alone in the back alley, my friends had left through the same door for a smoke. The older man approached me, grabbing me and forcing me to go with him against his will. He threatened me and told me "I'd regret hitting him." He continued to pull me until Sunwoo, my friend who's been arrested, told him to get off. He didn't listen and yanked me harder making me lose my footing. Sunwoo then punched him, the man was about to fight back, he kicked him and he fell to the floor. The man would of done much worse, Sunwoo saved me and acted out of self-defense.



I finished scribbling, dotting the full stop aggressively and sliding the paper back across the table. The sheriff took this, folded it back into the wallet and left me in interrogation the room alone. Sunwoo was in a holding cell at the front of the jail, it wouldn't of been the first time he'd been in one of those. However, his juvie experience couldn't make me worry more about him. After a while of pondering the door handle creaked, the sheriff peaked his head through the gap politely.

"Ma'am follow me." He spoke opening the door for me to follow him out, I pulled at the strings of my dress and shuffled out onto the concreted corridor. He took me to the main reception, Sunwoo sat in the holding cell having spoke with the man already. I peered over to the boy, he seemed almost unbothered - staring into space with his head lazily rested against the wall. His jaw was locked, tongue poking out the side of his cheek. He sat up when he saw me at the desk, the sheriff closed the file and stored it in the cabinet with a jarring slam.

Walking over to the holding cell, the sheriff unlocked the barred gate. The keys chimed against the metal in small clicks as the gate opened widely.
"You're free to go kid." The sheriff sighed, holding the khaki belt of his trousers below his mounting beer belly.
"Really?!" Sunwoo's eyes brightened as he stood up eagerly.
"You did the right thing. However, just don't get in to anymore trouble. This is a warning Mr. Kim otherwise we can choose to put you through another prosecution." He warned firmly, however there was no hints of animosity behind his eyes. A sincere look of admiration highlighted his green older eyes as Sunwoo stepped out the cell.
"Thank you sir." Sunwoo smiled vaguely, before running over to me.
"You kids can go home now." The deputy sheriff smiled lastly, "Mr Kim, you need to take good care of her. She's a keeper, you don't wanna be in trouble with the law no more."

We both looked at him strangely, earning a light hearted chuckle from the jovial old man, his ruddy cheeks lighting up in a slight glee as we shook off the comment. Pushing open the metal handle attached to the glass door way, the L.A breeze blew more bitterly in the night time. Sunwoo followed me out soon after, admiring the night sky as we processed things for a moment.

"Are you okay?" He asked, peering to me as the lights from inside the sheriff's department window lit us both dimly.
"I'm fine, Sunwoo. How are you?" I smiled bittersweetly, looking back over to him.
"Better than I was 10 minutes ago Y/N." He returned the smile with dry laughter. I chuckled softly at the comment, ending it in a short sigh.
"We're gonna have to get the bus back." He added as we both watched the lit up stop close by.
"Looks like so." I replied, with that a large orange shuttle pulled up against the stop. Simultaneously looking at each other, we both dashed to the stop before it could pull away.

The doors reopened with a mechanical sigh, the coach was empty as it was so late at night.
"You kids are up too late." The older lady that was driving the bus smiled, her thick rimmed glasses moving up and down slightly as she chuckled.
"Don't worry ma'am. We're not making it any later. Can we get a ride back to the local college campus? " I giggled at the joyful nature of the lady, she seemed so kind spirited even for late at night. I went to hand her some cash from my purse, fiddling shakily with the zip of my wallet.
"Don't bother paying sweetheart, this ones on me it's my final round of the stops anyway." She smiled, putting her hand out to stop me from retrieving any money from the leather pouch in
my hands.
"Nono it's okay!"I attempted to argue but she insisted on driving us back. I thanked her profusely for her generosity as Sunwoo and I took a seat towards the back of the bus.

I sat beside the window, as the bus began to move I watched as each building we passed lit up with the night. Small convenience stores passing in bright white fluorescent blurs.  The boy next to me was looking at me, I could tell from the way he pretended to look out the window when I turned back to him. His brown hair had matted into fluffy curly waves, his darker features complemented by his honey like complexion. I smiled at him as he played off the action, his eyes dotting out of the pane beside me.

"Thank you Sunwoo." I sighed genuinely, gripping the bottom of my purse which was rested on my lap.
"For what?" He shook his head lazily, a small smile forming on his plump lips.
"Saving me earlier idiot." I pushed him slightly with my elbow as he giggled.
"Of course. You're welcome, but you shouldn't have to thank me. It was the bare minimum any man could of done to protect a woman." He spoke softly, not meeting my eyes too much, yet outstretching his jewelry coated fingers and fiddled with his blackened rings.
"Getting arrested isn't the bare minimum to me Sunwoo." I laughed slightly at the comment, he was true. However an addition to your criminal record seems far from minimum to me.

A comfortable silence fell upon the two of us, it was late. The digital clock at the front of the bus read 01:34 ... My eyes grew heavier as the bus carried on driving through LA. I rested my head against Sunwoo's shoulder. For the first time in a long time I felt safe, what's strange was, I wasn't at home, I wasn't with anyone I knew too well. I was with someone who seemed to care, who wasn't anyone too close to me - he was new, like rare a breath of fresh air in the city of Los Angeles. Discarding his past, his criminal record, his wild social circle, I just had an ounce of hope that he wouldn't turn out to be like the others...



surprise surprise .. another juvenile update who knew clover could pull that off..  :0

anyways .. give bus driver lady a raise ! <3

as always i hope you've had a substantial day no matter your current circumstances and that this chapter has at least brightened your day in anyway ! ♡︎

sending love across all oceans..

clover ♡︎

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