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"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you the night?" Ashley asked trying to persuade me for the last time, leaving the cabin with a sigh and Jacob by her side.
"I'm sure." I smiled at the two before they waved goodbye and I could lock the cabin door. Clothes were spilled out everywhere from Sunwoo's case, I sighed and began picking them up - folding them up neatly and placing them back in his case. The officers had completely trashed the place, it shocked me at first how two people could make such a mess in such a short space of time.

Grabbing one of his shirts, I began getting ready to go to sleep. Shortly pulling the cotton over my head, taking in his scent and smiling to myself sadly. Ugh it's as if he died, I'm so stupid. Apart of me wondered if he was okay right now, however that would only put me off what I needed to focus on and that was who framed him. The shirt was far too big on me, I'm sure he'd giggle if he could at the shear ridiculousness of my attire. Clambering in to the covers, I was about to turn the night stand light off when there was another series of knocks at my door.

Wandering over, I pulled the chain latch over into a lock so I could pull it ajar.
"Hello?" I peered through the gap to see Hyunjae stood out on the porch.
"Can I come in?" He asked, I thought about it for a second - apart of me would of said no - but I'd seen a different side to Hyunjae Lee in the past few weeks. I pulled the chain off the door and let him inside.

Closing the door behind him, I sat on the bed as he laid opposite.
"Okay, so here's a map of the site." He pulled a map that he'd got from the firewood activity and set it in front of me, "there's 4 surveillance cameras, one is beside this cabin however it faces north. We can see who walked in and when. Now it's figuring out when the pills were put there." He then circled the camera with a red marker and dotted at the end.
"But how would we know that?" I asked, everyone walks by at some point it could be anyone.
"I was thinking it had to of been when you were out at dinner last night. I think Sunwoo would of noticed them if they were there before then." He suggested raising his eyebrow slightly and looking back up at me.

"There's also the fact, only I have a key. The cabins always been locked when we're not in it. So it's either someone we trust or there's another key." I highlighted the idea to him, his eyes glinting in a sudden realization.
"That could narrow it down a lot, good point." He noted, thinking as if he had something else to say, "that orange bottle, it's a prescription bottle."
"Of course you'd know." I rolled my eyes as he laughed lightly at the joke before carrying on.
"What I'm saying is, someone's either taking prescription codeine for a medical condition. Or someone's family works in the medical field and they have it on hand. It's not what they sell on the streets." He drew out the point as I thought to myself, it could be anyone someone with an injury or someone's parents were doctors.

"Who are the main suspects?" I asked him as he drew to another point, pressing his lips together momentarily.
"Cameron and his friends are number one. Me and the guys already talked about them. Then I have another one, I didn't mention to the rest and I don't want you to get mad-" Hyunjae fretted, huffing out an advisory warning before I cut him off.
"Just say it." I sighed, waiting for his answer.
"Ashley." He sighed, smacking his lips as my expression twisted into confusion.
"Why? She wouldn't do that." I shook my head, not possible she has no reason to.
"That's what I thought, she's your best friend right?" He commented before taking a breath to carry on, "However, before you got here. Ashley had a huge crush on Sunwoo, she'd make any excuse to talk to him. Of course I can't talk because I did the same to you, but this is different. She'd come up to us everyday, ask if we needed anything or invited us out to parties with your old friends. None of us knew she had a crush on him, a girl in your old friend group was the one to tell me when I took her back to my dorm. I think Ashley is jealous, even though she's with Jacob. I thinks she's capable."

Processing everything he'd just said, would Ashley do that to me? I thought back to everything she had ever said to me with care.

"For being far too attracti- drugs and vandalism I'm pretty sure."

"I don't wanna lose my bestfriend."

"Okay let me get the dress out, I'll be sneaky."

It hit me like a ton of bricks, Ashley didn't just retrieve my dress that evening. She slipped codeine into Sunwoo's bag, her Mother is a doctor, she has access to these kind of prescription drugs at home.

"It's Ashley." I spoke but my voice buckled weakly with a hint of solemn and anger, "it has to be her, you're right. Her mom's a doctor, she got me my dress from my bag last night - perfect opportunity to slip them in then. I just can't understand why she's been so positive about Sunwoo's and I'd relationship."
Hyunjae's eyes lit up, apart of them worried about the breakdown I was kicking into.
"What did you tell her exactly?" He knitted his brows together out of curiosity.

"She clocked Sunwoo and I had slept together today, she encouraged our date and she has been hyping me up this entire time. I just can't piece it together." I thought out loud, letting him know what I was thinking as I tried to piece together exactly why and if my best friend had done something like this.
"Hold on, rewind you and Sunwoo slept tog-" He paused the conversation, however I cut him off before he started asking irritating questions.
"Not the point. The point is, she's been so supportive I don't see how it could possibly be her unless you look at the physical evidence. Psychologically it seems like since he got back, she's shown little to no interest in Sunwoo." I shook my head as Hyunjae thought for a while, tapping the bed unsurely before collecting an answer.

"Perhaps she didn't realize how angry she would get when you and Sunwoo got close. I don't think she's genuine, that may be coming from someone like me. However, Y/N I realize now, how much good you've brought into Sunwoo's life. He's actually happy so it seems and if you're apart of that I don't want anyone to come in the way of that. You've made me realize that I need to change and I hope that's enough to make you realize that I truly don't think Ashley has good intentions." He replied as I thought for a while, everything kicking in at once as he elaborated the point with genuine meaning.

"So how do we prove it's her?" I asked with a quick change in my attitude, snapping out of my shock and into defensive girlfriend-not-really-girlfriend mode.
"We confront her." Hyunjae added with a sigh, as we began to map out every possibility about what could have happened to the codeine found in Sunwoo Kim's bag.



the plot thickens once again.. who to believe and who could be stirring the drama..♡︎

sending my love from beneath the stars always...

clover <3

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