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"Yeah I'll see you later." I heard Hyunjae's voice echo from down the corridor. I listened attentively as my neighbors door shut, waiting for any sign of them leaving. I eagerly stood up knowing they'd left and grabbed my phone from the bed with a quick snatch. I whipped my dorm door shut behind me, lightly tapping on door beside mine with a few knocks.
Not long after I had took my hand away, the door swung open to Eric rather than Sunwoo.
"You're here for?" He asked leaning against the frame cunningly, a sly smirk tapered to his features.
"Sunwoo." I sighed rather bluntly, swinging myself under the gap between his elbow and the door.
"Flattered." He smacked his lips shutting the door behind me after I entered.

Sunwoo sat in the shade of the balcony, sprawled out in one of the whitened metal chairs. He leant against the faintly floral patterned glass of the table, his cigarette lit between his lips, his hood hung over his head covering the back of his brunette hair.  The sun beamed down onto the highlights of his slightly tanned skin. He looked at me curiously as I stepped out onto the balcony. I slid the weighted door closed behind me with a light slam and took the seat opposite him.

"What brings you here?" He asked inquisitively, inhaling the smoke of his lit cigarette watching me from across the table.
"I don't know." I sighed putting my head in my hands, "you said you could trust Jacob"
"I can." He said rather bluntly leaning on to the table further, "Ashley consented to what she did, so don't jump on me for that."
"Ugh." I huffed out taking my head from my hands, "I just thought she might of thought more about me at least, I mean I nearly got drugged and she's running round with one of you straight afterwards."
"We live in a selfish world Y/N." He sighed knowingly, crushing the orange glowing paper into the hello kitty ash tray that sat in the center of the table.
"I guess, maybe I overreacted." I tapped on the table thinking, my eyes wandering as I drifted out into thought.
"You're not. Both of them have some explaining to do, especially since I trusted him to get her home safely. Don't beat yourself up, your right." He dragged his chair closer to mine from across the table.
"I just feel as if I've lost my best friend, ever since Hyunjae started sweetening her up I was suspicious. I should have known." I ran my fingers through my hair stressed, as all the events slowly unfolded in my head.

Sunwoo grabbed my hands clasping them between his own quickly, I looked up to his doe eyes as they searched my own in a lost gaze.
"Stop." He snapped abruptly, "It is not your fault. If anything it's my friends. Even I noticed, I got back and suddenly they're even worse than when I left. I didn't see what happened last night coming and believe me if I did Hyunjae wouldn't of arrived at the scene with limbs. But he knows Y/N, he is actually sorry. I know that's not enough to erase what happened but hopefully it's enough to move forward. He's a kind hearted guy behind the front he puts up. He's just loosing himself lately and I can't tell you why either."

I nodded along to his words, I felt slightly guilty if I was honest. It wasn't Sunwoo's fault of all of the boys there and yet I was here venting to him about his friends. What put me at ease was the fact he felt the same about them , as he held my hands between his own. Comfort sat between us both, amongst the silence and the city noise in the background.

Taking his hands away from my own, I suddenly felt empty again and I was completely clueless as to why. "You still coming out tonight?" He asked gently, sliding his chair back to where it was. Eric walked out on to the balcony lighting another cigarette and perching himself on the balcony ledge deviously glancing between us both.
"I think I'll pass after everything. Sorry." I sighed picking up my phone and standing from my chair. The metal was cool on the back of my legs, the warm air blowing a breeze through my hair as I stood.
"I don't blame you." He retuned the sigh also standing from his seat, pulling the cuffs of his hoodie over his hands that were decorated in multiple thick and dark rings.
"Please come out with us Y/N. It won't happen again, we promise." Eric attempted to persuade me, continuing to perch on the balcony ledge with his cigarette between his lips.
"She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to. Especially after that, leave her alone." Sunwoo grunted to the boy, who rolled his eyes in response taking another drag of his lazily.
"Thank you Sunwoo." I smiled to him half-heartedly as I approached the dorm door hesitantly.
"Anytime you need me." He gladly returned the expression, a flat smile slightly curving the line of his lips.

I pushed down the cool silver of the handle, leaving the dorm and returning to my own feeling slightly more relieved about the whole ordeal. I walked into my own room locking the two locks behind me. I threw my phone on to the soft cotton of the bed, flipping myself beside it and staring at the ceiling.

Should I call back ashley?

The same thought haunted my mind, after hearing Sunwoo's words maybe I should call her back. I scrolled down the contacts app, the bright screen lighting up my face an electric blue.
Calling Ashley... ♡︎

"Hello?" I asked as the ringing stopped, I was interrupted by a sobbing on the other line.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." She continued to apologize and I couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt crash over me in the moment.
"Ashley it's fine. I overreacted, don't even apologize." I sighed pitifully down the phone line.
"No, Y/N. I shouldn't of done it, not after what happened to you last night. It was selfish, I don't want to lose my best friend." She continued to sob, every now and then her sniffles prevented her from carrying on her sentence. I heard a male voice in the background trying to comfort her, assuming it was Jacob I just ignored it and moved on.
"You're not gonna lose me Ashley. Now quit crying, you're making me feel bad." I joked sarcastically, causing her to chuckle through her tears. "But can I speak to him?"

"Jacob? I mean sure." She replied, there was a short chaotic rustling on the line when she handed her phone over to boy.
"Hi Y/N." His voice was softer than his boisterous friend group, perhaps he was different to the others in that way.
"Hi Jacob. I'm trusting you to take care of her tonight okay? No drugs. No heavy drinking. Especially if she's the only girl with y'all." My voice became stern, as he laughed lightly. It wasn't a sarcastic laugh or a patronizing chuckle, it sounded sincere as if he agreed.

"Of course Y/N. She's safe with me, keep yourself safe too." He said down the line before handing the phone back to Ashley.
"Are you still coming tonight?" She asked changing the subject, I could hear her clearing herself up slightly to ask.
"No, I'm gonna ditch this one if that's okay." I laughed slightly to lighten up the atmosphere.
"Okay I understand. Let me know if you change your mind." She sighed in a disappointed manner, part of me wanted to go for her sake. Then again, no. I don't plan to go anywhere with these boys.
That was for the best.



kind greetings to you all .. (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣ ͜ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣ ˶ )

side character chapter thriving... i hope you all enjoyed as per usual !.. ( 'ω).. can we trust Jacob?... hmmm

sunwoo cutest.. i don't make the rules..

sorry this was overdue by a few hours.. i suppose but i still got there !..

have a lovely day and night wherever you are on the globe right now..

clover <3

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