the friar's daughter pt. i / p.m.

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a/n: this may or may not have been previously mentioned, but i'm a teenager from america so i obviously have little knowledge about italy in the 1400-1500's. some information may not be historically accurate because this imagine is based off season 3 of medici. also, some events of the show are going to be changed for the sake of the imagine. feel free to correct me!

parts of this imagine might not make sense if you haven't watched "medici: the magnificent"

* = time skip

you sat on a stone bench in the de medici's sculpture garden and stared aimlessly into the blue sky above you, which was littered with clouds. your boyfriend, piero, laid across the rest of the bench with his head in your lap and hummed in content as you ran your fingers through his hair. it was moments like these that you lived for. you weren't lucky enough to have the great romance piero's parents did. 

despite their initial unstable relationship, they loved each other more than life. you and piero loved each other more than life as well. the only difference? all of florence knew of the great romance of clarice and lorenzo de medici, but nobody could know about you and piero because you were friar girolamo savonarola's daughter from a previous marriage. your mother passed away eight years ago, when you were only but nine years old, leaving your father to turn to his religion to cope. you loved your father as much as you loved piero, and that meant dating piero in secret to prevent humiliating your father to the congregation of florence. they would raise hell if they knew the friar's only daughter was in love with a boy from the house of medici.

"dolcezza, you'll never believe what happened to me yesterday after i left the square with tommaso." (sweetheart)

"what happened?"

"a man approached me and he asked me about the city's dowry fund. i asked my father about it, and he said he would look into it when he got back home from his trip. i plan on asking tommaso about it tomorrow, but it bothers me that i wasn't able to be of much help to the man," piero sighed.

you couldn't help but look at him in pity. piero had wanted more than anything to be like his father and couldn't wait to take on his role as the lord of florence. however, lorenzo did very little to prepare piero for his upcoming responsibilities and barely even acknowledged the boy. his attention was always elsewhere, whether it be the matters of florence or piero's cousin giulio. lorenzo treated giulio as if he was his oldest son, despite the fact that giulio was actually his nephew, from his late brother giuliano. this left piero having to learn about his duties from someone else. that someone being, tommaso peruzzi, an important official who worked closely with lorenzo on florence's economic affairs. becoming the lord of florence was piero's birth right, and yet piero felt like it was a position he had to fight for, almost as hard as he was fighting for his father's validation.

"what's important is that you made haste in addressing the matter because it was important to the man, and then it became important to you. you did what any good lord would do, and i'm proud of you. with each passing day, i'm an awe of how much work you're doing for florence and her people. i know it seems like no one notices, but i want you to know that i notice. i don't doubt that you'll be a wonderful lord one day, " you said, giving him a reassuring smile.

piero brought his hand up to rest on your knee, right next to his face and smiled up at you.

"ti amo, y/n." (i love you, y/n.)

"significhi tutto per me," you smiled, before you leaned down to gently bring your lips to his. (you mean everything to me.)

you strolled through the square with your father after his sermon. he always made it a point to greet the townspeople and offer them any help he could. after ending a conversation with a woman who you assumed was a beggar, your father turned to you.

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