long distance / l.p.

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your leg was bouncing up and down relentlessly as you watched the scenery outside turn into a blur. you leaned your head against the car window, closing your eyes in hopes of calming your nerves.

"is it your first time in florence, cara ?" the old taxi driver asked. (dear)

"it is, actually." 

"if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here? we don't get many young people like you around this time of year."

"well, my boyfriend is actually here for work. he's been here for the past few months and i haven't gotten a break from school until now, so i decided to pay him a suprise visit."

you opened your eyes again, just in time to see his face light up in the rearview mirror with a gentle smile, as he chuckled heartily. 

"i remember when my wife and i were young enough to plan things like that. the best i can do at my age is bring flowers home after a day's work."

you smiled alongside him, feeling your heart swell at how cute he and his wife seemed to be. you could only hope that you and louis could be like that one day. 

"that sounds very thoughtful," you replied.

"not as thoughtful as what you've got planned, amore. i hope it all goes well." (love)

as you were about to respond, you felt the car roll to a stop. looking out the window, you realized that you were outside louis' hotel.

paying the fare to the kind old man behind the wheel, you insisted that you would get your luggage out on your own, before grabbing it from the trunk and walking towards the hotel entrance as the taxi sped away. 

you quickly checked into your own room, seeing as louis was still filming. you were in contact with his castmates, jacob and william, who were helping your orchestrate the whole thing. they were supposed to finish filming in two hours, giving you roughly three hours to get ready before they all went out to eat. 

you quickly unpacked your bags, before getting in the shower and taking care of everything you needed to do. you changed out of your sweatpants and into a more form fitting dress, styling your hair and makeup with a little more flair than usual.

after all, you were in italy. 

as you added finishing touches, fluffing your hair in the mirror and straightening out your dress, your phone buzzed. your stomach immediately dropped, your hands growing cold as your heart rate picked up. you knew right away that it was william and jacob.

super secret suprise

hey y/n, we've just arrived at the hotel

louis has just gone back to his room and we're all getting ready to go out for dinner

sounds good, thanks for letting me know
do you know where you'll be going to eat?

he just texted us, we're going to the culinaria bistro down the street
we'll probably just walk there

we'll be leaving in 15
start heading over in 30 so you'll come in time to have dinner with us

thanks again for everything

no worries!


you placed your phone back on the counter, reaching down to smooth your sweaty palms over your dress. it was weird to think that after months of being in different countries, louis was in the same building as you, but you still had to wait another half hour to see him.

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