the one i love the most / l.p.

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you glared at the screen of your laptop, the soft rain outside the coffee shop doing little to calm your mood. with a huff, you leaned back in your chair, taking the pen in your hand and clicking it furiously.

"what's gotten into you?" your best friend, louis, laughed.

he was positioned right across from you, the back of his laptop touching the back of yours. he leaned forward in his chair, placing his hand on top of yours to stop the incessant noise.

"i'm missing portraits and mugshots from my portfolio, but i don't know how to combine them with the prompt i got," you grumbled.

you gestured towards the open folder infront of you, different papers flying out. each paper consisted of different pictures, all in different styles and formats. they were scattered strategically, with different stickers and writing, almost as if each paper was a page in a scrapbook.

he looked down at them, unknowingly leaving his hand on top of yours. you looked back down at the table, trying to hide the blush on your face as he studied the pages infront of him.

you and louis were taking your a levels part time, dedicating the rest of your time to perfect your individual crafts. both of you had decided to pursue unconventional things, him leaning towards becoming an actor full time, while you wanted to study journalism and photography.

he had began auditioning for different roles, getting his career off the ground. you were working on your portfolio in hopes of being hired by an actual company in the next year or two. as of recent years, a lot of the time that the two of you had together was spent with you editing pictures on your laptop while he read over scripts.

you didn't mind it though. you had known each other since primary school, having had your whole childhoods to have fun. now that you were buckling down into adulthood, you were just appreciative that you were still able to spend time with him.

in all honesty, you wouldn't know what you would do without him in your life. he was your first and only best friend, your partner in crime, your shoulder to cry on, and your first love. but he didn't know about that last one.

"what prompt?" he asked, looking up.

"i googled what employers want to see in portfolios and they really like creativity, so i decided to make my portfolio look like a teenage girl's scrapbook, for obvious reasons. i came up with prompts for my pictures to follow."

"like what?"

"well, i took pictures of my favorite places for nature shots. i did my favorite foods for my black and white pictures, that kind of stuff."

"well, why don't you use me for the portraits?"

you cocked your head to the side as he he grinned at you, his eyes meeting your expectantly.

"really?" you asked, your expression changing when you realized he was serious.

"yeah, why not?"

"i guess you're right," you laughed, his enthusiasm being something you found amusing. "you're going to have to spice up the outfit though."

"what's wrong with my outfit?"

"nothing's wrong with it, but i used millie for my action shots and she was dressed to the nines. she set the bar high for everyone else in my portfolio, so you've gotta step it up."

"of course she did," he sighed, reaching towards the floor and digging in his backpack, pulling out a random tweed blazer.

"why do you have that in there?"

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