all i want / l.p.

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part II to "love you goodbye / l.p."
italics indicate memories

louis' pov.

"do you realize how bad this makes us look? how bad it makes me look?" millie snarled, the static of the phone making her sound even more harsh.

"are you serious? you're upset that we weren't coordinating our outfits that day?"

"at a red carpet event, where you were my date! you knew what you signed up for in this relationship, louis."

"yeah, a relationship with the sweet, charming, kind girl that i met on set. you're not who i thought you were," i scoffed.

"well that's just too bad. you and i both know that you're stuck. that is... if you don't want to kill your career."

"it's been six months, millie. you'd think you would've waited atleast eight before you decided to make my life hell."

i angrily ended the call, running my hands through my hair in pure frustration. it felt like my hands were tied, my situation turning sour so quickly with no way for me to get out of it.

there hadn't been a day in the past few months where i hadn't hated myself for the decision i made. i let the fame get to my head too fast, thinking that i needed to change every aspect of my life to keep up with my rising popularity.

i thought that a girlfriend whose life was like mine was the best relationship i could have. i didn't realize how much i needed y/n to keep me grounded.

i didn't realize how much i needed her, how much i actually loved her, until she was gone.

more times than i'd like to admit, i found myself thinking about her. i hadn't heard from her in almost eight months. for the first four months after she left, i found myself too caught up in millie to care about what happened to her.

millie and i made it official two months after y/n and i called it quits, but things with millie took a turn after four months in. it was only ever about fame with her. she cared too much about how i looked and what i wore, instead of how i felt and what i was doing.

she wanted a picture perfect boyfriend, but y/n only ever wanted me, and it was times like these where i missed her the most.

i paced around my kitchen, throwing my phone down on the counter and gripping the cold marble to slow my ragged breathing. my eyes went in and out of focus as they followed the cracks and crevices of the stone.

"trouble in paradise?" issie taunted, wandering into the kitchen.

"are you really going to ask me that?" i groaned, looking up at her.

"we all told you that we didn't like her. you only have yourself to blame for that."

her eyes stayed trained on mine as she approached the refrigerator behind me, pulling it open and grabbing a bottle of water.

"i know, you don't have to remind me."

"i wonder how y/n's doing," she mused, slamming the fridge door.

i sighed, rubbing my temples as she left the kitchen, shooting me a condescending look. i decided that i had enough, sauntering over to the living room and plopping face down on the couch cushions.

i mindlessly grabbed the remote for the television, flicking it on so that i had some background noise as i sunk further into the couch. i heard the familiar sound of the e-news intro, causing me to become even more annoyed.

figuring that millie, issie, or my mum had been watching it previously, i raised my hand to change the channel. it was when my finger rested on the remote button that my blood ran cold.

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