past lives / l.p.

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you were joyfully overwhelmed with all the sights and sounds that took over kensington. a grin made its way onto your face as you took in the sight of little children dressed up in costumes made of beautiful feather and jewel designs. 

your boyfriend, louis, tugged you along as the two of you eyed all the different attractions that the notting hill carnival had to offer. not only were there so many activities to do, but there was so much food to try and just the sight of it all made your mouth water. scooting past a group of men who were cooking meat on an open grill, you made eye contact with a woman a few feet away. 

her hair was wrapped up in a beautiful scarf, with various colors and designs. her dark complexion seemed to glow in the bright summer sun. her gaze seemed to be inviting as her dark eyes locked in on yours, and she was sat infront of a tent-like booth, beckoning you to come towards her with her finger. she was enticing, and who were you to say no?

you began making your way towards her, pulling louis in the opposite direction that he was pulling you.

"you alright, love? where are we going?"

"i honestly don't know, but when a really pretty old lady tells you to do something then you listen to her."

"what does that even mea-" louis began to speak, but he quickly stopped talking as you approached her. 

without a doubt, the woman's magical effects had clearly hit him as well. 

"hello, you two! my, what a beautiful couple you are," she smiled. "what are your names?"



"well, louis and y/n, what brings you to the notting hill carnival?"

"just looking around, hoping to join in on the festivities," you smiled sheepishly, unsure of the right way to act around her. louis wasn't doing any better as he stood dumbfounded with nothing but a goofy grin on his face, clearly infatuated with the woman's captivating energy. 

"well then, what would your experience be without any magic? would you like a reading? i can do compatability readings, trauma readings, past life readings..." 

"past life readings?" louis asked. you looked up at him with a raised brow. of all the readings, he was interested in the past life one?

"i can tell you who you were, what you did, maybe even how you died."

"that's actually really interesting," you responded. 

"fifteen pound for the two of you. i can't bring myself to charge you any more than that, with your adorable little faces. reminds me of my husband and i when we were your age," she chuckled. 

you turned to louis, who was already giving you the puppy dog eyes. deciding that it wouldn't hurt to humor yourselves for just fifteen pounds, you simply shrugged. pulling out a ten and five pound note from his wallet, he handed it over to the woman, who invited you inside her little tent.

her tent consisted of a few rugs and ottomans that had ethnic designs all over them, but you couldn't figure out which kind. you sat criss cross on one of the rugs, louis taking a seat next to you. he propped his weight up by putting his arm behind you, letting you lean into his side. the woman followed shortly after she shut the tent curtains, sitting directly infront of you with a deck of cards in hand. 

"so here's how this works, i will start shuffling these cards and i want you to take turns telling me to stop. every time you say stop, i'll draw one card until we have ten laid out."

you and louis nodded, before she started shuffling. her movements were quick and skilled, showing that this was clearly something she had been practicing for a very long time. 

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