Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
Olivia's POV

I wake up in the morning with a smile as I think about Peter. He has taken over my senses in such short time. He's the only person I think about, first thing in the morning and the only thing at night and basically 24 hours everyday. Fuck I've fallen and I've fallen hard. I don't think I can get up and that scares me. I get all ready and dress up in a cute forest green sweater with black shorts and white sneakers before putting my hair in a messy bun. I apply clear mascara and lip gloss and a little blush before heading downstairs.

"Good morning people!" I chime and take my seat at the dining table. "Good morning sunshine, you look happy today" my mom states the obvious. Yes, I am in a cheery mood and honestly a very big part of it is because of Peter. My smile widens as I think of him. "Yes I am! Dad," I turn to look at him, "can you please make me the special omelette with cheese and ham breakfast,"

"Coming right up!" He exclaims and gets up to do his thing. "What's so special today?" Mom asks, "nothing mom I just feel like it," I say as I shove a piece of watermelon in my mouth. "You're wearing a shade of green I haven't seen you wear in a long time," my eyes widen as I realise that she has noticed, "look here missy," and I do, "tell me the reason behind your glowing face right now," she smiles at me and I can't help but smile even more.

"I can't stop thinking about Peter mom. He has completely taken over my heart and mind. I like him so much and gosh he makes me so happy and like I get very excited to see him and talk to him and even be near him. I feel so good when I'm around him and it's like I never wanna leave his side and you see I'm wearing his favourite color today and look at this bracelet," I point to it, "he gave it to me and he has a matching one too. Gosh mom I really like him,"

"Aww look at my baby," she coos, "you know I was like this for your dad too, literally head over heels for him. I hope y'all get together soon," my smile starts to fade away but I try not to make it obvious. Dad come along with my breakfast and I dig in. As soon as I'm done with my breakfast, I kiss both their cheeks and leave the house, excited to see Peter.

I enter the bio class and smile as I spot Peter sitting in his usual spot. He looks so good in his hoodie, he doesn't even need to try. I take my seat next to Tina and she starts rambling about how Jacob and Charlotte were being too loud. I couldn't focus on what she was saying because I kept looking back to him. "Alright," the lecturer starts, "would you all please get into your project groups and work on it for the rest of the class" she says and I could not get any happier. Tina pouts at me as I walk to the back of the room to sit next to Peter.

"Hey Peanut!" I greet excitedly. He looks at me gloomily and replies with a meek "hey". What's up with him? "So what do you wanna talk about right now? I was thinking maybe we could look at the independent and dependent variables and-"

"later," he cuts me off. I look at him in confusion and place my hand on his shoulder, "hey are you ok?" He glares at me and I was taken aback at that. "Yeah," he states glumly.

"Peter you sure? I'm worried, did something happen or-"

"I said I'm fine."

"Peter I-"

"Cut it off! I said I am ok stop asking me." He slightly raises his voice and I take my arm back. I wonder what's wrong what him. Tina approaches the two of us and says, "hey Liv do you wanna help me with this?" As she points at her book, "hey Peter!" She greets and smiles at him and he looks at him emotionless.

"I was thinking if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight?" She asks him and my eyes widen. Did she just ask that? "Sure," comes his reply and I look at shocked. She squeals before collecting herself and saying, "cool, pick me up from my place at 7?" She asks and he simply nods. I look at him surprised and ask him "are you sure Peter?" When Tina leaves. "Listen, I'll do whatever the fuck I want. You're no one to tell me what I should or shouldn't do." He says before getting up and walking out the class, completely ignoring the lecturer calling out to him.

What was that about?

Sending love your way

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