Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Olivia's POV

I attend my classes the next day. I reached home pretty late in the afternoon after dropping Peter off at his frat house. Really didn't peg him as a frat guy. He said his house was an hour away from the college, but he just really doesn't wanna bother with driving for an hour every morning. Plus, he can drive for just twenty minutes instead because the frat house was close to the college, he prefers that instead.

After reaching home I was bombarded with thousand questions by Ethan, Jacob and Tina. Mom and Nick weren't in sight when I was there. It was fine anyway because I still needed time to process the whole "you can stay here," drama that my mom created. Tina was so excited to hear the new information about Peter. Well it's not like he told me a lot. He brushed off almost every question. The only thing he told me was that his favorite color was forest green because it brings life to so many things despite being a such a dark color. He told me how he loves the ocean because it shows how you could find the surface so intimidating at first but then find out interesting things and how beautiful things can be once you go into the depths of the ocean. He compared it to us humans, how a person could look intimidating at first but then you start to grow fond of the said person once you reach out for the depths, and I thought it was really philosophical. I told her everything, minus the part where he said that he found Tina annoying. She said she was jealous of how I had his hoodie, to which I replied with, "don't be, I'm gonna give it back tomorrow."

They all left home at night, and I was met with the dreadful moment of having to sit with mom and Nick while having dinner. The awkward silence lingered way too much in the air, it felt like it was literally going to suffocate me. They tried to make small talk with me, but I didn't budge. I went to sleep early that night, just because I didn't wanna interact with any one of them.

Today morning we had breakfast together. Mom and Nick both apologized for yesterday, and I did too, for the way I reacted, but I told them how it was a completely rational reaction. Well, not completely. I kissed my mom's cheek before leaving, and smiled at him in return as a response to his "I love you Olivia."

And now here I am, attending my classes. I genuinely love biology a little too much to miss a class. Well let's forget that one time when I missed 20 minutes of it because I was busy getting boned. Peter's major is biology too, and he doesn't miss any class either, but he sits far back just so no one would notice him. Tina kept glancing back at him, in hopes of making a few seconds of "heavenly eye contact." She doesn't even want to major in biology. She's an English major and wants to study law, but for the love of biology, she attends these classes too. I had to attend my chemistry and math classes afterwards, but decided against it since I'm already ahead of class. My phone rings and I pick it up. "Hey Callum-yeah alright I'll be there in a while" I hang up and walk towards my car to drive to the frat house.

Callum and Peter live in the same frat house, but I don't have to be worried about bumping into Peter because I know he's gonna attend his classes. Surprisingly, he does maths too, but I skipped way too many to classes to know that. I'm not slacking off , I'm just ahead of class which is why I skip, and my credit score's great, as said by my professors, so I really don't have to worry.

I drove more 20 minutes before reaching the front of the frat house. I park my car, walk into the house and jog straight upstairs to Callum's room. He opens the door, his grin spread across his face, expressing how happy he is to see me here. He pulls me in by my waist and locks the door.

This is also one of the reasons why I skip.

Sending love your way

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