Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Peter's POV

I try to lift my arms higher so I could ring the door bell and successfully do so. It was already 10pm and most of my time was spent trying to shut a whining Olivia up. She was asleep half the time, but even in her sleep she's annoying. She was singing fucking nursery rhymes in her sleep. And on top of that I was struggling to find her house, but thank god, her mom was calling so everything became easy. She didn't seem bothered at all when I picked up her call. Maybe she's used guys picking up Olivia's phone calls.

The door fly opens and I come face to face with her mom, I guess. Behind her stood a man, tall and weirdly handsome for his age, yet intimidating. That's probably her dad. "What's wrong with her?" He asks, looking at the girl fallen asleep in my arms. "She drank too much," I simply reply

"Please come in," the lady sweetly says. I walk in and was about to place Olivia on the couch when, "I'll carry her upstairs," said her dad. He picks her up and walks away. "Thank you so much for bringing her home, umm-" She pauses,

"Peter, my name's Peter,"

"She has never really mentioned anyone named Peter, but thank you for bringing her home dear." She says,

"Please don't thank me ma'am, it's honestly ok,"

"Please don't call me ma'am, makes me feel old" she chuckles, "I'm Sandra, or you can call me Sandy," she says. She honestly doesn't even look old. She looks genuinely appealing, and her dad, I think, is a good looking man too. No wonder everyone at campus falls for Olivia's looks. Yeah she's beautiful and all, but the personality matters more. A few minutes later her dad appears behind Sandy.

"I appreciate you for bringing my daughter at home safely," he says with a small smile, and I return a smile too. "Alright I'm gonna get going," I say,

"Oh no please have some dinner," she says,

"Oh I shouldn't, I had a shit ton-" my eyes widen,  "I'm sorry I mean I've already had so much food" they both chuckle and I look at them in confusion, "it's ok, you can cuss in front of us, so don't worry about it, and please, have at least a drink, maybe a glass of water, juice, coffee? Wine maybe?" She continues,

"I don't think I can have any more food or drink going down my throat but thank you so much for offering. I really appreciate it," I say and smile at them. I turn to walk towards the door and before I could open the door I'm reminded of the fact that my car is still at that place.

"Umm, if you don't mind, can I drive Olivia's car? My car is still at that alleyway we went to have lunch at. So can I?" I ask, praying that they would say yes,

"Don't worry dear, you can drive it home. You can stay here for the night if you want, it's too dangerous to drive in this state at night, I know you're not drunk or anything but still, you can stay the night." Her mom says,

"Oh no I couldn't, but thank you so much for the offer, I can drive myself home. Thank you for having me," I give them a small smile and leave as I watch Sandy wave goodbye at me. I walk towards Olivia's car and take my seat before driving to the frat house. Today was...interesting. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. Olivia isn't as arrogant as I think of her. Well at least not that much around me I guess. She isn't a bad person, but she is so hell bent on making me get with her friend Tina, it's quite annoying really. Yeah Tina is beautiful and all, so is Olivia, but I am not interested in liking anyone, let alone dating. And no I'm not gay, I just like living this life where I wouldn't have to worry about breaking someone's heart. My phone rings and I pick it up, "hey dad,"

"Son can you come home please?" He says in a sad tone,

"Is something wrong?" I ask,

"Your mom is..."

"Again? I sigh, "alright I'll be there in a few" I say and hang up. I take a different route instead and drive towards my house. It feels like it's been ages since I've drove past these familiar houses, even though it's just been a week. I slow down the car when my house comes in view and park in the driveway. I walk into my house and run upstairs before entering my parents' room. My heart breaks at the sight of my  mom sobbing and my dad trying to calm her,

"Mom," she looks up and hurriedly runs towards me, tripping as she does so but quickly regaining her balance nonetheless before pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh thank god you're safe, Sara would be so happy to see you, she said she misses her brother so much. She's been dying to see you," she says excitedly. I look up at my dad and watch a tear roll down his cheek. This is so heartbreaking. "Come Peter lets go to your sister" she says before dragging me out the room and into hers, still in it's condition, everything in the same place as it was when she was here. Toys in the floor, her vanity messed up with mom's make up. Her bed though, was made. "Oh sorry dear, she's fast asleep, we'll see her tomorrow alright," she says,

I look at her with teary eyes, "mom, she isn't here, she isn't going to come back, she's no more" I look down as I say the last sentence,

"What do you mean she's not more? How dare you say that about your sister, do you not see her? She's right there asleep, how dare you!" She says with anger and starts screaming incoherent words at me. My dad walks out of his room and hands a glass of water, which she drinks and not a few minutes later passes out in his arms.

"I really think you should take her to a psychiatrist, or a therapist, it's been three months dad, she's still not over it." I say,

"She will be over it, I'm not taking her anywhere" he sighs, "just stay the night, okay?" And I nod.

Sending love your way

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