Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
Peter's POV

"What the fuck!" I exclaim. That sick jerk! "Yeah, anyways. Everyone was gonna watch and I didn't realize that. His friends entered the room and he started undressing me. I was screaming and begging him to stop, and I asked him why, and he said because he loved me and didn't want any other guy to look at me ever again, and the only way he could have that was if he let others do whatever he wanted. He pinned me down and I screamed and cried, my vision blurred and I-"

"Wait that was you?" I ask her,

"What do you mean?" She asks,

"That day, I was passing by the room and heard someone screaming. I tried to open the door but it was locked and so I broke down the door. The girl was passed out on the bed naked and her hair was covering her face. The guys tried to push me out but somehow I was able to get her out from there, that was you?" I ask again, shocked at what I might be thinking right now,

"I woke up on the couch and Ethan and Jacob said someone left me here and wrapped a blanket around me, you did that?"

"I remember doing that, I left afterwards," she turns around, she crying as she looked up at me, "oh my god I can't believe it. You saved me Peter," she sobs, "thank you!" She pulls me into a tight hug and I hold her as close as I possibly could. She sobs as I run my fingers through her hair and silently cry. I feel so bad for her, I really do. I wonder what she must've felt at that time. "Thank you Peter, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, thank you," she looks into my eyes as she says so. She cups my cheek and pulls me close before placing her lips on my mine. I was startled at first, but soon I melt into her kiss. I pull her closer and grabs my hair. She tastes so sweet and I cannot get enough of her. Small sighs escape her mouth and she pulls my hair, making me groan. Her tongue searches for mine and she kisses me harder, as if this is the last thing she would do. She straddles my lap and pulls me closer. This really does feel good, but I don't wanna make her feel like I'm leading her on or something, and she only sees me as a friend, so I pull away.

We both breath heavily, our foreheads touching as she smiles and god it is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. "Wanna go cut my cake?" She asks,

I lean against the counter as I watch her place the candles on the cake. She lights it up and I start singing happy birthday to her. "Well it's not my birthday anymore," she chuckles. She blows out the candles and makes a wish before cutting a cake and handing me a piece. I feed her a piece and she bites my finger, "ouch! Olive what was that about?" I ask and she just laughs.

She puts her palm and out and says, "where's my gift?"

"Hmm I'm so sorry I forgot about it," I lie,

"What?" She looks at me with wide eyes, "what the hell Peanut! First you don't show up at my party and then you don't buy me a gift, real nice." She turns around with a huff.

I smile and walk in front of her before putting my finger under her chin and lifting her head up, "you really thought I forgot?" I ask,

"Well considering the fact that you didn't show up today, then yes, I thought so," she retorts

"Alright come with me," I says and take her hand in mine before leading her upstairs to my room. I ask her to close her eyes and she does so before sitting on the bed. I get the small gift box before sitting next to her, "open your eyes," I said and she does so. She looks at the small box and smiles, "it's so cute," she says,

She opens the box and gasps, "this is beautiful," she said. It was a baby pink gemstone bracelet, with one black stone and a small diamond crown. "Peter, this is beautiful, I love it!" She exclaims and puts it in before kissing me on the cheek. "But I feel like it's too expensive," she sighs and frowns, "you didn't have to buy such an expensive gift,"

"Shut up dumbass," I say before chuckling,

"Why does it have a black stone?" She asks. I show her my bracelet, which had black stones and one baby pink stone with a crown. "They're matching. I thought, what better way to celebrate our friendship than to by matching bracelets right? And I did just that. The lady at the store said this is the best piece they have and so I bought it,"

She tears up and hugs me tight, "you're genuinely the best thing that has ever happened to me," she says which makes me smile like an idiot. She blushes and her eyes widen when she realizes what she said,

"You know I-I mean I didn't, ughh stupid mouth," she says and laughs,

I look at her and thought,

You're the best thing that has happened to me!

Sending love your way

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