Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Olivia's POV

My eyes widen at what he just said, "say that again I think my mind's playing games with me," I say,

"I like Tina, Liv, and oh god I have no idea what to do!" He sighs a frustrated sigh and I'm just as confused as him. When the fuck did this happen? I've never been so confused in my life. Tina likes Peter, but Peter hates Tina, but Tina doesn't know that, and she also doesn't know that Ethan likes her, but Ethan doesn't know that she likes Peter, and he also doesn't know that Peter wants nothing to do with her, and for some god forsaken reason I'm in between this fucking mess! What the fuck am I supposed to do??

"When did this happen?" I ask him,

"It's been a few days, I don't even know how. I mean, I did have feelings for her before too, I just didn't tell anyone, and now those feelings are coming back and after going out today it's just stronger and I really don't know what to do Liv. I don't wanna mess up our friendship. We've all been best friends for a long ass time and the last thing I wanna do is ruin it," he says,

"I guess I did get a hint that you did like her, but I didn't think it would be for real. What do you wanna do now?" I ask,

"I don't know Liv that's why I called you, what should I do?"

Why the fuck even am I stuck here? Should I set my best friend up with someone who hates the living hell out of her? Or should I set my her up with my other best friend who actually likes her and will treat her well? What do I do?

"Do you wanna just go to sleep right now and think about this properly tomorrow? It's too much to take in right now," I say,

"Yeah that makes sense," he says, "anyways, goodnight Liv, thanks for being there, love you"

"Love you too," I reply before hanging up. I lay down on my bed and sigh. I run my hands over my face and scream out of frustration and my door flung open, "Olivia are you ok?" Nick asks worriedly,

"Yes I am, sorry, goodnight." I say before turning the lights off and going to sleep.


I was staring at my biology notes, completely zoned out and not knowing what's happening around me.

"Olivia can you please explain the processes involved in cellular respiration?" I hear a distant voice ask me. Why would someone ask me a bio related question? "Olivia," I hear the voice call out my name,

I feel a nudge on my shoulder and it brings me back to reality, "Olivia are you listening?"

"Yes Ms. Jones, I'm sorry," I apologize,

"Please pay attention," she says and asks someone else, "what's wrong?" Peter asks me. He sat beside me today, mainly because Tina isn't in today. "Nothing I'm just tired," I say,

The truth is, I'm really confused with this whole, Ethan liking Tina, Tina liking peter, Peter hating Tina situation. And I'm just stuck in between all of this trying to figure out a solution that would make everyone happy.

"Your task for two weeks will be to conduct a scientific investigation. This investigation should include everything, from an introduction to experimental variables to statistical analysis and conclusion. I will be giving your time in classes to figure your research out and plan it out. You will be working in pairs," Ms. Jones explains,

This would be a great distraction honestly, thank god for this. "Please choose your partners, if you don't pair up and give me your names in 2 minutes, I will be pairing you up with your peers,"

"Wanna be my partner?" Peter asks. I look at him in disbelief, "aww you wanna partner up with me? How cute!" I gush, "alright then I'll just ask someone else," he rolls his and says, "no no alright, let's be partners," I say and nudge him playfully.

We go up to Ms. and give our names. In a while our class ends and we leave. We walk towards the exit of the building in silence and stop when we're in front of his car, "so," he rocks back and forth on his heels, "do you wanna start planning today or?" He asks shyly,

It's honestly so cute to see him like this. I'm glad I've gained his trust enough to make him be himself around me. I certainly do not wanna break this trust,

"I mean if you want we could figure out a topic to investigate on," I say,

"Um sure," he scratches his neck shyly, "so your house or mine? I don't wanna go to the frat house" He asks,

"Your house, well only if I get some delicious lunch again," I say, making him chuckle which just made me smile,

Sending love your way

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