Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Olivia's POV

I could hear some bits of their conversation, something about troubled and desperate. Before I could process what they were saying, "enough!" I hear Peter shout. He walks into the living room, fuming with anger. "Peter what's wrong?" I ask, "let's go," he says before taking my hand and pulling me towards the door,

"Peter wait I-" I hear his mom say before the door shuts. He enters his car, and I sit on the passenger seat. He wastes no time and starts driving off at a dangerous speed. "Peter slow down please," I say, but it seems to go over his head and he does the opposite. He takes many turns and soon the roads become familiar. He's driving towards the cliff where we sit together. The gate becomes clearer and clearer as he does not slow down, "Peter please stop!"

"Peter you're gonna crash, please stop!"

"Stop!" I scream and he does so. I look and see the car was just a few inches away from the gate. He slams he hand against the wheel before sighing. I put my hand on his shoulder and ask, "what's wrong?" He does not reply and instead lives the car and climbs the gate. I do the same when I see him walking towards the other side. "Peter wait," I call out. He soon reaches the end and sits on the grass, looking up at the bright sky. I sit next to him, not saying anything and waiting for him to speak.

"Sara was just 5," I look at him confused, "she was playing with her friends in the playground. She was such an lively girl, everyone loved her," he smiles at the memory and a tear slides down his cheek, " I was supposed to pick her up from there. She saw me and she ran across the road, and that's when a car," he closes his eyes, letting the tears falling, completely forgetting that I'm here. "I blame myself for what happened to her. I blame myself for her death," I feel a tear roll down my cheek, "my mom couldn't handle this, she still cannot. She thinks she's alive, she thinks she's there. Her room is left the same, messy everywhere, except the bed. I know my mom doesn't say it, but somewhere I feel that she too, blames me for her death. If I had just been more careful, maybe Sara would be here today," he looks at me with red eyes matching my own,

"You see this," he shows me his tattoo on his arm, "this was the drawing she gave right before she went out to play," he lets out a sob, "it was my fault, it was all my fa-" I pull him into a hug, not letting him complete his sentence. He holds me tight and continues to cry, and my heart breaks for this guy. "It wasn't your fault Peter," I say, not knowing what else to say. He lays his head on my lap and wraps his arms around my waist while I brush his hair. I cannot believe this guy goes through so much, yet he is still strong and acts like nothing bothers him. I'm glad that I'm one of the people he trusts enough to open up like this. I smile at that thought, but that quickly fades away when I'm reminded of why I'm getting close to him in the first place.

I cannot do this to him. I cannot do what I'm doing, trying to set him up with someone he does not want anything to do with. I know Tina is my best friend, but I can't do this.

He lifts his head and looks at me, "hey I'm sorry about my mom, she can get a little..." he apologizes,

"Don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure many moms think about me like that," I say with a chuckle and he smiles,

"She's a little protective ever since I- anyways, forget about it." He says, "do you wanna complete the project at your place instead?"

"Do you mind cooking for me?" I ask, trying to joke around and ease up the tension. He chuckles and nods, "alright then let's get going," I stand up and dust myself. I was surprised when he pulls me into a hug, "thank you," he says. I look at him and say, "hey that's what friends are for right?"

"Right," he says with a smile,

We sit in the car and he starts, "would you mind driving safe? We're too young to die right now, and I'm pretty sure I wanna get old," I say,

He laughs, "yeah I'm sorry about that," he scratches his neck shyly and I playfully rub his hair, "hey, do not touch my hair, it has to look a certain way,"

"Ok diva can you drive now?" I say and we both laugh as he drives away from here.

Sending love your way

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