Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Olivia's POV

I look through my closet for something sexy to wear tonight. Honestly I don't even know why I wanna look sexy but like might as well just do it yeah? After what seemed like hours of searching, I finally picked a strapless gold dress that barely reached my mid thigh and hugged my curves perfectly. Not only does it make my body look great but it also allows tattoo on my collarbone to stand out.

I sit in front of the vanity and start curling my hair. Once I was done with curling my hair, I apply minimal makeup, but the eyeliner on my lid and the hot red lipstick brings the whole look together. The minute I put on my black pumps, the doorbell rings.
"Liv they're here!" My mom calls out from downstairs,

"Coming!" I reply and walk down the stairs. As soon as I reach downstairs my mom whistles, "someone looks sexy!" She compliments,

I roll my eyes and laugh, "thanks ma," I reply and kiss her cheek before leaving. "Don't drink too much" was the last thing I heard before heading out the door.

"Hurry up bitch we're getting late!!" Tina pokes her head out of the sunroof of the car and screams. I enter and Ethan drives away. Just after a few minutes we reach Charlottes grand house. Ethan takes no time in parking and we all got out, making our way towards the entrance of the house. Judging by the amount of people that cover her lawn, I guess we really are late.

Or maybe everyone else were really early.

As soon as we enter, the heart starts beating to the rhythm of the loud music. Cigarette smoke replaces the almost clean atmosphere and the heat radiating off of all the bodies being packed together really is suffocating.

But I'm used to it so this doesn't bother me.

"Heyy guys you're here!" Charlotte chimes. She's wasted already. She squeals as Jacob grabs her ass and starts giggling, making Tina roll her eyes, "wow Liv you look hot!" He says, making Charlotte glare at him.

"Thanks J!" I reply and they walk away,

"Holy shit Jessica looks hella hot," Ethan exclaims and we look towards Jessica Gomez towards our right, her black hair with light highlights perfectly curled up falls down to her waist and sways as she dances. "Imma go fuck her,"

"Oh my god Ethan you've fucked her a thousand times get over it already," Tina states,

"Tina, she is one of the hottest girls in school, right after you, Liv and Charlotte. I'm pretty sure I can't get over it,"

"Well..." She starts but can't form words,

"So you'd rather me have sex with you?" He wiggles his eyebrows and she gags, "oh come on it's not like it'll be the first," he winks and walks away, making her roll her eyes. We walk further down the hall and enter the kitchen to get ourselves a drink,

"Hey Liv!" I turn around to see Callum. Callum is a really good looking guy with piercing green eyes, silver grey hair. A silver stud on his ear and a silver ring on his lips make him ten times hotter than he already is. "Hi Callum!" I greet and hug him. "You look sexy today! Not that you usually don't," he says and winks at me, making me chuckle,

"Should I get you a drink?" He asks, and apparently for some odd reason he does not acknowledge Tina's presence and because she notices that, she takes that as a hint and leaves the two of us alone. "Sure," I say,

He grabs a red cup and fills it with vodka, walking towards me with his bright smile that could genuinely melt anyone's heart. I take the time of his slow walk towards me to completely take in his appearance. He's wearing black ripped jeans that hang just low enough to show his Calvin Klein boxers underneath, and his tight white T-shirt perfectly shows his outlines, and to top it off he's wearing a leather jacket and I suddenly feel like it's just ten times hotter that before now.

Like Holy fuck!

He is HOT!!

He snaps his fingers in front of my face, bringing me right back to reality. "You lost?" He asks while chuckling, "apparently I was," I say and laugh along with him. I take the drink from his hand and take a sip, instantly getting hit by the familiar taste and burning sensation I get from the vodka. "So who you hooking up with tonight?" He asks,

"I really don't know honestly, but I'm pretty I will as soon as the drinks kick in," I reply as I take another sip,

"Well whoever it is that you're gonna be fucking is gonna be hella lucky. I knew I was when we did," he says and smirks and I don't know if it's the vodka or just my thoughts but my cheeks slightly heat up.

I go up closer to him until we're breathing the same air and grab a fistful of his T-shirt, "wanna relive the memories?" I smirk as I watch his pupils dilate,

It's kinda hard to type when you're tryna itch your mosquito bite, which is something I shouldn't be doing but eh.

Sending love your way

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