Chapter 39

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Chapter 39
Olivia's POV

I cannot believe he just said that. The fuck is he trying to do! Ethan looks at me shocked, probably thinking whether or not I was going to drink. And I do and I was the only one to drink. "Woah Liv, you did?" Tina asks me with a curious look on her face, "you didn't, not him, nah you would never," she says and awkwardly chuckles before looking at Peter, just to see him staring intently at me.

"My turn," I say, "never have I ever been with another person just to spite my crush," they all take a sip of their drink and Tina watches Peter and I intently.

"Never have I ever made my best friend go on a date with my other best friend so they could get over their crush," says Peter and I nearly spit my drink and Ethan chokes on his. I was the only one to take a sip of my drink, "Liv what the-" Tina starts but Ethan decides to cut her off, "never have I ever not confessed my feelings so I wouldn't ruin the friendship," he says and takes a sip and Jacob and Charlotte do the same.

"Never have I ever kissed my best friend's crush," Peter exclaims and I visibly cringe. I decide not to take a sip off the drink and Peter says, "oh Olivia you haven't? That's very nice of you," why is he doing this to me right now. I can't fucking deal with this.

"Hmm I think that's enough for the day don't you think?" Ethan awkwardly says but Tina shakes her head, "no actually let's continue please, I'd love to know more," she says as she looks at me skeptically.

"Never have I ever spent nights and weeks with my best friend's crush" Peter says and directly looks at me, daring me with his eyes to take a sip of my drink. "Did you Olivia?" Tina asks, a hint of hurt hiding behind her tone. "T I would never,"

"Don't fucking lie Olivia, you don't know how to fucking lie. How could you?" She says as she suddenly stands up, her lips quivering. "You have feelings for Peter don't you?" She asks and I take a step towards her, "Tina I-"

"Fucking answer me!" She screams and I look down at my feet, nodding in defeat. "So everything was true huh? Peter and you have feelings for each other right? And you made Ethan go out with me so that I could forget about Peter right?"

"Tina please let me-" I begin as I watch tears roll down her cheeks. "Tina its not Olivia's fault, she was just trying to help me out," Ethan chimes in.

"Help you out?" She scoffs, "how the fuck did she help you out?"

"Tina," Peter starts, "listen to me," she looks at him, "it is not Olivia's fault. She was genuinely trying to help you out, we just happened fall for each other through that and she made Ethan take you because he has feelings for you and-"

"What?" She says, shocked, "Ethan is that true?" He nods. She lets out a breath and falls on the couch, Jacob rushing towards his sister at an instant, "I want all three of you to leave," she whispers,

"Tina let me-" I start,

"Didn't you fucking hear her, get the fuck out of her right now!" Jacob exclaims and I let out a sob before leaving the house.

"Olivia!" Peter calls out and I turn around, "are you fucking happy now? You got what you want. Well congratu-fucking-lations Peter, you won!" I scream as tears pour down my eyes.

"Liv just listen to him," Ethan says,

"What should I listen huh? How Peter just ruined my friendship inside? How he might've ruined something great we could've had? Or how he ruined your chances with Tina? What should I listen to huh?"

"Olivia please," Peter pleads,

"Both of you just leave me the fuck alone and do not follow me!" I scream and leave the both of them standing on the driveway.

Sending love your way

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