Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Olivia's POV

I hop into the car once the technicians successfully unlock the door and get the keys out of the ignition. How could Peter just leave his car keys in the car? It could've gotten keyed, which it didn't thank god. I drive his car to the frat house and stop when it comes in view. I enter the house and see Callum walk down the staircase. Do boys just walk around shirtless in this house, because that's all I see right now. Callum notices me and beams with joy. He jogs towards me and picks me up, pulling me into a tight hug. "Hey babes!" He greets,

"Wow you're excited to see me," I say, "of course I am, why wouldn't I be? I bet you came back for more," he says and smirks, making me shake my head. "Actually I wanted to know if Peter was here, did he go for his classes?" I ask,

"Why do you wanna know about him? You hooking up with him? Why him? He doesn't even look at any girl that way, I think he's gay," he says and chuckles,

"Alright Callum would you just tell me where he is?"

"Not here that's for sure," he replies. I thank him and leave the frat house, but not without getting spanked on my ass which I most definitely didn't ask for by Callum. I simply roll my eyes and enter the car to drive to the campus. I enter all the classes we have together and find him no where. Where is he? A guy walks past me and I stop him to ask where Peter is, "why? I could give you a better time on the bed," he says with a grin and earns a glare in return. What's up with guys thinking that's all I want to do with them? "He didn't come in today, and well I don't really know where he lives so, sorry can't help you, but Anna might know, I heard she was the only girl he slept with after his break up,"

"Well where is she?" I ask,

"Check one of the science labs, she was working on a project," I thank him as he walks away and start searching for Anna. I check the labs and stop when I spot her. I enter the room to see a girl with a lab coat, goggles and hair tied up in a ponytail, mixing some chemicals. "Excuse me," I say and she looks up, "umm are you Anna?"

"Yes I am," she says,

"Do you know where Peter might be right now?" I ask,

"Why do you wanna go fuck him too? He's probably the only guy you haven't given it to anyway," ok wow, what the fuck? I gonna stop having sex with random guys. "Ok umm first all, that's not why I'm looking for him if that's what you wanna know, and I don't think you have the rights to talk to me like that when you didn't even know me," I say,

"Alright I'm sorry, I don't know where he is," she says,

"Do you know where he lives?" She nods and gives me his address, making me leave as soon as possible. I drive to the address, taking in the surroundings I pass. After an hour of driving, I finally reach the destination. I spot my car on his driveway and park his car next to mine. I walk and ring the doorbell, waiting for someone to show up. The door opens up and I face a man with a stubble, looking like he needs at least 5 more hours of sleep. "Um hello, I'm Olivia Francis, I'd like to know if Peter Erwin lives here,"

"Yes I am his father, John Erwin. Nice to meet you Olivia, please come in," he says and gives me his best smile, or at least tries to. The man looks exhausted. I enter the house and look around, kid paintings and family pictures hung up along the walls. We enter the living room, which had a very friendly environment as it was decorated with fluffy throw cushions on the grey couches and house plants by each one of the couch. "Have a seat please, I'll call Peter," he says before disappearing. A while later Peter appears out of no where, "umm hey, what're you doing here?" He says awkwardly as he scratches his neck. He looks like he needs sleep, his hair in a mess, and his sweatpants hung low. And oh my life I just realized he's shirtless. And wow his body is amazing! I was clearly checking him out and trying not to drool. He clears his throat, "umm Olivia," I shake my head and look up at him,

"You might wanna put a shirt on?" I say and chuckle as his eyes widen, "fuck," he whispers and hurriedly walks away before coming back with a shirt on. "What's wrong?" He asks,

"Oh I just came by to drop off your car, you weren't there at the campus or the frat house so I had to come here,"

"How'd you get this address?"

"I had to ask a girl named Anna," I say, "oh," he says and looks away. We stood there for a while in awkward silence before he asked, "would you like some coffee?"

Sending love your way

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