Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Olivia's POV

I sit across my mom and Nick, and he starts speaking, "Olivia, I'm really sorry for everything I've ever done," I roll my eyes and he continues, "I know, what I've done may not be forgotten so easily, and it may take you some time to forgive, hell you may not even forgive me in the first place, but I genuinely regret everything. I don't know what I was thinking-"

"You weren't thinking about us that's for sure" I retort and mom shoots me a glare,

"-well yeah I guess you could say that, but like," he sighs, full of frustration and runs his hands on his face, "I don't even know what to say," his voice cracks and that hurt. It hit my heart a little to hard and my tears threatened to pour out. He removes his hand and looks up at me with red, teary eyes, "I'm really sorry, Olivia. I genuinely love you and your mom and I was so stupid to think that I'd get anything better than the both of you," my mom cries as she hears and I look away to wipe a tear, "I know it'll be hard for you to forgive me but at least give me chance?" He asks, hope clouding his eyes.

I've known this man for just 10 years, hardly even. He put my mom through a lot, at least from what I've seen, a lot. I don't want to forgive him for leaving me, for not being there when I needed him the most. But I know I should. Somewhere in my heart, I know I should. He is my father after all.

Just before I speak up, Tina walks into the kitchen, "good morning San- woah!" She says as she unfolds the scene in front of her. "I didn't interrupt anything,  did I? Woah, I-shit-wha-I don't even know what to say!" Her hands fly up, "Mr. Francis is sitting right in front of us and I'm just, just, shocked I guess," just as she finished her sentence, I hear the front door click.

Wow, more audience for us!

I bet it's Jacob and Ethan. I knew they'd be here this morning, I mean why wouldn't they? They live a few blocks down our house. Jacob and Tina live alone, and Ethan's parents decided to travel for a while, so it's not surprising that they just show up at our house. And the fact that we've been best friends since, what, middle school just gives them the freedom to randomly barge in at any time and honestly I do not have a problem with that. They can come in whenever they want to. Whenever except now.

"Sandy what's for break-holy fuck it's Nick Francis!" Jacob says, clearly way too shocked to see my father. Ethan just gaped, he didn't know what to say. The three of them just stand there, not knowing what to do or say. Neither do I do anything. I just sit there, waiting for something to happen. "Well I guess should just leave, this was a bad idea," he says and begins to stand up but mom holds him back, "no, you're gonna stay. You've got the rights to stay in this house and do whatever just as we do." She completes. I look at her and she glares back, challenging me to say something, anything at all.

"Well if that decision has been made then what the fuck am I here for?" I say out of exasperation and storm out of the kitchen, walking as fast as I could back upstairs. I remove my pjs and slip into a T-shirt and shorts. "Why is Nick here?" I hear Ethan ask. I turn around to look all three of them standing in my room. "I don't know!" I sigh as I fix my hair into a ponytail, "why is Sandy even letting him stay here?" Jacob asks,

"I don't know," I reply

"Is he gonna stay here for long?" Tina decides to ask, "I don't fucking know!" I scream and flung my hairbrush across the room, shattering it as it comes in contact with the wall. I grab my keys, rush downstairs, walk straight to the door and leave the house, the sound of my mom saying "don't worry, she'll come through" fading away as I drive as fast as I can.

Sending love your way

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