Chapter Twenty Six: Return to Omashu [P3]

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Ryoko could still feel a heavy tension in the air, like something was wrong. The day came about with plans to trade the baby for Bumi, but Ryoko let thoughts of the past sink in. They slipped through her present swiftly. 

Her new friends were not so different from her old friends when Ryoko thought about it. Aang's enthusiasm matched Ty Lee's, the flickering moments of amusement reminded Ryoko of Mai who only enjoyed the most amusing things. But worst of all, Sokka and Katara's bouts of bickering reminded her of Azula and Zuko, the ones she had known and been friends with longest. It only took one second to be reminded of them all and Ryoko was brought back to being a kid again at home.

But this was a new day. A day where she once again stood up against everyone she knew. She knew she was on the right side. Instead of tearing down villages and cities she was actually helping. But seeing Mai's face after all these years brought back the precious memories of home that she missed, the years of play as children and growing up together. Even when she had to face her father and his cruelty, she still had her friends.

Was Mai having the same thoughts as she did? Ryoko couldn't help but question to herself. Though she felt her heart tug at her and hurt when she thought of being against Mai and her family, it was the best thing to do, to trade the baby for Bumi.

Ryoko sighs, staring up at the Avatar who watched the sun rise over the rocky horizon. From a distance he wasn't just a twelve year old boy. If she hadn't gotten to know him in the time she did, Ryoko knew she would still think of him as a child, just a boy for a dangerous enemy. 

Yet he wasn't the enemy. Sokka and Katara were not the enemy. Instead it was those she considered her friends and family. Was this how her grandfather felt when he abandoned everything including his family to leave the fire nation? 

Even as she knew she was doing what was good for the fire nation, Ryoko couldn't help but feel held back by those she loved. Aang starts to walk down the slope, holding the baby in his arms, positivity radiating off of him.

"You realize we're probably walking right into a trap," Sokka comments, a disapproving look sketched onto his face. 

"I don't think so," Aang replies. "I'm sure the governor wants his son back as much as we want Bumi." 

"I don't know, but if he'd let something happen to his children like being kidnapped so easily, it's risky for us," Ryoko says before she moves towards Appa. The three didn't make any comments but glanced at each other in confusion while Ryoko ignored their stares. She focused on petting Appa who grunted. They could notice how Ryoko shifted uneasily when they spoke about the fire nation or anyone from it. Would she open up to them if they asked? It was a question they all thought.

Despite Sokka and Ryoko's caution, Aang threw a smile on his face again. "I have a good feeling about this." Ryoko frowns, fidgeting with her hands while she looks around the view. While the Avatar felt good, she could not feel more awful. Mai's father was showing a weakness though Ryoko hated to admit it, and a weakness would not be tolerated. Something bad was going to happen, even if everything is falling right into their hands. 


Mai stands outside, watching as the soldiers carry Azula while Ty Lee trails behind. The soldiers set down Azula, letting her exit the comfort of the cushion and walks towards Mai. Mai puts her hands together, slightly bowing to Azula as she says, "please tell me you're here to kill me." She looks up from her downward gaze and chuckles with Azula. 

"It's great to see you, Mai," Azula replies, coming up to her in a slight hug but Ty Lee rushes forward and embraces Mai tightly. 

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