Chapter Nine: Ryoko's Questions: The Departure

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Ryoko noticed a change in Zuko after they returned. He became more reserved, especially with her. She'd get close to him and he'd move away, she would speak with him and receive little responses. She groaned in frustration at another attempt of trying to talk to him during the day.

The ship stayed in the area, hoping for a chance of finding the Avatar around. There was a chance he didn't go too far. Ryoko could feel that they were too close to her father. The note never strayed from her mind. It stayed on the table where she wanted it to be. To toss it out would mean that she gave up completely on her father, and she wasn't sure if she was. Even after all he did, he was still her father, how could she hate him? That was the question that kept ringing in her head. 

There was a time when he valued her, was proud to call her his daughter. Yet something changed she just couldn't remember what. 

She stood inside with the helmsman and other crew members, keeping an eye on them as well as on Zuko who trained outside. Iroh sat playing Pai Sho once again, brutally beating the crew in the game. She watched Zuko's movements as he let his anger out on the soldier in front of him. "Ryoko, wouldn't you rather come learn some more rather than staring?" Ryoko turned her head around to the retired general and scoffed, ignoring the blush on her cheeks.

"I'm not staring." She moves away quickly from the window with ease, as if to show him it wasn't a bother and stood by him. Once again, Iroh won. "Are you ever going to let them win?"

"You're getting better," Iroh reassures the members who frowned and groaned. "Would you like to join this round, Ryoko?" Ryoko smiles politely but shakes her head.

"There's something else I have to do actually." She turns away, despite Iroh's unsure look and made her way down to the main deck. Her heart felt like it would go through her chest. The possibilities of what was wrong and why he was annoyed with her were endless she realized as she got close to the deck. The only way to find out was to confront him even if it meant she would get hurt.

Her steps make light sounds causing the prince and the soldier to turn their heads from sparring. Zuko stiffens, instantly clamming up at the sight of her. She turned to the soldier and smiled lightly. "I can take it from here, you can go." The soldier looks to Zuko for leave, while Zuko clenched his jaw at his friend. 

"Go." Ryoko watches as the soldier leaves, her eyes follow him until he disappears into the ship, leaving the two of them alone. Ryoko turns back to Zuko and smirks at him. For a moment the smirk reminded Zuko of her father, Zhao. The devious tendencies seemed to be passed down.

"I'm letting you spar with me, you should take it." Zuko breathes heavily and then without hesitation, kicks towards her, spreading flames. Ryoko avoids the flames with ease, her hands clasped behind her back. His nostrils flare as his glare hardens. He yells out, punching multiple times, fire shooting out. 

Ryoko avoids them and flips in the air, shooting out fire from her hands towards the prince. She takes the chance to start talking now that she had him there and intrigued with a fight. "Why are you angry with me? You've been acting like this since we came back from my father's base." Zuko's eyes avoid hers as he stays silent, giving away his reasoning for being angry. "So you're ignoring me because I came? I don't understand." 

Iroh stares from above, standing in Ryoko's previous position and sighs. He should stop them, he knew that, before somebody got hurt. He knew the teens were used to the pains of fire even when it was their main fighting technique.

Zuko ignored what she said and got into another fighting stance. "So you're not going to answer me? Is that how we're doing this?" She rolls her eyes at him, growing more annoyed. She aligns herself with his stance and swings her leg without warning, sending large flames towards him. She continues with a swing of her hand coming from the ground to him. He dodges her hits, rolling away and looking up at her. There was hurt in his eyes but his expressions tried to hide it. "Just talk to me! I thought we were close enough where we could tell each other things." She gets out of a fighting stance, walking over to him with her hand out to help him up. He shoves her hand away and stands, facing her with rage. 

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