Sweeney Todd #1

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Imagine your brother is coming to visit you and your husband, Sweeney Todd.

*Requested by Storm11205*

It was early in the morning as you were walking up the stairs to your husband's barbershop with some groceries in a basket that you had gotten from the market earlier and a couple of letters that Mrs. Lovett, the owner of the meat pie shop down below, had given to you a moment ago. Once you got inside, you set down the basket and pulled out the letters to see what they were. When you saw your name on the second letter, you were completely surprised to see who it was from.

"Sweeney! Darling, come in here!" You were exclaimed out loud to get your husband, Sweeney Todd's, attention. He soon walked out of your shared bedroom, with his white shirt not buttoned up all the way and his dark hair with a white stripe on the right  side not combed all the way. He let out a yawn before he asked, groggily, "What is it, (y/n)?" "I just received a letter from my brother." You began to tell him. "And what does he want?" Sweeney questioned. "He told me that he had just finished a case and he's coming to London to see us. He'll be here in two days." You responded, excitedly.

But Sweeney's reaction was a lot different than yours. He stood there all nervous and in disbelief. "Sweeney, are you alright?" You asked him. "Um, not really, my dear (y/n)." He answered. "What is it? Are you not excited to meet my brother or something?" You questioned. "That's exactly it. I'm not really looking forward to meeting your brother." Sweeney responded, as he walked by you to go to the mirror while he was buttoning up his shirt.

"Sweeney, I get that you might be a little nervous because you've never met my brother. But what is it that makes you not excited to see your brother-in-law for the first time?" You asked, while you walked towards Sweeney and stood behind him. "Because from what you had told me about him makes me not want to meet him. He's quirky, skittish, and disturbed by death and blood, despite his occupation. Plus, I don't know if he's going to like me or not when he meets me." Sweeney explained, while he was scrambling to tie his tie around his neck but he wasn't concentrating.

"Here, let me help you." You offered, and, then, you turned him so that he was facing you and you began to help him with the tie. "I understand how you feel, darling, and I know sometimes you don't like to meet new people. But I wish that you would give my brother a chance. After all, we only got each other since our parents died. He is a constable of New York City and it's a bit...difficult for him when dealing with those two things on the job, but at least he has always been protective of me since I am his little sister. I'm sure he will love you, not just like you, Sweeney." You said, right as soon as you finished fixing his tie.

Afterwards, Sweeney grabbed a comb and looked at himself in the mirror while combing his hair, while he was deep in thought. Once he was done, he let out a sigh and turned around to face you and said, "Alright. I'll give him a chance. I'll do it for you, my dear (y/n)." You smiled after he said that and, then, you kissed him on the lips with him kissing you back. You pulled away from the kiss and said to him, "Thank you, Sweeney. I really appreciate it. Now finish getting dressed while I go make us some breakfast." "Alright, love." Sweeney responded, and, then, you took the basket of groceries and began making breakfast.


About a year ago, you decided to travel the world to seek out adventures and explore what there was that you never knew existed. But when you arrived in London, you had a change of plans when you met Sweeney. It was love at first sight when you met him at Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pie Shop and he took an instant liking to you when he saw you like you were an angel. You learned about his past when you were getting to know him and he decided to move on after learning about his wife, Lucy's, death. But you completely supported him of wanting to get revenge on Judge Turpin, the corrupt man who sent Sweeney to prison on a false charge fifteen years ago. After months of being together, Sweeney asked for your hand in marriage and you both got married in a small private wedding.

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