Johnny Depp #3

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Imagine you waking up not feeling good and your boyfriend, Johnny Depp, is concerned about you.

Over two years ago, you were hanging out a club in the city with some of your friends. It wasn't fun at all since your friends ended up hanging out with some guys they met and you felt left out. When you were going to the bathroom to fix your hair, you, unexpectedly, ran into Johnny Depp and accidentally spilled his drink on his shirt. You felt horrible for bumping into him, especially since he's your favorite actor, and you tried to help clean his shirt, but it wasn't successful. But, surprisingly, Johnny chuckled at your attempt to clean his shirt and he told you it wasn't a big deal.

Afterwards, Johnny invited you over to have a drink with him once you told him that your friends were off doing something else and you both talked to each other. You told him that you're a fan of his work and you had always wanted to meet him one day since the day you became a fan of his years ago. You never thought you would meet him in person until now. Johnny admired your love for his work and your kindness, he gave his phone number to call him some time to go out on a date with him. It made your night even better and you agreed to do so once you gave him your number.

Later on, you and Johnny had gone out on many dates together and stayed in contact when he was traveling for his movie work. One day on a date, Johnny confessed his love for you and had asked you if you wanted to become exclusive with him. You didn't hesitate to say 'yes' since you loved him back.


It was night time as you were sleeping in your shared bed with Johnny. He had his arms wrapped around you, while you snuggled against his bare chest with an arm wrapped around his torso. You were sleeping peacefully until you, suddenly, felt something painful in your abdomen. You woke up and laid on your back while you held onto your abdomen. You groaned in pain.

"(y/n)?" You heard Johnny's voice. You turned to his direction and you noticed him sitting up on his side, looking at you. "You okay?" He asked you, softly, while he brushed your hair. "I felt a slight sharp pain in my abdomen." You answered. "Do you want me to get you something?" He asked, sounding worried. "I think I'm fine, Johnny. It's probably just early signs of that time of the month." You told him.

"Oh. But are you sure you don't need anything? You didn't eat that much for dinner earlier and I want to make sure you're not getting sick." "No. I'm fine, Johnny. I'll just go back to sleep. That'll probably help." "Okay, then." Johnny said, as he wrapped his arms around you and he kissed you on the forehead. "You do feel a little warm. Do you want the covers off of you?" He asked. "No, thanks. I think I'm good. Goodnight, Johnny." You said. "Goodnight, (y/n)." Johnny responded, and, then, you both went back to asleep afterwards.


Later on that night, you woke up, crying out in pain, as you felt something painful again. But it felt worse than before and you felt the pain on the lower right side of your abdomen. You sat up and bent forward as you groaned in pain and held onto the spot where it hurt.

Johnny woke up after he heard you cry out in pain. He sat up, turned the lamp on, and rubbed your back, comforting you. "(y/n)! What is it, sweetheart? Are you alright?" Johnny asked, sounding concerned. "No. It hurts worse than earlier, Johnny." You said, as you continued feeling the excruciating pain. Johnny, gently, leaned you back so you could lay down.

He put his hand on your forehead. "You feel really hot, (y/n). Do you want to go to the hospital?" Johnny asked. You nodded while you whimpered. "Alright. I'll help you out of bed." Johnny said, as he put his arm around your back and started pulling you out of bed.

But, then, you cried out in pain. "What is it, (y/n)?" Johnny asked. "It hurts when I move, Johnny." You responded. "Okay. I'm gonna call an ambulance." Johnny said, and, then, he got out of bed and ran over to his desk, picked up his cell phone, and dialed the emergency number. "Hello? Yes. I need an ambulance. My girlfriend is in excruciating pain. She was feeling pain in her abdomen earlier and now she says it feels worse in her lower part of her abdomen." You heard Johnny speak with the emergency operator. "No. I can't get her out of the bed. She says it hurts when she moves." He answered. "Okay. Thank you." He finished the phone call.

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