George Jung #1

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Imagine you're the wife to George Jung and you miss him after he's been sent to prison.


It was the middle of the afternoon as you were on your way to the state prison to see your husband, George Jung. You've been married to him for over a year after meeting him at a friend's party two years earlier. Five months ago, he was sent to prison when the FBI and DEA finally caught up with him from an anonymous phone call since George was a well-known drug dealer. Despite what he was doing for a living, he was still being faithful to you and provided you with love and a good place where you both lived.

You haven't seen him since the day after he was arrested. You've been feeling very sick for the past three months and you didn't know what was wrong with you. At first, you thought it was stress and being alone without having George around. That was until you visited the doctor and found out your test results. Afterwards, when you felt better, you decided to visit George and tell him.

You entered the visiting room and sat down in a chair while you waited for your husband. A minute later, he finally showed up and sat down in a chair and looked straight at you through the plexiglass. He still looked the same other than his blonde hair getting a little bit long. He picked up the telephone and put it up to his ear, while you were doing the same thing.

"Hey, (y/n)." George spoke through the telephone. "Hi, George." You said back. "I've missed you. It's been months since I last saw you." "I know, George. It's been difficult these last few months." You said, not getting a chance to say more since you were nervous to tell him. "I know, sweetheart. I know. Not having you around has made it difficult for me too. But at least I'll be getting out in a month and I'll have you back in my arms again." George said, with a small smile. You gave him a small smile in return.

"How have you been? How come I haven't seen you for months?" He asked. "Okay, I guess. I haven't seen you for a while because I've been sick for the past three months." You answered. George furrowed his eyebrows, in confusion. "Sick for three months? Why? Did you go to the doctor?" He asked. You nodded and responded, "Yes. I did go to the doctor, George. He told me my test results." "And what did he say?" George questioned. You took a deep breath and exhaled before you answered, "George...I'm pregnant."

After you said that, George stared at you in complete silence and nearly moved the phone away from him, with a shocked expression on his face. You couldn't tell if he was happy or not. He moved the phone back to his ear and muttered, "Y-You're pregnant?" You nodded. "How far along are you?" "I'm five months, George." You responded. Then, he was deep in thought for a moment as if he was trying to remember. You were worried that he was having thoughts that you were seeing someone behind his back, which you would never do.

Suddenly, you heard him sniffling a bit and saw him placing his hand on his eyes. "George, are you okay?" You asked, sounding concerned. Then, he moved his hand out of the way and you noticed that he was getting teary-eyed. He chuckled bit and said, with a smile, "Of course I'm okay, (y/n). We're having a baby and I'm gonna be a father. I completely remember when we had that one night together before I was sent here. This is exciting, (y/n)."

After he said that, you smiled at his excitement. "I'm happy that we're having a baby together, George. This is a new chapter for the both of us." You said. "No. It won't be just that, sweetheart. It's gonna be better because when I get out of here, I'm not going back to the dealer life anymore. I'm gonna find a new job so that I can provide care to my own family and I promise to be sober and be there for the sake of our son or daughter." George vowed.

You smiled even more after you listened to every word that George had promised to do once he's released from prison. You could tell that he had changed the moment you told him you were pregnant. Having a family and motivated to get a better different job would help change his lifestyle.

You placed your other hand on the plexiglass and asked, "You swear you will keep your promise for the sake of not just for me, but for our child?" George smiled and placed his other hand on the plexiglass where your hand was, wishing he was holding your hand for real instead of having something separated between you and him. "I promise, (y/n). I promise, sweetheart. For you and for our baby." He responded. Now you really wished that you could hold his hand and kiss him. "I love you, George." "And I love you too, (y/n)." George said back, while you both kept your hands on the plexiglass.

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