Willy Wonka #1

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Imagine Willy Wonka comforting you after you go through a breakup with your boyfriend.

It was around the evening as you were sitting on your couch at your apartment, wearing your favorite sweatshirt and exercise leggings, hugging your pillow and had tear stains on your cheeks after crying for awhile. It was the worst day of your life because you broke up with your boyfriend of four years, Henry Schmidt, after you told him about your acceptance letter from the college you've been wanting to attend after high school.

You couldn't afford to go to college and your parents couldn't afford it around the time either since they were going through a divorce, so you've been spending the next four years saving money from your waitress job to earn enough to attend college. Once you had made enough money and sent an application to the college you've been reaching your goal to attend, you received an acceptance letter from the administrators later on. But when you told Henry about it, he wasn't the least bit supportive about you going to college, which shocked you and broke your heart when it was supposed to be the happiest moment of your life, especially of much you worked so hard to get it. You were so hurt by his lack of support and his words, you ended up breaking off your relationship with him.

After awhile of sitting by yourself, you began to feel lonely and you felt like you wanted to talk to one of your friends. You didn't know who to talk to at first until you thought about somebody familiar that you haven't seen or spoken to in years. Your friend that you've known since childhood, Willy Wonka.

You've known Willy since the day you and your family moved next door to Willy and his father, who's the local dentist, when you both were six years old. He didn't have any friends until you came along and it made him the happiest he's ever been in a while since his father was very strict with him having friends that could give him candy. Years down the road, you and Willy became very close friends. You would even stick up for him if anyone ever picked on him, especially when it had to do with the the braces his father made him wear that looked like a torture-like device. During your Senior Year in high school, Willy eventually dropped out to pursue his dream of becoming a chocolatier after getting tired of the constant bullying and the pressure from his father.

It broke your heart when you found out that he left out of nowhere, but you received a letter from him, letting you know that he's thinking about you and he gave you his contact information so that you could stay in touch with him. But you haven't contacted Willy ever since you started your relationship with Henry and work has been getting in the way as well.

You picked up your phone, dialed his phone number, and you waited for him to pick up as you listened to ringing sound. Then, you finally heard, "Hello. Willy Wonka speaking." It was such a relief to you to finally hear his voice after all these years. "Hi, Willy. It's (y/n)." You said. You heard Willy gasped, excitedly, from other end. "Oh, my gosh! Hi, (y/n)! Long time, no chat! It's so nice to hear your voice! How are you doing?" Willy exclaimed. You tried your best to hold back your sadness, but you ended up sniffling a bit. "Uh, actually, I'm not doing so good, Willy." You responded.

Even though he wasn't present, you could still feel Willy's expression changing from excitement to being concerned. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asked. "No." You answered. "Would you like me to come over to your place?" He offered, which surprised you. Even though you've originally wanted to talk to Willy over the phone, you, suddenly, changed your mind. Seeing him again in person would make you feel so much better. "Um, sure. I would love for you to come over, Willy." You said. "Okay, (y/n). Tell me where you live and I'll be there in a flash." Willy said. After you gave him your address and the directions, you hung up the phone and patiently waited for Willy's arrival.

Then, not even close to five minutes later, you heard a knock at the door, which confused you and you hoped it wasn't Henry at door, asking for another chance. When you got to the door, you opened it and was surprised to see Willy, with his brown hair in a bob haircut that went down to his jawline and a red jacket, dark purple latex gloves covering his hands, a black top hat, and a colorful cane in his right hand. He definitely looked different the last time you saw him.

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