Johnny Depp #2

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Imagine you and your husband, Johnny Depp, are making New Year's Resolutions on New Year's Eve.

(A/N: Happy New Year, everyone!)

You've known Johnny Depp since your childhood. When he and his family moved next door to your home, the two of you became best friends and spend a lot of time together. Later on, while you both were in high school, you were heartbroken when you found out that Johnny dropped out of high school during the middle of Sophomore Year to become a famous musician in Los Angeles. Not only did it hurt you because he left without telling you, but it made you sad because you were gonna tell him that you loved him since you were beginning to see him more than just your best friend.

Years down the road, Johnny ended up becoming a famous actor. You were very happy for him since he's a talented actor and became the well-known heartthrob to all the ladies. But at the same time, he hasn't contacted you and you missed him very much whenever you watched his movies on the television.

One day, with you living in New York City since you became a writer, you unexpectedly bumped into Johnny when he was on his way to give an interview with a talk show host. He was completely surprised to see you and he instantly embraced you in a tight, but gentle hug, while he told you that he missed you so much. You hugged him back and told him that you missed him too. He asked you to come with him backstage for the interview so that he could meet up with you once the interview was finished.

Afterwards, you both went to a local cafe, grabbed some coffee, and talked. Johnny apologized to you for leaving without telling you and for hurting your feelings years ago. You forgave him and you told him that you were happy with his successful career as an actor.

Since the day you and Johnny had reunited, you both had been going out together where he eventually asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend right after the two of you confessed of having feelings for each other years ago and you didn't hesitate to say 'yes'. He also decided to live in New York City with you because of your career. Then, after a year and half of being boyfriend and girlfriend, Johnny asked for your hand in marriage and you both got married in a small ceremony.


It was New Year's Eve, five minutes before midnight, as you were sitting on the couch with Johnny in the penthouse you both live in that shows a beautiful view of New York City, with the television on to watch the ball drop soon in Times Square for a new year. Since it was close to a new year, you and Johnny thought it would be good to get started on New Year's Resolutions.

"Alright, what's your first New Year's Resolution, Johnny?" You asked. "That's easy. Work on a new film." Johnny answered. "Too easy." You pointed out, making Johnny laugh. "What about you, (y/n)?" He asked. "That's easy. Start on a new book." You answered. "Of course that one was too easy." Johnny pointed out, and, then, you laughed.

"Okay. Let's try a second round of New Year's Resolutions. This time, make it for personal use not career related." You said. "Sounds good. Maybe I can write a new song. I can write it all about you, (y/n)." Johnny said. You put your hand over your heart as it made your heart melt after he said that. "Aw. You're so sweet, Johnny. I would love to hear it...once you write it." "I'll get right on it soon. Now it's your turn." Johnny said. "Okay. Let me think here. Okay. I got one. I think I want to start a new exercising routine." You responded. "Hm. Interesting. I think you already look good already, sweetheart." Johnny said, and, then, he tickled your stomach and you giggled and playfully smacked his arm. "Johnny, I wanna stay healthy." You said, with a small laugh.

"Alright, we've got a couple minutes left before midnight, so let's conclude our final resolutions for our marriage." You suggested. "Sounds good to me. I've already got mine and that's to tell you how much I love you every single moment of the day, (y/n)." Johnny said. "You already do that, Johnny." "I know, but I want to make sure that I say it a lot to let you know how much I really, really love you." Johnny explained, and it made your heart melt even more. "I already know that and you're a wonderful, loving husband, Johnny, and that's what I love about you." You said. "Thank you, (y/n). Now it's your turn." "Okay. I think my New Year's Resolution for our marriage is starting a family with you." You answered.

Johnny was completely blown away when he heard your answer. But, then, he smiled before he asked, "You really want to start a family, (y/n)?" "Absolutely, Johnny. I've been waiting a long time to start a family. Now that we've known each other for a long time and been married for two years, I think we're ready to have a baby if you're okay with it." You responded.

Then, you heard the announcer on the television saying that there was thirty seconds until it was midnight. Johnny smiled and caressed your cheek with his thumb and stroked it before he said, "I would love to have a baby with you, (y/n). That could be our number one resolution." You smiled and blushed before you heard the announcer said there was ten seconds left.

You and Johnny grabbed your glasses filled with champagne and started counting down together, "Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One! Happy New Year!" Then, you and Johnny clanged your glasses together and took a sip of champagne before sharing a New Year's kiss together.

Moments later, you both pulled away from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. "Happy New Year, (y/n). I love you." Johnny said. "Happy New Year and I love you too, Johnny." "You know, since it's midnight and New Year's Day, what do you say we get started on our number one resolution?" Johnny asked, seductively. You smirked at him and answered, "I say, let's get it on and make a baby, Mr. Handsome." Then, without hesitating, Johnny grabbed your hand and the two of you ran to your shared bedroom and slammed the door shut to begin the goal of starting a family at the start of a new year.

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