Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #1

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Imagine you and Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp are engaged and you both have dinner with his family.

*Requested by J_C_00*

It was around the evening as you were in the kitchen, making dinner for a family get together for a very special announcement. You were making roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, a loaf of bread, and chocolate cake for dessert. "Hatter, darling, could you help me set up the table? Dinner is almost ready and I need to change my outfit." You called for Tarrant Hightopp by his nickname that you have always called him for a long time. But he didn't reply.

"Hatter?" You asked, as you were leaving the kitchen to check on him. You entered the living room and saw Hatter sitting on the couch, looking sad. "Hatter." You spoke again, and he was finally coherent as he looked up at you, with sadness in his lime colored eyes. "Are you alright, darling?" You asked, as you sat next to him and put your hand on his shoulder to comfort him. He looked down at what he was holding in his hands: a small blue paper hat, which was the first ever hat that he made when he was a boy and he gave it to his father. "Not really, (y/n)." Hatter answered, lisping a bit.

"Are you not happy to have your family over for dinner?" You questioned. "Of course I'm looking forward to having my family over for dinner. It's just that—" Hatter spoke, but he couldn't finish the last part as he kept looking at the blue hat. "Is it because of your father?" You asked. Hatter hesitated, but, then, he nodded in response. "Yes, (y/n). That's exactly why." He said. You rubbed his shoulder and said back to him, "Don't worry about it, Hatter. I'm sure everything will be alright. I know you and your father didn't get along well in the past, but that was years ago and I'm sure you both will forgive each other."

"But what if he doesn't, (y/n)? What if he won't accept me as a hatter that I was meant to be?" Hatter asked. "I'm sure that he will. If you found the blue hat that you made, I'm sure that means that he kept it all this time instead of throwing it completely away. Besides, tonight's gonna be very special for your family because they'll know about us right now." You said, and, then, you showed him the sparkling rose shaped, rose-gold colored engagement ring on your left ring finger.

" You said, and, then, you showed him the sparkling rose shaped, rose-gold colored engagement ring on your left ring finger

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Hatter looked at it and a smile appeared on his face afterwards before he looked at you. "You're absolutely right, my dear (y/n). Tonight will be very special once we tell my family the happy news. You always know how to make me feel better. That's why I love you." He said, as he took your hand and placed a kiss on top of it. You giggled and responded back, "And I love you too, Tarrant Hightopp."

Then, you both stood up from the couch and Hatter asked, "Now, then, what would you like me to do, sweetheart?" "Since dinner is almost ready and your family will be here soon, would you mind setting up the table for me while I go change my outfit before they arrive?" You requested. "I will do as you say, my lady." Hatter answered. You chuckled and said, "Thank you, darling." You, then, went upstairs to go to your shared bedroom to change while Hatter began setting up the table before his family arrived soon for dinner.

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