Johnny Depp #1

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Imagine Johnny Depp saving you from being struck by an oncoming car.

It was a stressful, windy day in Los Angeles as you were on your way to an interview, running late. You decided to walk to the location of your interview instead of taking an Uber because you were worried about the traffic that happens in the city. It was a terrible mistake on your part. You weren't familiar with the city and you ended up getting lost.

As you approached a crosswalk, you took the time to take a sticky note out of your portfolio binder that had the address of the building where your interview was being held at. When the pedestrian symbol showed up on the crosswalk sign, you and the other people started crossing the street. Surprisingly, there were no cars by the crosswalk. As you were reading the address on the sticky note, someone bumped into your shoulder, making you drop the sticky note on the ground in the middle of the crosswalk. "Jerk!" You groaned, as you were trying to step on it to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

You finally stepped on the sticky note and you bend down to grab it. But as you were doing that, a couple of important papers from your portfolio binder flew out from the wind. "No!" You panicked, as you scrambled around to grab the papers that were flying around on the ground. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me! I'm running late for my interview and now I'm scrambling in the middle of the road catching my papers! How much worse can this day get?" You spoke to yourself, while you grabbed both papers and put them and the sticky note in your binder, not even aware that you were the only one on the crosswalk and the symbol changed to stop.

When you stood up to straighten out your outfit and to make sure all your papers were secured in your binder, you, suddenly, heard a car horn honking from a close distance. You turned around and your (e/c) eyes widened when you saw a red 2019 Chevrolet Corvette speeding down the road towards your direction, without even slowing down. You screamed out of fear as he was getting closer to you.

But as the car was about to struck you, a pair of arms grabbed you out of nowhere and the next thing you knew, you were moved out of the way from the oncoming car and you were on the ground, with you being held protectively to whoever saved your life. For a moment, your head was rested against your savior's chest as your body began to shake after what just happened. For some reason, you breathed in your savior's scent; the smell of cologne and cigarettes. You could feel whoever saved you move their head up and you could hear the driver shouting, "What's wrong with you? Get out of the road!" The next thing you heard was tires screeching and he drive off.

Afterwards, while breathing heavily, you moved your head up to get a glance at the person. You thought you were seeing things due to being in shock of what happened a moment ago because you saw none other than your favorite actor of all time, Johnny Depp, hovering over you. It certainly felt real as he let out a sigh of relief and picked you up in his arms and carried you, in a bridal style, to the street, with a crowd of people witnessing what was going on.

Once he you down on a bench, you took some deep breaths to calm yourself down. "There you go, sweetheart. Take some deep breaths. You're okay." He spoke, while he rubbed your back to comfort you, which was helpful. After you took one more deep breath and breathed normally, you looked at him and stared at his dark brown eyes. "Am I dreaming or are you really Johnny Depp?" You asked. Johnny chuckled, softly, before he answered, "Yes, I am, sweetheart." After he said that, your heart starting beating like crazy and your cheeks were feeling hot. You couldn't believe out of all the people, Johnny Depp was the one who saved your life. "Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much for saving me." You said, calmly. "You're welcome, uh—" Johnny was about to finish, but he didn't know your name. "Oh. (y/n). (y/n) (y/l/n)." You told him. "(y/n). I like that name. It's beautiful." Johnny commented and you instantly started blushing. 'Oh, my gosh. I hope my hero doesn't see me blushing.' You thought to yourself.

Then, Johnny glanced down at your hand and said, "Oh, no. You're bleeding." When he said that, you immediately looked down and saw a cut across your hand and wrist. "Oh, shoot." You muttered. "Here." Johnny spoke, as he took out his bandana and was about to put it over your hand. "Oh, Johnny, I don't want to ruin your bandana." You protested. "That's okay. I've got plenty of these." Johnny told you, and, then, he placed it over your hand to stop the bleeding.

"Maybe I better go to the hospital." "That won't be necessary. The cut doesn't look too bad. I'll take you to my place to bandage it up." Johnny offered. "Oh, I don't want to be a burden on you, Johnny. You've already saved my life." You said. "It's okay. My penthouse is just around the corner and I've got a first-aid kit." Johnny said back. You thought about it for a moment until you responded, "Okay. I'll take up on your offer." "Come on." Johnny said, and, then, he gestured you to follow him, while he, gently, held the bandana down on your hand. You both got up from the bench and he wrapped his other arm around you to help you walk faster since their were spectators around taking pictures or videos. Your heart kept beating like crazy and you were still blushing while you were walking with Johnny the whole way to the building where his penthouse was located.


Once you and Johnny got to his penthouse, you briefly stared in 'awe' of how beautiful it looked with the style of artwork he likes hanging up on the walls and the fancy furniture he had in the living room. He, then, took you to the bathroom, where he took the first aid kit out of the cabinet and pull out a roll of bandages, gloves, a cotton ball,and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. He put the gloves on before he put some of the hydrogen peroxide on the cotton ball. "This is gonna sting a little bit." Johnny said. "I'm not too worried about it." You told him. He, then, removed the bandanna off your wound and he started dabbing the cotton ball on the cut. You winced a little bit, but it didn't hurt too bad. Afterwards, Johnny, gently, wrapped the bandage around the bottom of your hand and your wrist. "There you go. All better." He said, and he placed a kiss on top of your hand, which made you blush. "Thank you, Johnny." You said. "You're welcome, (y/n)." Johnny said back.

After Johnny threw away his gloves and put the first aid kit away, you both walked out of the bathroom and you followed him to the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink? You must be thirsty." Johnny offered. "Oh. Sure. Water will be fine." You answered. He, then, grabbed a glass, filled it up with water, and handed it to you, where you drank it down quickly, making Johnny chuckle.

"I was curious. How come you were in the middle of the crosswalk when the car was coming, (y/n)?" He asked. "I was on my way to an interview when a sticky note with the address on it and paperwork for my interview flew out of my portfolio. I was so focused on hurrying up to my interview and getting all my paperwork back in my portfolio, I wasn't concentrating on the crosswalk signal and I didn't realize it had changed." You, then, looked down at your watch and saw that it was five minutes after eleven. "In fact, I'm already late and they probably don't care about me being late and moved onto the next person being interviewed." You added. "Aw. I'm sorry, (y/n)." Johnny said, affectionately.

There was nothing but silence for a few seconds until Johnny spoke again. "You know what? How about I give you a job offer?" He asked. You looked at him, stunned about his job offer to you. "Like what?" You questioned, curiously. "I've been looking for a personal assistant and you seem like the perfect choice for the job position." Johnny responded. "You don't have to do that for me, Johnny. You've saved my life and you've been kind to me already." "And the least I can do is make up for you being late to your interview and help you get a job. I promise you. The pay will be great and you don't need to be interviewed at all." Johnny answered.

You thought about it for a moment. You did need a job since you've been looking for a high paying job position for the last few months and you're already too late for the interview you were scheduled to go to. Plus, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that you didn't want to turn down, especially since it was a job offer not only from your celebrity crush, but also from your hero that saved you not too long ago.

After thinking about it, you looked at Johnny and nodded. "I accept your offer, Johnny." You said. He smiled and, then, he took your hand and responded, "Congratulations, (y/n). You're hired and welcome aboard. I'll go over your job position and I'll have you start tomorrow." "Thank you, Johnny." You said. "You're welcome, sweetheart. It's gonna be wonderful having you around." Johnny said back, and, then, he placed a kiss on top of your hand, making you turn away as you were blushing even more. 'Get it together, (y/n). Get it together.' You said to yourself, mentally. You, then, turned back to him and said, "I promise I won't let you down, Johnny."

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