JD Characters #5

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Imagine you and the JD Characters are going to the dentist.

You had the apartment all to yourself for two weeks while your two roommates were away on their honeymoon as they got married recently. Normally, you like to have the place to yourself, but two weeks felt like a long time, so you decided to invite four of your friends, the JD Characters, to stay with you so that you could have some company around. It was gonna be fun to have your friends, Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, Gilbert Grape, and Mort Rainey stay with you.

You've known your friends ever since you met them at a local grocery store when you saw Edward by himself, struggling to get a jar of pickles off the shelf and you helped him out once you saw that he had scissors for hands. Afterwards, you stayed with him since you found out that he wondered off until he was reunited with Gilbert, Willy, and Mort. At first, you thought all four of the gentlemen were relatives as they looked oddly similar facial-wise, but you find out that they're just friends and they respectively call themselves the JD Characters as there are other friends of theirs that live elsewhere, whereas the four of them live in your local town. You and the JD Characters instantly found shared many interests with each other, where you all eventually became friends.


It was around the evening as you finished making meatloaf, peas, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob for dinner. After you got the table set up, you called out, "Dinner's ready!" Then, Edward and Mort showed up around the corner and sat at the table. "It smells great, (y/n)." Edward commented. "Thank you, Edward." You said, as you sat at the end of the table, next to Edward so that you could help feed him. "Ah, corn on the cob. I like it." Mort said, while he was eyeballing it. "Where's Willy?" I asked. Edward and Mort shrugged in response. "Hello!" Willy said, appearing out of nowhere. "Where were you, Willy?" You questioned. "I was...fixing my hair in the bathroom, (y/n)." Willy answered, even though you could tell that he was lying.

Then, at the perfect moment, Gilbert walked inside from the front door. "Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late." He said, as he took a seat at the table. "No. Not at all. We were just getting started with dinner, Gilbert." You told him. "Nice! Perfect timing to back from my dentist appointment. My tooth is no longer chipped!" Gilbert responded, pointing to his now smoothed front tooth. "It looks great, Gilbert. The dentist did a good job on it." You complimented. Unbeknownst to you and the others, Willy rolled his eyes when the word 'dentist' was brought to his attention. "Well, now that everyone is here, let's eat!" You said, and, then, you plated up some food for yourself and Edward, followed by Gilbert, Mort, and Willy.

As you were feeding Edward a piece of meatloaf, you asked, "How's the food?" "Delicious, (y/n)." Gilbert answered, as he continued eating some mashed potatoes. "I like this meatloaf. You should make it again some time, (y/n)." Edward said, with a smile. "I will definitely keep that in mind, Edward." "The corn on the cob is so good. Next time, I'll bring some of my own over for dinner. I know I plant the best." Mort mentioned, as he finished devouring his corn on the cob. "That's, uh, very generous of you, Mort." You responded, skeptically, from the way he said it.

When you looked at Willy, you noticed that he hadn't eaten anything and he was touching the meatloaf with his fork. "You haven't touched your food, Willy. Are you hungry?" You asked, making the other three look at him. "Oh. Yes, I am, (y/n). I'm just...taking my time to eat." Willy answered, as he took a tiny scoop of mashed potatoes and ate them, with a pained expression on his face. He whimpered quietly, but you all could clearly hear it. "You okay, Willy?" Gilbert asked. "You look like you're in pain." Mort added. "Nonsense. Look. I'm gonna eat this delicious food." Willy said, trying to sound convincing, as he took his corn on the cob and took a big bite of it.

The next thing you all know, Willy cried out in pain with the corn still in his mouth. "Willy, what's wrong?" You asked, sounding concerned. He set down the cob, took a napkin, and spat out the corn on the napkin before he answered, "I can't take it anymore. The back of my jaw hurts, (y/n). It doesn't hurt too much when I talk, but I open my mouth a little wider, just like when I tried to eat, it hurts more. That's the real reason why I was in the bathroom." "Why does it hurt?" Edward asked. "Because I've been feeling four new teeth growing in the back of my mouth for a while and my jaw and my gums have been aching since then." Willy said.

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