Jack Sparrow #1

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Imagine you're pregnant and you and Jack Sparrow are curious to know on what you're having.

You and Jack Sparrow have known each other ever since you both were shipmates on the same ship as teenagers. By the time the two of you got older, Jack wanted to leave and explore other places with his own crew mates. He asked you to come with him and not only be his first mate, but to also be his wife as he confessed his feelings towards you at the same time. You didn't hesitate to say 'yes' and you both ran away together, got a ship that Jack named the Black Pearl, hired new crewmen, and, then, you both got married sometime later on the Black Pearl.

Two years later, you and Jack decided to have a very special night together. Some time later on, you were starting to feel very sick and tired. You thought it had to do with sudden seasickness or something revolting that you ate as there were sometimes cramping in your lower abdomen. Even Jack was becoming concerned about your sudden sickness.

But as time went on as your sickness went away, you realized something the moment you saw a slight bump on your abdomen in the mirror one day. You discovered that you were pregnant with you and Jack's first child. You were happy that you were going to have a baby since you've always wanted to have one of your own for a very long time. When you told Jack about your pregnancy discovery, at first you were worried that he wasn't gonna be happy about it since the two of you haven't talked about having children together. But instead, Jack was over the moon excited about it, especially when he wanted to start a family with you, which made you even more happier. Starting a family with Jack was definitely the best adventure in your pirate life.


You were currently five months pregnant as you've been calculating the days of when you were first sick after having that special night with Jack. You standing at the bow of the Black Pearl, looking off at the horizon, with your hand on your slightly swollen abdomen. Then, a pair of arms wrapped around your shoulders and lips pressing against your temple. "How are you doing, love?" You heard Jack asking you. "I'm doing fine. I'm just thinking about something." You responded. "And what might that be, darling?" "What our baby is gonna be. A boy or a girl." You answered.

Then, you heard Jack chuckle next to your ear before he gave you a kiss on your cheek. "Oh, (y/n). I know we want to know what we're having. But it's impossible. We just won't know until it's born." Jack said. "I know, Jack. But still, I'm curious to know. Perhaps we'll just have to look out for any signs of what we're possibly having." You said. "We'll see, sweetheart." Jack whispered.

"Beg your pardon, Captain. We should be arriving at Kensington Island soon." One of the crewmen, Elijah, announced. You turned to him and snapped at him, "Must you ruin this moment, Elijah?!" The young lad was taken back by your sudden snappy outburst, he ended up running away.

"That's definitely something new with you, love." Jack pointed out. "That's not true. I get mad at you sometimes, Jack, and...I feel so bad about it. You probably hate me for doing that, do you?" You said, and, then, you started crying uncontrollably. Jack, then, wrapped his arms around you again and embraced you in a comforting hug. "No. I would never hate you, (y/n). In fact, that's what I love about you and your feistiness." He said. You sniffled and said, "Good. I'm glad that you still love me, even if I'm sometimes feisty towards you."


You and Jack were walking in the streets of Kensington Island, searching for any needed supplies to steal, particularly rum for Jack. You disappeared for a moment without Jack noticing. Once he did, he looked around to see where you were.

"Hello, Jack." You said out of nowhere right next to Jack, who got spooked for a moment. "(y/n), where were you? And where did you get that pie?" Jack asked, while he pointed at the freshly baked pie in your hand. "Found it cooling off at a nearby window. I suddenly had his craving for something sweet and thank goodness I saw that before I needed something to eat so bad." You explained, and, then, you grabbed a chunk of it and stuffed it in your mouth. "Mm. Cherry." You spoke like it was the best food you've ever eaten in your life. Jack was taken back by your sudden hunger for something sweet and how you were eating the pie. "Um, (y/n)...you sure don't need a fork to go with that, love?" He questioned. "Are you kidding? Why use a fork when I can eat it like this?" You said, with your mouth full, making Jack groan in disgust.

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