Glen Lantz #1

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Imagine you're new at your high school and you meet Glen Lantz.

*Requested by Urmotherohhhhh*

A week ago, you and your family moved into a new house on Elm Street. You didn't like the idea of moving to a new home and going to a new high school, especially since it was your Junior Year. But, then, you decided to give your new school a chance and you hoped that you'll meet someone there that will be your first new friend.

It was your first day of school as you walked inside the school, went to the office to get your schedule, and, then, you started searching for your first class, which was Social Studies. The bell rang and a crowd of students were quickly walking by you to get to their class. You tried asking them for directions to your class, but none of them were very helpful as they walked passed you. The bell rang again, indicating that classes were starting. But you were stranded by yourself in the middle of the hallway, with no way of knowing where your class was. You were lost. 'So much for the first day of school.' You thought to yourself, sadly, with your head down and you continued walking down the hallway.

Then, out of nowhere, someone accidentally bumped into you, unexpectedly. You looked up and saw a teenage boy that looked to be the same age as you. He was slightly tan with dark brown hair and dark brown hair. For some reason, you couldn't help but stare at his handsome face as he staring at you. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. I'm late for class and I didn't see you standing there." He explained. But you didn't respond back as you kept staring at him and your heart was fluttering like butterflies. 'Gosh, he's gorgeous.' He furrowed his eyebrows, in confusion.

"Are you okay? Are you new here?" He questioned. You, then, snapped out of your thoughts and you answered, "Um, yes—yes, I am. I'm new here and I'm lost. I don't know where my first class and I'm already running late." "Huh. Let me see your schedule." He said, and, then, you handed him your schedule and he looked over it. "Well, what a coincidence. I have the same schedule as you do." He told you, making you let out a sigh of relief. "That is a coincidence. But I'm glad though because I don't know where I'm going." You responded.

"Not to worry, sweetheart. I'll show you where our class is. Come on." He said, and, then, he gestured you to follow him and you walked right next to him to where the classroom was located. "Thank you so much for your help, uh—" "Oh. My name is Glen. Glen Lantz. What's your name?" The teenage boy named 'Glen' asked. "My name is (y/n) (y/l/n)." You answered. "Did you move here recently?" Glen questioned, curiously. "Yes, I did. My family and I moved here from Chicago." You said. "Chicago. Wow. Heard it's windy there." Glen said. You chuckled and said back, "It's not that bad actually. I love the cold weather there."

"How are you liking it here so far compared to your old home?" Glen asked. "Um, it's been okay, I guess. I miss my relatives and my friends back in Chicago. I haven't made any friends yet. Heck, nobody didn't even bother to help me find directions to my class." You answered. Then, you felt Glen's arm wrapping around your shoulders and you looked up at him. "Well, don't you worry about that because you've got yourself a new friend right here, (y/n). Since we've got the same classes, I'll help take you to your next classes and we'll have lunch together. What do say about that?" He said.

You couldn't believe every word that Glen had said. Not only was he helping you, but he was kind enough to tell you that he's your new friend and he invited you to have lunch with him. It went from being the beginning of the worst day to being the best day so far. "I would love that a lot, Glen. Thank you." You responded. "Perfect! We'll go down to the cafeteria together after our Biology class." Glen said, just as you both made it to the classroom for Social Studies.


So far, your first day of school has been great. Glen walked with you to each class you both had together and he would introduce you to the teacher before class started. Even your Social Studies let you and Glen off the hook after Glen explained why you both were late. He didn't have to do that, but he did it out of the kindness of his heart. You were very thankful that you met Glen earlier; not only for becoming your first friend, but for also being their for you throughout the first day.

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