JD Characters #2

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Imagine you and the JD Characters are traveling for Christmas, but the flight gets delayed from a blizzard.

(A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone!)

It was around the afternoon on Christmas Eve as you were flying on an airplane with your friends, the JD Characters; Willy Wonka, Edward Scissorhands, Gilbert Grape, Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp, Sam, John Dillinger, Jack Sparrow, and Sweeney Todd. Since your family had other plans, you decided to spend the first Christmas with your friends up in the mountains in Aspen, Colorado. You couldn't wait to spend time with them in Aspen, especially how beautiful the small town looked during the Christmas season.

It's been over a year since you met the JD Characters at your local cafe. First time was with Sam because you both perform there and, then, he introduced you to his friends when they came to visit. Afterwards, you became very close friends with all of the JD Characters, they felt like a second family to you, especially whenever you all did fun things together.


Two hours had gone by since the plane had taken off as you were looking at the view through the window while you were seated next to Willy and Hatter; Sam, Gilbert, and John sat in the back while Jack, Sweeney, and Edward sat in the front. "Excited to spend Christmas with us, (y/n)?" Willy asked. "Of course I'm excited to spend Christmas with you guys and I'm excited to give you guys your presents I have picked out for you all. It's nice to get out of town and spend Christmas somewhere else, especially when it's gonna be a white Christmas. That's always the best part." You answered.

"I'm glad we're going somewhere for Christmas. It will be different from Underland." Hatter said, cheerfully and lisping a bit. "There's so much to do while we're there, everyone. We'll cut our own tree down." John said. "And we'll decorate it." Edward added. "That's right, Edward. And we'll sit by the cozy fire." Gilbert said. "We can sing carols." Sweeney suggested. "I'll make my special hot chocolate." Willy said, gleefully. "And I'll whip up some of my special grilled cheese sandwiches." Sam said. "Yeah. Grilled by an iron." John mentioned. "Can we also add rum to the list of things to do?" Jack questioned. "Yes, Jack." You and everyone said, in unison. "This is going to be the best Christmas." You said.

Then, you heard the flight attendant make an announcement over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has informed me that there is blizzard heading in our direction, so we have to make an emergency landing at the nearest airport. We're so sorry for the inconvenience. Please fasten your seatbelts as we make our landing." Once that was announced, everyone, including you and the JD Characters, groaned that the flight was making an emergency landing. It was starting to worry you that the Christmas plans with the JD Characters were gonna change.

"What? An emergency landing? But we can't do that. It's Christmas, people. Nobody can't tell Captain Jack Sparrow what to do." Jack complained. "Jack, fasten your seatbelt." You told him. "Anything for you, love." Jack responded, dimwittedly, and he fastened his seatbelt. After dealing with the turbulence for a couple of minutes, the airplane landed safely on the ground near a small airport. Once it came to a complete halt, you, the JD Characters, and the rest of the passengers gathered up all the luggage and got off the plane, during the blizzard storm, while the flight attendants directed everyone to the small baggage claim area.

As soon as everyone was inside, JD Characters brushed all the snow off, while you helped Edward since he's got scissors for hands. While you were brushing the snow off your outfit, you heard Willy say, "I don't get it. How could this happen? This is ruining our plans." Willy complained. "I agree with you, Willy. This is not what we planned." Sweeney added. "Blizzards are the worst." Hatter said. "Don't worry, you guys. Maybe our flight is temporary delayed for an hour or two." You tried to cheer everyone up. "Yeah. (y/n)'s right. We'll just be hanging out here until they update us on our flight and we won't be stuck here in for a long time." Gilbert said.

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