JD Characters #4

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Imagine the JD Characters 'take care' of someone who treated you horribly.

*Requested by KingdomHeartsplayer*

(This is a Part 2 imagine for JD Characters #4 in my first JD Book. If you haven't read it, go and check it out before you read this story.)

Last night was the worst night of your life. You came home late from your job as a dance instructor, feeling very sore, tired, and dizzy. Your new employer, Amber, was treating you horribly, like making you work harder and vigorously and she recently told you that you needed to lose weight, which lead you to not eat for three days straight. Thankfully, your roommates, the JD Characters, noticed something wasn't right with you and they helped you recover after you collapsed in the kitchen from feeling very dizzy and not eating anything.

Once they also found out about your employer and how she's been treating you and caused you to make a bad decision on your health, they convinced you to leave your job. You chose to leave that studio immediately after what happened with you and you took their advice to open up your own dance studio. While on the other hand, unbeknownst to you, the JD Characters were not gonna let that Amber get away with what she did to you, so they came up with something to get back at her.


It was around eight in the morning as you woke up from your well-deserved sleep after last night's soreness and dizziness. You felt a whole lot better, even though you still felt a little sore, but not as bad as it was before. You got up out of bed, walked out of your bedroom, and went downstairs to meet up with the JD Characters since they're usually up and around at this time.

But when you got downstairs, there was no one in the kitchen or the living room. Every where was completely silent, even you would've heard any of them upstairs in their bedrooms. It was very unusual because it was Friday and some of them would be out at work at their own businesses while the rest worked at home and it was very rare for all of the JD Characters to go out in the morning together. Plus, they promised that they would help you with advertising and come up with ideas for your dance studio today.

You were brewing some coffee while you were thinking about what you wanted for breakfast until you heard the front door open. You looked up and saw all the JD Characters, Jack Sparrow, Sam, Barnabas Collins, Willy Wonka, Ichabod Crane, Mad Hatter, Glen Lantz, Cry-Baby, The Wolf, Sweeney Todd, Mort Rainey, Edward Scissorhands, John Dillinger, and Don Juan DeMarco walking in, as if they were all up to no good. They didn't even notice you standing there.

"Well, good morning, gentlemen." You spoke, which spooked all fourteen gentlemen and they all turned to your direction. "Hey there, (y/n)." Cry-Baby was the first to speak. "Morning, sweetheart." Hatter added, trying to sound innocent. "We didn't see you standing there, darling. You had us completely spooked." Ichabod said. "Well, not all of us." Barnabas denied.

"Anyway, did you sleep well, starshine?" Willy asked. "I did. A little sore, but I'm better than last night." You answered, while you poured some coffee in a mug and made it how you like it. "So, where were you guys?" You asked, before you took a sip while looking at them. They seemed as if they were coming up with an answer. "We had to run an errand." Glen answered. "Really? You guys don't usually run errands together, let alone in the morning. Where did you guys go to?" You asked, when you took another sip of coffee.

They all looked at each other as if they were hesitant to say something. "We shouldn't keep it a secret, gentlemen. We gotta tell her." John said. "Who's gonna tell her?" Mort asked. "I'm not gonna tell her." Sam responded. "Edward, why don't you kindly tell (y/n) where we went to?" Jack asked. "Okay. We went to that dance studio you worked at, (y/n)." Edward responded. You almost choked on your coffee and coughed a little bit after you heard what Edward had mentioned. "You okay there, love?" Sweeney asked. "I'm fine. But why were you guys at the dance studio?" You questioned. The Wolf stepped forward with a sinister smirk on his face before he answered, "We thought that we would pay a little visit to your employer."

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