Johnny Depp #4

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Imagine you won a contest to spend a whole week with Johnny Depp.

*Requested by GrindelwaldSparrow*

(A/N: This imagine is also in honor of Johnny's 61st Birthday {June 9th}!)


It was seven in the morning as you were waking up on a Saturday morning on your day off from work

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It was seven in the morning as you were waking up on a Saturday morning on your day off from work. You didn't set up your alarm clock, but you felt like getting up early for some reason. You got out of bed, exited out of your bedroom quietly so you wouldn't wake up your long time best friend who was also your roommate, Daisy, and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

After you made your coffee, you went back to your bedroom and went over to your desk to check your emails on your laptop. When you got to your inbox, you noticed something on your most recent email. You clicked on it and it read, 'Congratulations, (y/n). You're the winner that has been selected to spend a whole week with Johnny Depp in your hometown.' "Oh, my God." You spoke, quietly. But you double checked to make sure it was legit and sure enough, it was since the announcement was made last night and it was the exact same website that was used for the drawing contest that you entered a month ago.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" You yelled, while you got out of your chair and jumped up and down in excitement. "Daisy!" You yelled, while you took the charging cord out of your laptop before you grabbed it and ran out of your bedroom to go to Daisy's bedroom. When you got there, you got on top of her bed and started jumping up and down on it, while she was still sleeping. "Daisy, wake up! Wake up!" You yelled out. She groaned in her sleep and, then, she grabbed a pillow and put it over her head to cover her ears. "Daisy, get up!" You called out, and yanked the pillow out of her hands and threw it on the floor, making her groan again.

"Daisy!" You hollered. She finally woke up and she looked up at you, tiredly. "(y/n), why'd you wake me up? It's our day off and I wanna sleep in." She whined. "Doesn't matter! Look at this!" You told her, and, then, you sat down next to her and held up the laptop screen so that she could see it. She rubbed her eyes for a moment before she sat up and looked at the email. It took her a moment, but, then, her eyes widened when she realized what it was about. "Oh, my God! (y/n), is this really true?" Daisy asked. "Yes, it is, Daisy!" You answered. "Oh, my God! You're gonna spend a whole week with Johnny!" "I know!" You squealed, and, then, you both screamed in excitement together.

"What are you gonna do with him?" Daisy asked. "I don't know. I haven't planned this. But I'll figure something out when he gets here." You said. Daisy, then, scrolled down and noticed something in the email that you didn't see a little bit ago. "(y/n), look." She said, pointing at the screen. You looked at more of what it said in the email and you noticed the date of when Johnny will arrive in your hometown. "Looks like with your address you submitted with the drawing, he's arriving tomorrow." Daisy stated.

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