JD Characters #3

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Imagine the JD Characters comforting you after you had a traumatic moment.

(A/N: This actually happened to me recently {Feb. 5th} when I was on my way to work and I was crossing the crosswalk on my normal route. The first part of the story is all true of what I experienced while the other part is just an add in for the story. If you want to know more about it, you can always message me.)

It was early in the morning as you were on your way to your job. You got off the bus and walked to your normal route since you don't drive as you have a fear of it. You also had your white umbrella open as it was sprinkling a little bit. You never had any problems with getting to work and you were just minding your business, but also being cautious with your surroundings at the same time.

As you approached the crosswalk, you pressed the button and the pedestrian sign was on and, then, you started walking on the crosswalk with no car in sight. But as you were getting closer to the other side, a Jeep, suddenly, came out of nowhere in the turning lane on corner of the other street and it turned towards your direction. You were immediately frightened by the approaching vehicle as it was close to hitting you. "Stop! Stop!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, as you tried to get away and braced yourself for impact while you were almost feeling the pain where you might get hit.

But, thankfully, the Jeep came to a complete stop, but you still fell backwards on the road, hitting your elbow and bottom and dropping your umbrella in the process. You breathed heavily as you stared at the Jeep headlights in front of you for a moment until you quickly got up and moved to the side to get out of the road, while the driver, who was a mid-30's female, got out of her car to check on you. "Are you okay? I'm sorry. I didn't see you." She asked, as she approached you. "What the heck? You almost hit me!" You yelled, and, then, you started crying, hysterically.

A man in his vehicle, who witnessed the whole incident, pulled over to check to see if you were alright, along with two joggers and another driver. The woman tried to tell the man who witnessed what happened that you tripped, you kept crying hysterically and saying that she almost hit you. The man said that he saw her almost hit you. He immediately gave you his name and phone number in case you needed information about the incident later on.

Since you weren't injured, but you were still in complete shock, the woman, who was feeling guilty for almost hitting you, offered to give you a ride to work, in which you did. After you got in her vehicle, she drove down to where you work. You were feeling a bit angry, but you didn't want to yell, so you asked as calmly as you could, while you were still crying, "Why didn't you see me?" "I couldn't see you because of your dark clothes." She answered. "But I had my umbrella open and it was white and I had the right-of-way and there were streetlights. How could you not see me?" You cried.

As soon as she pulled up in front of your work, she gave you her name and number and offered you money or coffee, but you told her that it wasn't necessary. She, then, drove off. But even after she left, you were still crying as you were still in shock after what happened not too long ago. When your coworkers saw you, they were all completely worried and you told them about the incident. Your supervisor asked you if you wanted to go home, you nodded since you were feeling sick to your stomach and slightly numb due to the shock and stress you were enduring.

Once that was taken care of, you called one of your roommates, Willy Wonka, to come pick you up after you told him what happened. He came to pick you up as fast as he could and he immediately took you home where the two of you lived in a mansion with the rest of your other friends, the JD Characters; Gilbert Grape, Barnabas Collins, Sam, John Dillinger, and Mort Rainey.


About a year ago, you met the JD Characters at the local market when you accidentally ran into their cart. After exchanging apologies to each other, you talked to them for quite a while as you found them rather interesting, especially when they oddly looked similar. When you mentioned that you were moving out of your apartment soon due to the increase in rent, they offered you a room at their mansion. At first, you were skeptical about it, but, then, they told you that they'd let you stay for free and you took up on their offer. After getting to know them, even after you moved in, you and the JD Characters have grown close and they promised to be there for you if you ever caught in a situation.

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