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      "Sophie I think you should reveal your identity," Grady said looking Sophie dead in the eyes with a straight face.

  I bet your wondering how this happened right? Well whether or not you want to hear it I'm telling you.

    "Sophie!" Her teacher barked at her for almost dozing off in class. "See class this is what you are not supposed to do in class." Miss. Galvin seemed to be on Sophie's tail for the last few days and she didn't know why. She was just trying to get a few more minutes of sleep, since she only slept for thirty minutes last night because she was working on editing her new song with Keefe. Today they were going to preform it for the first time.

     "Since Miss Foster decieded that this would be a good time to doze off, why don't you do the problem on the board." Ms. Galvin told Sophie loudly in front of the class, as if Sophie wasn't embarresed enough.

 The board read Graph the slope-line intercept y=2x-5 (0,4). Sophie recalled learning this before "y=mx+b then your supposed to put this there and that there." Sophie thought in her head while doing the problem. 

   "Is the answer six?" Sophie guessed turning slowly to face the witch that is her teacher.

     "Nope! Wrong answer everyone has to do two more pages of homework since somone didn't study." Ms. Galvin yelled at Sophie and the rest of her students. From across the classroom she could see Tam and Linh's sympahtic faces.

   "No way," Someone murmered. 

   "Not again," Mumered the other. They were all disappointed in her, she hung her head down and covered her face with her hair hoping to disappear.

   "Are you okay?" Linh said as she approached Sophie after class. Linh saw Sophie's sad face and had to check up on her before their next class.

    "Same old, same old," Sophie darkly chuckled next to her friend. "But I've been though worse."

  "If you say so," Linh conforted Sophie before running off to her next class.

                                        About an hour and a half before the show

    "Is lord funkyhair running late again?" Tam muttered while Sophie was getting into her mkaeup done. He earned a nice elbow to the ribs from Linh after that snarky commment.

   "Be nice," Linh whisper shouted into Tam's ear once they were out of Sophie's earshot. "She's already nervous no need to remind her what will happen if he doesn't show up on time." Tam rolled his eyes.

   "But if he causes Sophie anymore pain-," Tam started to grumble before a certain someone entered the room.

   "Soph!" Keefe greeted running to her while a grumpy Ro trailed in behind him muttered some not so pleasent words under her breath. 

   "Keefe!" Sophie said jumping up from her chair and running over to him enveoping him in a hug. "I missed you." she added snugglning into his chest. *cue Linh almost dying of Sokeefe cuteness*

  "Are you okay? Your under eye bags are way darker than usual even with the makeup and you seem a little light headed. " Keefe questioned the petite girl.

    "Its ok I just drank some water so I should be ok for the show," Sophie answered a smile on her face trying to hide her light headedness.

                                                            The time of the show

   "Everyone welcome The Moonlark and Keefe Sencen!" The announcer of the show announced as Sophie walked onto the stage with Keefe. They didn't make their relationship public yet, they weren't ready for all the cirizium that would come with it.

  "Hi everyone! Are you ready to have some fun!" Sophie yelled into the crowd. The crowd roared.

   "Well this is our newest song, it's called You Are the Reason!" Keefe called out. But then right as the music hit Sophie started to feel really dizzy like the world was spinning and she was seeing stars. She tried looking at Keefe but it seemed like she was going in slow motion and by the time Keefe was running for her, her head hit the floor and the world went black.

Hey peeps! I updated *huge achievement for me* Thank you so so so much for almost getting me to 40k I seriously cannot believe it! Love ya'll!

~Anna 😈🤟🏻💋

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