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Ahhh I'm going crazy!!! Thank you guys SOOOO much for 161 views!!!! I don't deserve you guys... I really hope you enjoy this chapter!

                 End of school

"Sophie! Guess what! I'm have tickets (do you need tickets for album signing???) for the Moonlark signing today!!!" Linh squealed while they walked out of the school.

    "Cool?!" Sophie said. She was internally screaming because she thought that Linh was on to her identity.

   "Ugh not her again, I'm not sure why you're still obsessed with her," Tam grumbled. At that moment Grady came in the parking lot with his car.

    "Time to go kiddo!" Grady told her as she told Linh and Tam bye. "Today's your big day! Oh and your manager Briella called me to tell you that after your album you have a photo shoot for something I probably can't pronounce."

   "Ugh okay," Sophie groaned. She wanted to chill at home singing songs from her album. "That means Vertina can come over after right?!" Vertina was Sophie's best friend when she was the Moonlark. 

    "Sure honey, why not." Grady agreed. They finally reached the house.

   "Come on Sophie! We only have two hours to get you ready!" Vertina said as she dragged Sophie to her room. "Hurry make your closet do the thing." Sophie went to her closet and pulled up one of the worst high heels that she owns, but it was secretly a switch to open her Moonlark closet. (Okay Hannah Montana fans you know what this is. If you don't know it's a secret closet inside their original closet that has all the dresses, shoes, makeup, etc for their concerts and stuff. Okay now on with the chapter!) 

               Two hours later

   "There you look perfect!" Vertina squealed as she looked at Moonlark. Moonlark was wearing a off the shoulder black dress with a gold necklace around her neck and golden high heels. Also she had natural makeup on.

   "I really do! Thanks a lot Vertina, I don't know what I will do without you," Sophie said as she thanked Vertina. 

    "No problem! It my job!" Vertina joked. "Now hurry up Sandor is waiting for you at the limo. Sandor was Sophie's 6'5 bodyguard who was very buff, but his voice sounded like a squeaky bunny, which Sophie made fun of.

   "Bye Vertina! See you later, so you can get me ready for my photo shoot!" Sophie yelled as she ran out the door to find Sandor leaning against the door of the limo. 

   "Grady and Edaline told me to tell you to do great, and that they're sorry that they could make it. Something about a run over horse or something like that," Sandor squeaked. 

   "Okay let's go!" Sophie said as she got into the car. Even though she had been doing this for three years, the giant crowds still scare her. 

   "We're here." Sandor reported as he opened the car door for Sophie. Instantly as Sophie got out of the car she was greeted with cheering and screaming. 

   "Over here! Look over here Moonlark!" The paparazzi shouted as Sophie made her way to the stadium. When Sophie walked in she was amazed by the way the place has been decorated. There were pictures of her with a microphone, and stacks of CDs with the Moonlark logo it. The cover of Swan Song was Moonlark next to a window staring out into the sunset. It was Sophie's favorite picture so far.

    "Over here Moonlalrk," Sandor instructed. He lead the way for Sophie to a seat next to a table. Sophie was about to sit  down when she hear someone called her.

   "Moonlark! Turn around!" The voice said. Sophie turned around to find the one and only Vacker siblings. Sophie inwardly raged, but plastered on a fake smile.

   "Hi! I'm a huge fan, and my dad got me and my brother V.I.P tickets!" Biana exclaimed. "Please sign my album first." Biana held out her CD case with the CD album in the inside to Sophie. Sophie looked for a pen, but couldn't find one. 

   "Here use this one!" Biana said as she handed Sophie a golden sharpie. 

  "Thanks!" Sophie said as she took the sharpie out of her hand. Sophie signed Moonlark using her signature loopy handwriting.

   "Thank you!" Biana squealed as she took a selfie with her and the Moonlark in. "By the way I love your outfit!"

   "Aww thank you, it one of my favorites," Sophie said. She was mad on the inside but couldn't show it, so she had  to act nice.  

   When Biana and Fitz left Sophie announced, "let the people in!" At that moment tons and tons of people came running in. 

 For the next hours Sophie signed a total of 1,583 CDs, and her hand was hurting a lot. When Sophie was leaving the building she noticed a girl getting pushed back by some of the other girls trying to get to her. At that moment she realized that, the girl was Linh.  Sophie walked though the people to get to Linh. It was easy when you have a 6'5 tall and buff bodyguard.

   "Need help," Sophie said to Linh who was currently in the floor. Linh was to starstruck to answer. When Linh finally shook off the embarrassment, she took the Moonlark's hand to get back up.

   "Hi, I'm Linh!" Linh said flustered. "Would you mind signing this." Linh handed Sophie a CD case. It turns out that Linh never got a chance to get it signed. 

  "Of course!" Sophie exclaimed as she signed it. "Would you like a selfie also?"

   "Of course!" Linh stuttered as she took out her iPhone. After they took the photo Sandor told her that she needed to leave. Sophie quickly said bye and ran to the car leaving poor Linh starstruck. 

    Ahhh!! I'm finally done, and wow does my hand hurt 😂.  1023 words you guys are spoiled 😆.Again thank you guys soo much for over 161 views!!  It means SOO much!! I know this is a lot, but I need advice on how I should introduce Keefe. Any suggestions? Until next time. Stay strong, stay safe! 

    -Anna 😈👌🏻💋

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