I got tagged

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Hi Anna here! (ATLA fans will get this XD I'm so not funny)

Sorry this isn't a new chapter....

I got tagged by @abigailpaffordkira

I can't copy and paste photos so I'm going to type it.

1.) Where do you live now? Texas

2.) Do you have any hobbies? I love to paint! And go to the beach to boggie board!

3.) What's your favorite song? WHY MUST U DO THIS TO ME?! *cries* I love almost all 1D songs! But if I had to choose SOME SONGS it would be Walking in the Wind, AM, Right Now, Ready to Run all by 1D. Some others would be Good 4 You, Happier, Enough for you, Traitor, and Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo. Also ANY song my Louis Tomlinson. Also I'm really feeling Our Song by Anne-Marie and Niall Horan.

4.) What's your home screen background? It's Proverbs 56:3 'When I am afraid I put my trust in you.' 

5.) Do you have any big dreams? To work at NASA and help build the drones that to to Jupiter *the JUNO project*

6.) Did you sleep well last night? Meh 😑 

7.)  How many friends do you have? 4

8.) Do you like math? Nope! (-ish)

9.) What's your favorite subject? If art is a subject then that if not then probably History

10.) Where are you from? Texas

11.) Do you like sports? Yep!

12.) How old are you? I'm 14 years old

13.) What's a great achievement that you've made recently. I made the volleyball team I really wanted to get into, and I'm starting pointe in the fall for ballet.

14.) Do you do sports if so which ones? I do ballet, volleyball and horseback riding

15.) Do you have siblings? Yup! Three

16.) A phrase you'll never forget "Nice kickflip" HUGE inside joke

17.) What's the worst movie sequel ever made? Probably the Marry Poppins 2 I hated it

18.) Do you have a crush? Yup! But trying to forget since he likes someone else *coughs* 

19.) Are you single or taken? *sigh* single, but aren't we all

20.) How tall am I? I'm about 5'5 and 3/4

Welp that's it! Good luck peeps!

@abigailpaffordkira @Red_Sparrow_Queen @bunnies_alwaysrock61 @Book_Girl_09 @perriwinklepops

Sorry if you guys didn't want to get tagged :/


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